Updated June 30, 2024

Welcome to this collection of links from various sources related to developments in the Global Methodist Church. Inclusion of content is not an endorsement. GMC Links is not an official news organ of the GMC.

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The Latest

Post by Good News Methodist Church, Aklan (Philippines) via Facebook. Well done photos of a GMC church in the Philippines celebrating their first anniversary. (Added 6-30-2024)

Matt O’Reilly | Reconstructing Preaching (Reconstructing Methodism Session 9)” via Theology Project. Newly released video from the Reconstructing Methodism Conference in April. (Added 6-30-2024)

Post by Marcel Kakudji via Facebook. [Photos] More images from Bishop Mark Webb’s visit to the Democrat Republic of Congo. (Added 6-29-2024)

Post by Alabama – Emerald Coast Conference (Facebook). [photos] “Our President Pro Tem, Dr Lester Spencer, is currently attending the Convening Annual Conferences of our Covenant Mission Partner, the Democratic Republic of Congo! He had the privilege to preach on Friday morning in Kamina at the first of three Convening Annual Conferences being held in the DRC! At the conclusion of this conference gathering in Kamina, they will fly to Kinsasha in West Congo and then to Kindu in East Congo for the final 2 Annual Conferences. He is traveling with Bishop Mark Webb and the President Pro Tem of the Congo, Dr Kimba Evariste as well as Rev Upendo Likondi, the President Pro Tem of the brand new GMC Provisional Annual Conference in Tanzania!” (Added 6-29-2024)

First Annual Women’s Gathering” via the Mississippi – West Tennessee Conference (Facebook). August 3, 2024 at Lewis Memorial in Calhoun City. (Added 6-29-2024)

Video by R. Scott Griffin (YouTube). A Heartland Conference Presiding Elder plans a meeting in July 20 to establish a GMC presence in the St. Louis area. There is a Google Form in the comments. (Added 6-29-2024)

Global Methodist Church ditches annual clergy appointments” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “The Global Methodist Church, made up mostly of churches that disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church, has steered away from some United Methodist practices such as its annual clergy appointment system.” (Added 6-29-2024)

General Conference Legislative Committees: What Are They and How Are They Formed” by Dianne Burnett via SotheWorldWillKnow.org. “These committees, composed of delegates to the convening General Conference, are designed to ensure comprehensive and diverse representation, reflecting both lay and clergy voices from across our global community.” (Added 6-28-2024)

Post via North Alabama GM Conference (Facebook). [photos] “2024 Conference for the North Alabama Provisional Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church has had an awesome first session this morning. Clergy and laity have gathered to worship, fellowship and pray.” See also videos: Opening Worship, Session Two (General Conference Info, Q&A at 30:00), Session Three. (Added 6-28-2024)

Shoreline Newsletter: June 28, 2024” via Great Lakes GM Conference. The Great Lakes Conference Turns One! Disaster Response Network Being Formed. GM Church Clergy Benefits Transition. Annual Conference Session Photo Album. (Added 6-28-2024)

Post by Marcel Kakudji via Facebook. [Photo of Bishop Webb and other clergy] “OPENING SERVICE OF 1ST SESSION ANNUAL CONFERENCE GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH KAMINA POOL.
512 DELEGATES ALREADY PRESENT” Democratic Republic of Congo. See also here. (Added 6-28-2024)

Why Most Churches Don’t Do Hard Discipleship” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “This is just a few minutes of me reflecting on these questions that actually impact all of our churches. There is a reason why churches are drawn to cheap grace and surface level engagement. It reveals a great lack that I fear can be found in most churches of all denominations.” (Added 6-28-2024)

Post by Nicolas Munongo via Facebook. Details and photos from Bishop Webb’s visit to Congo. (Added 6-28-2024)

Overheard: Petitions related to the mission statement of the GMC are not being accepted because they are not in keeping with the limited scope of the Convening General Conference. The body, however, can decide otherwise. (Added 6-28-2024)

Five Reasons for Hope in the Emerging Global Methodist Church” by Cambron Wright via Substack. “Some observations after the MidSouth Annual Conference of the GMC (and what I want the GMC mission statement to be, if anyone’s asking)” (Added 6-28-2024)

The Aftermath of the United Methodist General Conference with Drew McIntyre | Episode 187” via Church & Main Podcast (YouTube). “Amidst these sweeping changes, we tackle the structural complexities arising from the schism within the United Methodist Church and the inception of the Global Methodist Church. How might the loss of diverse voices and perspectives shape the future of both denominations? Drawing parallels to political divides, we reflect on the potential for new ideological conflicts or, conversely, the possibility for renewed missional focus.” (Added 6-27-2024)

Kevin Watson” by Carolyn Moore via Art of Holiness Podcast. Talking about his newly released book: “Doctrine, Spirit and Discipline: A History of the Wesleyan Traditional in the United States.” (Added 6-27-2024)

ICYMI: “April 18, 2024 Show with Matthew Sichel on ‘The New Global Methodist Church’” via Iron Sharpens Iron Podcast. Interview on the GMC. (Added 6-27-2024)

Voices of Trinity Podcast” via Trinity GM Conference. Episode One: “President Pro Tem, Rev. Jim Welch; Executive Officer, Rev. Jason Burnham; and Chair of the Trinity Conference Strategic Planning Committee, Rev. Drew Essen.” Episode Two (two parts): “Visiting with Dr. Jason Vickers (Parts 1 & 2)” and Episode Three: “Church Planting with Jeff Olive.” (Added 6-27-2024)

Post by Friends of the GMC in Nebraska (Facebook). An August 23-25 event in Lexington, NE, “Lessons from the Wilderness,” will feature Bishop Mark Webb. Registration closes August 13. (Add 6-27-2024)

Video via MidSouth Conference (Facebook). The June 24 Ordination Service with Bishop Jones ordaining and Leah Hidde-Gregory preaching (President, Mid Texas Conference). (Added 6-27-2024)

Video by South Carolina GMC (Facebook). Nice quality video announcing the breakout sessions for “Behold,” the August 8-9 conference. See also E-mail. (Added 6-27-2024)

Post and Post by GMC Qatar. Photos from recent events. (Added 6-27-2024)

Post by GMC Philippines (Facebook). “The Empowering Academy is our official school of ministry to help our pastors fulfill course requirements towards ordination in the Global Methodist Church. The Academy is also open to all clergy and laypersons (including non-GMC) who wish to avail the courses for continuing education, or for deeper learning about the faith.” (Added 6-27-2024)

Post by Northeast GMC Conference. “Join us on Tuesday, July 9th at 6:30 PM for the first Live Q&A with President Pro Tem Steve Taylor as we discuss ‘The Structure and Leadership of the Global Methodist Church and Northeast Conference’.” [zoom link] (Added 6-27-2024)

Should the Church of the Nazarene and the Global Methodist Church merge?” by Rob Prince. “Certainly there are obstacles to a Global Methodist/Nazarene merger. But what better time to discuss such a move than before the Global Methodists church is fully established and when the Church of the Nazarene could use a renewed vision.” (Added 6-26-2024)

Post by Bishop Mark Webb (Facebook). [photos] “Arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Excited to be a part of three gatherings across the country over the next 7 days to officially convene the DRC Provisional Annual Conference. I’m grateful for the leadership of Rev. Kimba Evariste who serves as the president pro tem. I’m joined by Rev. Lester Spencer president pro tem of the Alabama Emerald Coast Provisional Annual Conference, a partner conference with the DRC and Simon Mafunda our coordinator in Africa. Also blessed to spend time with Bishop Subi the Anglican bishop of the Katanga diocese, a great friend of the GMC in the DRC.” (Added 6-26-2024)

Post via GMC (Facebook). Video summarizing Bishop Jones’ and Mary Lou’s 47 day international trip this past spring. (Added 6-26-2024)

A Very Brief History of the Global Methodist Church” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “…In the long run, what initially looked like it would be a rare, orderly and amicable separation of a major Protestant denomination, ended up taking more time than the authors and many supporters of the Protocol intended. Still, thousands of people persevered amidst the challenges of the Covid pandemic, the serial postponements of the UM Church’s General Conference, and the vagaries of their annual conferences’ conditions for exiting the UM Church. Pastors and rank-and-file members in thousands of local churches organized, informed themselves, voted, and sacrificially gave of their time, talent, and resources to build the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 6-26-2024)

GMC President Pro Tem: Jay Therrell, Florida Conference” via City Lights Podcast. “On Today’s episode, I interviewed President Pro Tem of the Florida Conference, Jay Therrell. Jay talked about the passion for saving souls, awakening, and the upcoming convening conference of the Global Methodist Church. My favorite piece was clarity about the legislation concerning Bishops and the future of deployments for clergy.” (Added 6-25-2024)

Kevin Watson: Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline” via Spirit & Truth Podcast. An interview with Kevin Watson on the release of his new history of the Methodist movement in America. (Added 6-25-2024)

Paul Lawler | Reconstructing Our Global Mission (Reconstructing Methodism Session 7)” via Theology Project. Newly released video from the Reconstructing Methodism event in April. (Added 6-25-2024)

A Thirty-Year Look-Back at the Biggest Changes in the American Church” via Church Answers. Thom and Sam Rainer give a shout-out to the GMC in this summary of mega-trends in the U.S. church. “The fastest growing denomination in the world.” (Added 6-25-2024)

Avoiding Structural Stupidity in Post-Schism Methodism” by Drew McIntyre via Firebrand Magazine. “In both the UMC and GMC, should the most extreme voices run the show, the mission of the church could be swallowed up as discipling is confused with ideological formation. In short, without the ballast of opposition, both bodies should be on guard against succumbing to the gravitational pull of their respective sides of the culture wars. The world has no need for forms of Methodism that are simply baptized political action committees masquerading as churches.” (Added 6-25-2024)

Tweet by Drew McIntyre: “My latest @FirebrandMag piece coming out tomorrow will feature insights from @carmenjoyimes and @JonHaidt, raising the question of unity, diversity, and structural stupidity in post-schism Methodism. #umc #gmc” (Added 6-25-2024)

Angela Pleasants | Reconstructing Methodism as a Multi-Ethnic Kingdom Movement (Session 8)” by Theology Project via YouTube. “In this video, Rev. Angela Pleasants draws on her experience working in cross-racial contexts to cast a vision for the Global Methodist Church as a multi-ethnic kingdom movement.” (Added 6-25-2024)

Post via GMC (Facebook). “The Global Methodist Church is seeking an experienced and dynamic Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer to lead and manage the financial and accounting operations of the Church, guiding its financial strategy, planning and maintaining its fiscal stability in a complex, international environment. As a key member of our leadership team, the chosen candidate will play a pivotal role in shaping the mission and ministry of the Church, ensuring financial viability, accountability, and sound, faith-based decision making.” Job Description. Position Link. (Added 6-24-2024)

Overheard: Petitions to the Convening General Conference are now in the hands of the translators and should be available within the next few days. Some 120-130 petitions were eliminated either for signature issues or addressing matters outside the limited scope of the conference. (Added 6-24-2024)

Opening Worship – Annual Conference of MidSouth PAC of the GMC” by MidSouth GMC (Facebook). Sunday night opening worship of the MidSouth Annual Conference, held at Fairview Church in Maryville, TN. (Added 6-24-2024)

2024 Annual Conference Playlist” via Trinity Conference (YouTube). Videos from the 2024 annual conference in Louisiana are being shared here. (Added 6-22-2024)

Powerful Moments at West Plains Annual Conference: A Reflection” by Kevin Watson. “Preaching and teaching at a place like the West Plains Conference is an enormous privilege. It still surprises me to be asked to speak in places like this. I love doing it and it is a blessing to me. Every time, I think, I can’t believe I get to do this! God has been so kind to me and I am thankful.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Tweet by Bob Kaylor: “The Commission on Doctrine, Discipleship, and Just Ministry has submitted a petition to the GC to create a working group for developing a new Book of Worship to be presented to the 2026 GC.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Bill Arnold | Reconstructing Theological Education (Reconstructing Methodism Session 5)” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project (YouTube). “What if education isn’t just information transfer? What if education is really about formation? And what if theological education is ultimately about theological formation? In this video, Dr. Bill Arnold dives in to the theology of theological education and its implications for the formation of clergy and the future health of the church.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Hybrid Episcopal Model via Florida Conference. As described by Walter Fenton: ““Our model dispenses with the need for a nomination and election process prior to and at the convening General Conference,” said the Rev. Jay Therrell, president pro tem of the Florida Provisional Annual Conference and the leader of its delegation to the convening General Conference. “We are aware of the legislation put forward by the TLC and are deeply grateful for its work; we have adopted some of it. However, the bulk of our petition borrows heavily from the Wesleyan Covenant Association’s, Draft Book of Doctrines and Discipline. We felt it was wise to have more than one model to consider and perfect.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Proposed Process Offered for Nominating and Electing Interim Bishops” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “According to the document, until July 15, 2024, the TLC will receive the names of recommended candidates from which it will assemble a list of nominees for the two-year interim bishops positions. To recommend a potential nominee, GM Church members should obtain the permission of the person they are recommending for consideration and then file a biographical sketch not exceeding 500 words for that person.” (Added 6-21-2024)

North Carolina Annual Conference Webpage. Meeting June 20-22 in Winston Salem. Theme: “We Press On.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Trinity Annual Conference Webpage. Meeting June 20-22 in Shreveport, LA. Theme: “Even Greater Things.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Sterling Allen” by Carolyn Moore via Art of Holiness Podcast. “Dr. Sterling Allen currently serves as the Director of Music and Worship Arts at Good Shepherd Global Methodist Church in Cypress, Texas. He holds multiple degrees in music, including Doctor of Worship in liturgics and hymnology from the Webber Institute in Florida. He has sung as an operatic baritone internationally and is a recognized Charles Wesley Scholar specializing in soteriological-lyrical theology. We’re talking to him today about a his latest publication, a hymnal of Charles Wesley hymns.” (Added 6-20-2024)

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?” by Daniel Darling via Christianity Today. “Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.” (Added 6-20-2024)

On Baptism” by Art Collins. A GMC presiding elder gets questions on baptism from churches considering joining and wrote this as an explanation of the GMC positions on infant baptism, re-baptism, etc. See also Part Two. (Added 6-20-2024)

Madeline Carrasco Henners | Reconstructing a Holy Spirit-Driven Movement (Session 4)” via Theology Project (YouTube). Newly released video from April’s Reconstructing Methodism Conference. (Added 6-19-2024)

Tweet by Ryan Danker: “Call me old fashioned, but I’m not a huge fan of modernist takes on Scripture focused on fallibility, errors, or its lack thereof. Give me a bible that’s true, fully inspired, read with saints both quick and dead, and a means of grace to encounter the One of whom it speaks.” Matt O’Reilly pushes back. (Added 6-19-2024)

Post by Art Collins via Facebook. “…At the same time, we are getting a lot of retreads applying with experience in a number of other evangelical denominations. They’ve heard we’re open for business, and we represent an opportunity for them to do their thing in a new environment. But their thing is not new, and it’s not ours. They have no Wesleyan-Arminian theology nor any experience in Methodist churches, and they don’t think they need any of either.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Global Methodist Church Expands with New Conferences in Central Africa, Tanzania, and Panama” by Dianne Burnett via GMC. “The formation of new provisional annual conferences outside the United States is a complex process. A leadership team in a country must initially be identified to lead the effort. Application must be made to the national government to recognize the Global Methodist Church as a religious entity. Recognition can take months.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Andrew Thompson | Reconstructing Ordination (Reconstructing Methodism Session 3)” via Theology Project (YouTube). “In this video, Dr. Andrew Thompson traces the (peculiar) history of ordination in the Methodist tradition and sketches a way forward in our understanding of what it means to be set apart for vocational ministry. Dr. Andrew Thompson is Lead Pastor at Tulsa First Methodist Church in Oklahoma. He is an ordained elder in the Global Methodist Church and the author of The Means of Grace: Traditioned Practice for Today’s World (https://amzn.to/3XsA5FJ).” (Added 6-18-2024)

Should Wesleyans Embrace the Lausanne Covenant?” by Murray Vasser via Firebrand Magazine. Rejoinder to Ken Collins on the use of “inerrant” as a description of Scripture by a Professor of New Testament at Wesley Biblical Seminary. Hopes the GMC will affirm inerrancy and Asbury will join the Evangelical Theological Society. (Added 6-18-2024)

Jason Vickers | Theological Foundations for a New Denomination (Reconstructing Methodism Session 1)” via Theology Project (YouTube). Newly released video from the April event. “If you’re going to build a denomination, it needs to be build on a strong theological foundation. We learned this lesson the hard way in the United Methodist Church, which endeavored to build, not on theological standards, but on a shared method. The ecclesial house built on that foundation has now come down. In this video, Dr. Jason Vickers offers a vision of the Global Methodist Church that is theologically well-founded.” (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by Beverly Maddox via Facebook. Report of the first worship service of Five Rivers Church in Alabama with 175 people present. (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by Albert Maganga via Facebook. “This is one of the GMC in Tanzania we have seen and proceeding to see more miracles of church planting in Tanzania after receiving a provisional conference a few weeks ago. It’s located in Geita region Hallelujah!!!” (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by Tom Newman via Facebook. “Please pray for the NC PAC as we prepare for our Annual Conference next week in Winston Salem. Ask that God’s voice be heard clearly above any and all other competing voices and that we rush to honor and obey God’s calling on our lives, both independently and corporately…” (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by North Carolina Provisional Conference via Facebook. President David Banks called June 16 a day of prayer and fasting for annual conference. (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by North Carolina Prov. Conference via Facebook. “The Inspiring Story of Solid Rock Global Methodist Church by Bryan Huffman. (Added 6-17-2024)

Celebrating Father’s Day with Stories of Fatherly Love in the Bible” by Dianne Burnett, Executive Director of Communications (Facebook). “As we contemplate these stories, let us be inspired to embody these virtues in our own lives. We can nurture our relationships with our children and honor the divine example of fatherly love found in the Scriptures.” (Added 6-17-2024)

Methodist Nature: Holy First, Compassionate Second” by Jeffrey Rickman via Substack. “A modern reclamation of Methodism must insist that care of the poor is an outgrowth, not the foundation, of holiness.” (Added 6-15-2024)

Keith Boyette on What to Expect at the Convening Conference (Reconstructing Methodism)” by Theology Project (YouTube). “Plenty of folks have lots of questions about the Global Methodist Church Convening Conference to be held in Costa Rica in September 24. What will happen? Why is there a limited agenda? How are delegates distributed? Why Costa Rica? Can observers attend? Are there opportunities beyond the business meetings? In this video from the Reconstructing Methodism Conference, Rev. Keith Boyette explains what you can expect from the Convening Conference and answers questions from the audience.” Newly released video from the April 26-27, 2024 event. (Added 6-15-2024)

Bishop Scott Jones | Reconstructing the Office of Bishop (Reconstructing Methodism)” via Theology Project (YouTube). “One of the major reasons the United Methodist Church came apart was dysfunction on the Council of Bishops. If the Global Methodist Church is going to have healthy episcopal oversight, then we’ve got to reconstruct the role of bishops. In this video, Bishop Scott Jones offers a vision of bishops as spiritual leaders and points the way to what increased accountability will look like in the GMC.” References “Questions for Independent Church” Newly released video from the April 26-27, 2024 event. (Added 6-15-2024)

June 14, 2024 Weekly Live Stream” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “This is a time when I consider key developments over the last week in the world and the church, in particular those things impacting the Methodist tradition. Northeast Jurisdiction bars exits, GMC recruiting more clergy. (Added 6-15-2024)

Nominations for General Conference Administrative Committees Due July 22” by Diane Burnett via GMC (E-Mail PDF). “One key element occurs behind the scenes in the work of six administrative committees established by the Plan of Organization and Covenant of our Life Together. These committees are elected by the Transitional Leadership Council and are composed of both clergy and lay delegates from across the Church to reflect its commitment to diverse and representative leadership. Below is an overview of the primary administrative committees and their roles…” (Added 6-14-2024)

Preparing for the GMC General Conference (Part 4)” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “In this section, we finish the portion dealing with how Robert’s Rules of Order is going to be utilized, get into decorum, and wrap this whole segment up. Lots of opportunities for audience feedback on this one. We look forward to seeing what y’all have to say.” (Added 6-14-2024)

West Plain Annual Conference Webpage. June 14-15 at Lake Ridge Methodist Church in Lubbock, TX. (Added 6-13-2024)

Post by Mississippi West Tennessee GM Conference. Ordinand Photo from most recent conference. (Added 6-13-2024)

The Gifts of Wesleyan Theology” by Ryan Danker via Juicy Ecumenism. Wesley said that, “Our main doctrines, which include all the rest, are three—that of repentance, of faith, and of holiness” (The Principles of a Methodist Farther Explained). Later in his ministry he wrote to Robert Carr Brackenbury saying that Christian perfection, or holiness of heart and life, “is the grand depositum which God has lodged with the people called Methodists; and for the sake of propagating this chiefly God appeared to have raised us up.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Creating a Culture of Pastoral Call” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “At this juncture, finding people to serve in the church is a challenging yet exciting opportunity, especially in some geographical regions,” said Bishop Mark Webb, who as a district superintendent and an episcopal leader in the UM Church and now in the GM Church, has worked for decades to find pastors to fill pulpits. “Despite the struggles we face, I’m confident the God who calls the church will continue to equip the church with leaders for the future.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Delegates elected, Deacons and Elders ordained” via Shoreline (Great Lakes Conference Newsletter). This wrap-up of annual conference includes the names of those elected to General Conference and the names of the 44 ordinands. (Added 6-11-2024)

Tethering Christians to the Holy Spirit – A Conversation with Peter Bellini” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Rev. Dr. Peter Bellini is the Professor of Church Renewal & Evangelization at United Theological Seminary, as well as a Global Methodist Elder. He has a broad experience in life, both in the local church and in the academy. He as published a good amount of content on the Holy Spirit. I was encouraged to seek him out by Dr. David Watson, who thought Bellini could help me to figure out a helpful posture towards the growing charismatic influence in Methodism. Bellini didn’t disappoint.” (Added 6-11-2024)

Team Caffeine | June 10, 2024” via People Need Jesus. This subscriber-only e-mail contains some reflections on the new Chief Operating Officer, Inerrancy debate, and international UMC exits. (Added 6-10-2024)

Updated Plan of Organization for General Conference” via GMC. Updated from an earlier version. Source. (Added 6-10-2024)

Opportunities and Challenges for the GMC” via Firebrand Podcast. David Watson, Scott Kisker, and Maggie Ulmer discuss the state of things in the Global Methodist Church. (Added 6-10-2024)

Post by GMC via Facebook. “From these captivating images, it’s evident that the Lord’s presence was felt deeply at the Allegheny West and Heartland Annual Conferences. Grateful for the blessings and spiritual growth that unfolded during this incredible weekend.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Great Lakes GMC YouTube Channel. Includes sessions of the just-completed 2024 annual conference. (Added 6-8-2024)

Predictions About the Future of the Christian Church” via Christianity Today Podcast (YouTube). Russell Moore interviews Ryan Burge about the future of denominations and U.S. Christianity more generally. At about 34:20, he mentions an encouraging visit to Asbury. (Added 6-8-2024)

Post by Bishop Mark Webb (Facebook). “I was blessed to spend the last few days with clergy and laity of the Great Lakes Provisional Conference of the Global Methodist Church. It was a gathering of prayer, passionate worship, spiritual healing, teaching and fellowship filled with laughter and joy. 44 individuals were ordained as deacons and elders of the church. I give thanks for the leadership of Rev. Dr. Scott Pattison, President pro tem, the presiding elders and other conference leaders as they shape a culture that equips congregations to boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action.” (Added 6-8-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church (Facebook). “We’re excited to announce that the Central Republic of Africa Provisional Annual Conference is now part of the Global Methodist Church family! This marks another significant step towards unity and diversity within our global community. Together, we’ll continue to share love, faith, and hope across borders. Stay tuned for more updates as we journey together!” (Added 6-8-2024)

Post by Chad Yoder via Facebook. A denominational skeptic reflects on the Great Lakes annual conference session. (Added 6-8-2024)

Delegate Allocation Worksheet” via GMC. Interesting, too, because it reports the number of congregations and clergy per annual conference. 479 churches added between March 1 and June 1.(Added 6-7-2024)

Additional Delegates Allocated for Convening General Conference” by Dianne Burnett via GMC. “Transitional Leadership Council (TLC) of the Global Methodist Church (GM Church ) has approved a second allocation of 104 delegates to the Convening General Conference being held in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20-26, 2024…” (Added 6-7-2024)

Post via Great Lakes Conference (Facebook). The Great Lakes delegation to the convening General Conference is listed. (Added 6-7-2024)

Post by Andy Miller III via Facebook. “Once again, there is some online chatter about Wesleyans and inerrancy. I am thankful the folks at Firebrand have asked Murray Vasser to respond to an article they published today. Here are two resources people interested in the subject may find helpful. First, I recorded a podcast with WBS faculty last summer on this subject. Second, for a deep dive, see Steve Blakemore’s WTJ article. See specifically his comments on ontology and epistemology.” (Added 6-7-2024)

Preparing for the GMC General Conference (Part 3)” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “In this section, we deal primarily with the procedures we can anticipate being in place, especially some of the particulars around Robert’s Rules and voting. As always, we sorta trip through the material and do a decent job eventually constructing a proper impression. We are pleased with this document and are optimistic about the gathering that it will make possible.” (Added 6-7-2024)

The Bible Is Holy–the inerrancy debate” by Keith Sweat. “Reasonable people disagree as to whether the Convening Conference of the Global Methodist Church should commit to Scripture as infallible and/or inerrant. The arguments give me a headache. You better fasten your seatbelt if your mind is going to take some of those hairpin curves in the debates both pro and con. This is my short and simple appeal to a canonical approach to a Holy Bible.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Post by GMC via Facebook. “Exciting News Alert! We’re thrilled to extend a warm welcome to the Tanzania Provisional Annual Conference as they join the Global Methodist Church family! This expansion marks a beautiful moment of unity and diversity within our community.Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this journey together! #GlobalMethodistChurch #TanzaniaConference #UnityInDiversity” (Added 6-6-2024)

Large Church Leadership in the Global Methodist Church – A Conversation with Rev. Jeremy Smith” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “Jeremy is the Lead Pastor of Crosspoint Church, a multi-site church with 6 campuses across Northwest Florida… In this conversation, I ask Jeremy about the decision to join the Global Methodist Church (GMC) after disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church. We discuss the reasons for joining the GMC, the influence of denominational history, and the importance of accountability and trust.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Annual Conference kicks off with an empowering first day” by Great Lakes Conference via Shoreline Newsletter. A wrap-up of Day One of the Great Lakes Conference’s first regular session. General Conference delegate elections to be held Friday. Videos of presentations by Scott Pattison, Tracee Swank, and Carolyn Moore included. (Added 6-6-2024)

Racial Segregation in Modern Methodism – A Conversation with Ambassador Blango Ross” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “As you folks know, I have wanted the Global Methodist Church to be able to make good on the hopes of so many to become a truly multiethnic, global sign of Christ’s presence and power. Blango, clergy from the UMC’s Baltimore Washington Annual Conference, was willing to help me think through these things, drawing heavily on his decades of experience in ministry and life.” (Added 6-5-2024)

GMC Announces Mike Schafer as New COO” via West Plains Conference GMC. The incoming COO of the GMC shares the back story with the West Plains Conference. (Added 6-5-2024)

Rev. Mike Schafer Selected as GM Church’s First Connectional Operations Officer” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “After an extensive search process, the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council confirmed at its Monday, June 3, 2024, meeting that the Rev. Mike Schafer will serve as the denomination’s first Connectional Operations Officer.” Schafer is President of the West Plains conference and will assume duties after Keith Boyette’s retirement at General Conference. He will have a humbler job description than Boyette. (Added 6-5-2024)

A Polite Challenge to the Collins Article on Inerrancy” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Dr. Ken Collins published a piece on inerrancy today through Firebrand, which I found to be concerning for a number of reasons. Primary among them is how it makes discourse around this important topic more difficult. It is possible for people of good faith to be on both sides of this one. It is important that they understand one another. This is an attempt on my part to read through it and engage, hopefully in a helpful way, with the ideas presented therein.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Advancing Itinerancy: Why (and How) Global Methodism Needs to Reclaim a Moribund Relic” by Jeffrey Rickman via Substack. “The GMC is starting off culturally very similar to the UMC. We want to head in a direction that is more dynamic, more faithful and holy, more effectively engaged with the world. We want to burn hotter, move more nimbly, and do powerful things in the name of Jesus.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Should Wesleyans Embrace a Doctrine of Inerrancy? [Firebrand Big Read]” by Kenneth Collins via Firebrand Magazine. “With the Global Methodist Church planning for its founding conference in September in Costa Rica, many of its members are already thinking through the importance of Scripture for the wide-ranging life of the church…” (Added 6-4-2024)

Post by GMC via Facebook. “Big News: We’re thrilled to announce the addition of the Panama Provisional Annual Conference to the Global Methodist Church family! As we expand our reach and embrace diverse communities, we’re excited to welcome our brothers and sisters from Panama. Together, we’ll continue to spread love, faith, and hope across the globe. Stay tuned for more updates as we journey forward together!” (Added 6-3-2024)

Post by GMC via Facebook: Seeking musicians for the General Conference in Costa Rica. (Added 6-3-2024)

Post by Greg West via Facebook. Link to the Virginia Annual Conference, May 31-June 1, 2024. (Added 6-1-2024)

Shoreline: June 1, 2024” via Great Lakes Conference. Information on “Empowered,” the 2024 annual conference at Indiana Wesleyan University on June 5-7. (Added 6-1-2024)

Video Post by Global Methodist Church (Facebook). Celebrating four months until Costa Rica Convening General Conference. (Added 5-31-2024)

Global Methodist Church Receives 252 Petitions for San Jose Conference” via GMC (Email PDF). “The petitions filed represent a diverse array of voices, with 45 different petitioners contributing to the dialogue. Individual members of the Global Methodist Church have submitted 53 petitions, while local churches have submitted 32 petitions. It’s noteworthy that less than half of the petitions come from the Transition Leadership Council (TLC).” (Added 5-31-2024)

Freemasonry & Secret Societies in the GMC” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Chance Robinson published an article in Firebrand a few weeks ago, outlining his personal history in the Freemasons and his theological clarity that secret societies are at odds with the Christian faith. In this conversation, Chance tells more of his story, and we try to flesh out why exactly secret fraternal organizations are such a threat to the Christian faith. We end in a conversation about idolatry more broadly.” (Added 5-31-2024)

Preparing For The GMC General Conference (Part 2)” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “In this segment, TJ and I report on the petitions we filed and some of the feedback we got. We also get some more details about how the legislative committees are going to work in the months leading up to General Conference. We finally read a good deal of that guiding document for the Convening Conference session, which gives a lot more information about the nuts and bolts of how things will work before and during (and after) the conference session.” (Added 5-30-2024)

Livestream Link via Heartland Conference (YouTube). “Witness Boldy” is the Theme of the conference held in Joplin, MO, May 30-June 1, 2024. (Added 5-30-2024)

Budget Presentation by Rev. Brad Kirk, Chair of the Heartland Committee on Finance” via Heartland Conference (YouTube). Jeffrey Rickman interviews Brad Kirk on the day before the Heartland Conference convenes. (Added 5-30-2024)

The Need for Biblical Inerrancy” by Murray Vasser via World. Assistant professor of New Testament at Wesley Biblical Seminary offers five reasons the GMC should embrace the biblical inerrancy. See also here. (Added 5-30-2024)

Post by Jeff Greenway via Facebook. “Good news! Friends, On Tuesday, the Transitional Leadership Council authorized and approved the beginning of operations of three new provisional annual conferences in the Global Methodist Church: Tanzania Provisional Annual Conference, Central African Republic Provisional Annual Conference, Panama Provisional Annual Conference. In Christ, Keith Boyette, Transitional Connectional Officer.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Podcast #27: The Divided United Methodist Church, Part II” by Paul Thomas via Substack. As promised, below is Part II of “The Divided United Methodist Church,” with a detailed look at the “new thing” God is doing in the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Global Methodist Church Launches “Find-A-Church” Feature on Website” via GMC. “As the general public learns more about the GM Church and, the “Find-A-Church” function simplifies the process for finding a local congregation and strengthens the sense of belonging within the GM Church community.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Find-a-Church Webpage via GMC. A new feature allows users to search for a GMC congregation. (Added 5-29-2024)

Post by Rick Just via Heartland GMC Facebook Page. “Friends, this is an exciting week as we prepare to gather together at Christ’s Community Church in Joplin, Missouri for our second Annual Conference together (May 30 – June 1). It promises to be a wonderful 3 days together filled with worship, times of fellowship, and yes, holy conferencing….” (Added 5-28-2024)

Post by Jeff Greenway via Facebook. [photos] “…Today, I preached my last sermon as the Lead Pastor of the Reynoldsburg Community Church after nearly 18 years of service. Beth and I arrived here beaten, battered, and bruised—and as we transition to serve full-time as the President Pro Tempore of the Allegheny West Global Methodist Church, we are loved, mended and healed. We thank God for this community of faith has been a place of resurrection for us….” (Added 5-28-2024)

A New Dawn: How Young Adults are Awakening the Church” by Kira Calhoun-Wilson and Kendall Hays via Firebrand Magazine. “As we continue to lean into what God is doing in the lives of young adults, we must remember that our young people do not want easy. They are already active in Scripture, and they want more—young people are hungry! As the Church, we must foster the opportunity for leadership and learning through creating welcoming environments, offering relevant and engaging programing outside of Sunday mornings, providing opportunities for both leadership and service, creating spaces for open dialogue, and lastly, fostering mentorship and discipleship relationships.” (Added 5-28-2024)

Land of the Free (Methodists)” by Chris Ritter via PNJ Team Caffeine. Why the Free Methodist Church may become the GMC’s closest denominational sister. (Added 5-28-2024)

Post via Great Lakes Conference. “We are looking forward to our Great Lakes Annual Conference coming up June 5-7, 2024 @ Indiana Wesleyan University Marion, Indiana! Plan to be a part of this powerful time connecting with each other in our new conference.” [LINK] (Added 5-26-2024)

Covenant Methodist Church to merge with The Woodlands Methodist Church” by Drew Essen via Woodlands Online. “The merger comes as part of The Woodlands Methodist Church’s vision for campus and church multiplication. With a track record of successful multisite expansion, including locations in The Woodlands, Woodforest and Montgomery, The Woodlands Methodist Church is in position to extend its reach even further by welcoming Covenant Methodist Church as one of its community-focused campuses.” (Added 5-24-2024)

Conference Superintendents, A Proposed New Office for the Global Methodist Church” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “A general episcopal form of church governance envisions a bishop presiding over several annual conferences, and doing so with the assistance of conference superintendents who, in most cases, will superintend the annual conference where he or she is a member.” (Added 5-24-2024)

John Wesley and Aldersgate, What Happened? with Mark Olson” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast. “May 24, 1738, is a sacred day in Methodist History. It’s the day that John Wesley had his ‘heart warming’ experience on Aldersgate Street. But what happened that day? Was this a moment of sanctification, was it salvation, was it regeneration? How did John Wesley understand this moment? Are moments even that important? Today I am joined by Dr. Mark Olson who has researched this critical event with an exegetical eye.” (Added 5-24-2024)

Post by NC Gary via Facebook. [photos] “Keep watch of your GMC church. This intentional vandalism and fire took place at Bethany Methodist in Winsteadville.” (Added 5-24-2024)

Let It Go: The United Methodist General Conference and the GMC” by Bob Phillips via Illinois Great Rivers WCA Facebook Group. Five things the GMC needs to release in order to move on. (Added 5-23-2024)

Overheard: “Our agreement with MinistrySafe remains unchanged, and I want to reassure you that any recent price increases do not impact our arrangement. In our partnership with MinistrySafe, the Global Methodist Church assumes the cost of the membership fee, while churches are solely responsible for the expenses associated with background checks.” (Added 5-23-2024)

Sign Your Name to Our Petitions!” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken. Eight General Conference petitions and a resolution focus on transparency. (Added 5-22-2024)

Global Methodist Church Joins Forces with MissionInsite: Strengthening Ministry through Strategic Partnership” by Dianne Burnett via GMC. “In a move aimed at bolstering resources and support for its conferences and churches, the Global Methodist Church has announced a strategic partnership with MissionInsite. This alliance will equip provisional annual conferences and local congregations with resources and tools to better understand and serve their communities.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Kerry Wood via Facebook. A North Carolina reserve delegate shares General Conference legislation to remove reference to possible regional conferences. (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Macy Rivera. Fascinating comment thread on a post about open communion. (Added 5-21-2024)

John Wesley on the “grand stumbling-block” to the Church’s Global Mission” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. “In short, for Wesley, the biggest hindrance to the advancement of the gospel is the lack of holiness in the lives of Christians. He believed that if believers consistently embodied Christian virtue expressed in love for God and neighbor, then those among the nations who reviled Christianity would ultimately be persuaded by the evidence on display in the holy lives of Christians.” (Added 5-21-2024)

Post by Matt Sichel via Facebook. “Wesleyan/Methodist justification for the ordination of women is not based on the liberal theology and women’s liberation movement of the 20th Century. It is grounded in solid Biblical exegesis from generations before. It came out of the late 1700s with John Wesley’s licensing of Sarah Crosby, and later, the powerful witness of women in the Holiness and Pentecostal wings of the church. It was the evangelicals of these churches who pushed for the Biblical position of egalitarianism. Some of the most conservative Wesleyan denominations hold tightly orthodox theology, but understand very clearly that women and men have an equal Kingdom role.” (Added 5-20-2024)

Post by Beth Ann Cook via Facebook: [Link to post on the Bulgarian Partnership] “From my friend Leah Hidde Gregory. When people ask about the “Global” in our name this is what I want them to know. Great Lakes Global Methodist Church has a different country for our mission partnership—Ethiopia. But the principles are the same. We are a Matthew 28 church!” (Added 5-19-2024)

Post by GMC. [photos] “Our Western States conference recently wrapped up their convening annual conference. It was truly a special experience for everyone involved. 🎉 Big congrats to this thriving community of believers! 🙌 #WesternStatesConference #AnnualConference” (Added 5-18-2024)

Weekly Live Stream for May 17, 2023” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Discussion of Methodist topics from a traditionalist point of view. Legislation Jeffrey is preparing for the GMC General Conference. (Added 5-17-2024)

Complementarian Rhetoric Revisited: Al Mohler, Methodists, and a Hasty Generalization” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. Answering Mohler’s conclusion that ordaining females is a slippery slope. (Added 5-16-2024)

Global Methodist Church and College Presidents” via Wesleyan Holiness Connection (YouTube). A meeting with GMC Bishops and Presidents of Wesleyan/Arminian Colleges. (Added 5-16-2024)

Tanzania PAC Global Methodist Church” by Perritte Methodist Church (YouTube). “Hear from Rev. Upendo Likondi, upcoming President Pro Tem of the Tanzania Provisional Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Post by Matt Sichel via Facebook: A widely shared post about the GMC for those who are inquiring about bishops, ordination of women, and other features. (Added 5-16-2024)

You Need to Hear This Bishop’s Ordination Message” by Grow and Be Fruitful with Pastor Chris Mullis (YouTube.) North Georgia ordination sermon by Bishop Scott Jones. (Added 5-16-2024)

Post by David Ryu via Friends of the GMC Facebook Group. [photos] “Hi all! I just wanted to introduce myself and share a photo I took. The Korean American Provisional Conference just had their first gathering in Dallas TX and I was finally ordained as a full elder. All glory belongs to God.” See also Post by Will Kim. (Added 5-15-2024)

Global Methodist Church Welcomes Nehemiah Journey as Official Ministry” by Diane Burnett via GMC. “Under the guidance of Rev. Dr. Scott Pattison, President Pro Tempore of the Great Lakes Provisional Conference, and Rev. Jill Jackson-Sears, senior pastor of First Global Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, the Nehemiah Journey proudly announces its transition to an official ministry within the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 5-15-2024)

United Methodist Church Bishops clarify relationship with Global Methodist Church” via UMC Council of Bishops. “Even as we call for this spirit of mutual recognition from the leadership of the Global Methodist Church, we earnestly pray that God will help us to lead The United Methodist Church in working to fulfill Christ’s own prayer that someday, all who believe in Him will live in unity and peace.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Unless the Lord Builds the House: How Redeemed Zoomer Means So Well But Is So Very Very Very Wrong” by Anne Kennedy via Substack. “The Global Conservative Methodists, just like faithful Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Lutherans before them are walking in the way of Jesus.” (Added 5-14-2024)

BR001 The Burge Report: Who Is Attending Church MORE Frequently Now Than in the Past?” via Church Answers (YouTube). Art and Sam Rainer interview Ryan Burge on U.S. religious trends. “Hard religion does better.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Keep It Red: Why the GMC Should Return to a Season of Pentecost” by David Donnan. “Out of all the challenges facing the GMC the liturgical colors might not even crack the top one thousand. Still, let’s keep the red out and remind ourselves about the Holy Spirit, the birth of the church, and this important aspect of the life God is calling us to.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Should The GMC Have Spilt Off From The UMC? | Discussing Christian Retreatism.” via Method Ministries (YouTube). “In this episode, Wes and Lucas discuss if the Global Methodist Church (GMC) should have spilt off from the United Methodist Church (UMC), and the lessons we can learn from this.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Post via North Georgia GM Conference via Facebook [pictures]: “What an amazing Convening North Georgia Annual Conference of the Global Methodist Church! It was such a spirit-filled experience of overwhelming freedom and joy! It was indeed a time of worshiping passionately, loving extravagantly, and witnessing boldly. #northgeorgiagmc” (Added 5-10-2024)

Celebrating Mother’s Day with Biblical Mothers: An Ode to Faith, Love, and Sacrifice” by Diane Burnett via GMC. (Added 5-10-2024)

Post by Luther Oconer via Mega Manila Conference. “Please watch the first part of a panel discussion between Bishop Scott Jones and Rev. Luther Oconer during the Mega Manila PAC Convening Conference in Angeles City on Feb. 17, 2024.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Preparing For The GMC General Conference (Part 1)” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken. The Convening Conference for the Global Methodist Church is approaching. It will do many things similarly to how the UMC does their conferences. However, there will be many differences. The only way to navigate this September is to understand the design that they have made explicit in their “THE CONVENING GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMUNITY: PLAN OF ORGANIZATION AND COVENANT FOR OUR LIFE TOGETHER” document. (Added 5-10-2024)

Asbury Theological Seminary signs MOU with the Global Methodist Church” via Asbury. “Asbury Seminary signs a new church planting partnership with the Global Methodist Church, making it the Seminary’s 15th Global Partner and continuing the Seminary’s long-standing and historic commitment to the renewal of the Wesleyan movement around the world. With this partnership, the two organizations commit themselves to church planting and revitalization as an important, ongoing ministry of the Church.” (Added 5-8-2024)

The Bible and the Merely Methodist Mind” by David Watson via Substack. “The talk I gave was called “Shadowboxing with Modernity: The Bible and the Merely Methodist Mind.” I’ve been wrestling for years with the question of what it means to read the Bible as a Christian in the Methodist tradition.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Post via Good News Methodist Church (Philippines) via Facebook: “We are delighted to share that our very own, Matt Cardano from Mega Manila PAC, has been chosen as the new Communications Specialist for the Global Methodist Church in the United States. This achievement reflects not only Cardano’s gifts but also his commitment to serving our community and advancing God’s mission. Let’s extend our congratulations and rally behind Matt as he takes on this important role.” (Added 5-8-2024)

MaryLou Reece” by Carolyn Moore via Art of Holiness. A conversation with Mary Lou Reece who travels globally with her husband, Bishop Scott Jones, in the growth of Global Methodism. (Added 5-8-2024)

Filipino Provisional Annual Conferences Flourishing in the Global Methodist Church” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “Like all regions beyond the U.S., United Methodist local churches in the Philippines were not allowed to exercise a UM Church provision to disaffiliate from the denomination. Nevertheless, the Mega-Manila conference has eighteen local churches, ten mission churches, and it is currently reviewing the applications for three more. The largest church, St. John Methodist Church in Quezon City, averages over 150 in worship, while smaller congregations in outlying villages average around 40. The local churches in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates face some governmental restrictions when it comes to building churches; they tend to meet in homes or rent venues for church activities.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Next Generation Institutional Hope – A Conversation with Mark Tooley” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “In this conversation, Mark and I talk Wesleyan political theory and try to share an understanding of how contemporary institutions work. Mark explains his political framework of choice, Whiggery, alongside other models of more reactionary conservatism (which I generally adopt). It is a robust discourse, in which a final hope for the Global Methodist Church is offered. I hope this conversation is a blessing to you in the way that it was to me.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Asbury Theological Seminary Names Dr. David J. Gyertson Interim President” via Asbury Theological Seminary. “An ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, Gyertson has a diverse leadership background spanning higher education, publishing, consulting, and ministry. His extensive experience
includes senior positions in pastoral, charitable, and educational environments, both domestically and internationally. Gyertson’s previous presidential tenures at Regent University (Va.), Asbury University (Ky.), and Taylor University (Ind.) underscore his exceptional leadership credentials.” (Added 5-7-2024)

School of Methodism Videos” via John Wesley Institute. Presentations by Ryan Danker, Ken Collins, Joy Moore, Suzanne Nicholson, and Jonathan Powers. See also Mere Methodism Playlist. (Added 5-7-2024)

Service of Ordination” via Emerald Coast Conference via Facebook (video). The May 6 ordination service held at Crosspoint Church. Other ECC highlights here. (Added 5-7-2024)

Tweet via GMC. [pictures] “Here’s a glimpse at the 2024 conferences that met earlier this year. The MS West TN, Florida, and Northeast conferences held their convening conferences and Mid Texas held their second conference. We’ll keep you posted with highlights from the latest gatherings!” (Added 5-6-2024)

Imperative of Wesleyanism in America Today” by Mark Tooley via Juicy Ecumenism. Address at Wesley Biblical Seminary. (Added 5-6-2024)

Post by Steve Wood via Facebook: [Picture] “Today is a glorious and historic day as the first class of Ordinands are consecrated for service in the North Georgia GMC!” (Added 5-4-2024)

Post by Bishop Mark Webb via Facebook. [photos] “Excited to join brothers and sisters of the Western States Provisional Conference of the Global Methodist Church over the next few days. They began their time by choosing to walk through a door to symbolize the promise of God for the gift a new land/season and the commitment to trust the Spirit.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. Launched in 2022 as a conservative alternative to the UMC at a time when many churches were planning to leave the mainline Protestant denomination, the GMC issued a statement Wednesday stating that it “do[es] not have any affiliation with their decisions, nor do we wish to comment or provide commentary on the actions of other religious organizations.” (Added 5-3-2024)

MinistrySafe Partnership Continues to Provide Vital Resources for Global Methodist Churches” by Dianne Burnett via GMC. “By partnering with MinistrySafe, the Global Methodist Church reaffirms its commitment to fostering safe, nurturing environments for all its members,” Rev. Keith Boyette, the Global Methodist Church’s Chief Connectional Officer. “MinistrySafe provides best-in-the-industry resources to assist GM Church annual conferences and local churches with policies vetted by attorneys and training tools to ensure that every employee and volunteer is adequately prepared to maintain the safest environment for the persons to whom we minister.” (Added 5-1-2024)

BODD Updates: The Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline was updated effective April 30, 2024, to amend the following provision of the TBD&D for the reasons stated:

  • Part One (¶¶101-109) was amended to address changes recommended by the Transitional Commission on Discipleship, Doctrine, and Just Ministry.
  • ¶¶ 312, 313, 314, 316, and 321 were amended to enhance the church’s teachings on the sacraments.
  • ¶350.2 was amended to mandate annual conferences to determine the criteria for chartering a new local church.
  • ¶ 403.1 was amended to remove two words in the definition of the Order of Deacons.
  • ¶ 417.6 was amended to place compensation for maternity and paternity leave in the discretion of the local church provided that such a decision is consistent with local law. (Added 5-1-2024)

What Methodism Needs to Be” by Jeffrey Rickman via Substack. Twelve essential features of Methodism proposed. (Added 4-30-2024)

The General Rules: A Preliminary Proposal” by David Watson via Firebrand Magazine. A suggested re-write/update of the General Rules of the United Societies, a doctrinal standards for Methodism. (Added 4-30-2024)

The Global Methodist General Conference: Five Notes of Hope” by Bob Phillips via PeopleNeedJesus.net. “The challenges facing GC2024 are real. Not all the challenges are obvious. No one general conference can bake the perfect cake, even with 250-300 quality chefs in the Costa Rica kitchen. That said, grounds for hope are real and firmly based. The Global Methodist God movement is the real deal. May the GMC embrace this hope as a modern “sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” as the future begins in earnest.” (Added 4-28-2024)

Post by Bishop Mark Webb via Facebook. Pictures and information from his trip to Bulgaria. (Added 4-25-2024)

April 18, 2024 Show with Matthew Sichel on ‘The New Global Methodist Church’” via Iron Sharpens Iron Podcast. Matt wrote: “Last week, I was able to share with Chris Arnzen on his Iron Sharpens Iron radio show all about the Global Methodist Church. While Chris and I come from different theological traditions (he is Reformed Baptist), and I am decidedly Wesleyan-Arminian, it was good to be with him and help him and his viewers understand what conservative, orthodox Methodism looks like, especially in the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 4-24-2024)

Why the Global Methodist Church Needs a Theology of Missions” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. “Well, many in the UMC were committed to theological pluralism, even after that language was removed from the Discipline. And if you are committed to pluralism, you usually aren’t too committed to a mission aimed at teaching the nations obey everything Jesus commanded (cf. Matthew 28:18-20).” (Added 4-22-2024)

The Impending Reality of GMC Bishops – A Conversation with Rev. Christopher Ritter” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “I wanted to speak to Chris because of his proximity to the conversations that are generating this new (or older) understanding of episcopacy that will become a part of the culture of the Global Methodist Church. He also has a great birdseye view of Methodism more broadly. His is an informed perspective.” (Added 4-22-2024)

Will No One Say a Good Word about Committees?” by Art Collins. A word for the GMC: “Hating or neglecting committee work doesn’t get you better product, and we’d all be better off if leaders took more care in figuring out what committees are for and how best to use them.” (Added 4-22-2024)

Petition Portal Open for Upcoming Convening General Conference” via PDF of E-Mail. “The deadline for submission of petitions is close of business on Friday,May 23, 2024. Petitions are to be submitted electronically via the convening conference website or by clicking here.” (Added 5-19-2024)

Post by Bishop Mark Webb. “Glad to be back in Slovakia! Spent first day with Rev Dr Gabi Kopas, president pro tem of the Slovakia Provisional Conference and her husband Samir in Bratislava. Looking forward to several days in Dolny Kubin with clergy and laity of the Global Methodist Church of Slovakia.” (Added 4-19-2024)

Post by Bonface Ghero Wanyama via Facebook. “Rev. Keith Boyette the Chief Connectional Officer of the GMC recently visited the Conference office in Kenya on the sidelines of the Africa Initiative and UMC General Conference meetings in Nairobi.” [photo] (Added 4-18-2024)

Post by Todd Chancey via Facebook. “The MidSouth Global Methodist Church celebrates new churches that have voted to join the Global Methodist Church. We welcome: First Methodist Church Sweetwater, Sweetwater, TN. We welcome Pleasant View Church, Abingdon, VA. And Pastor Dale Gilbert. We Welcome: Fairview Church, Maryville TN. and Pastor Gilbert Harris” (Added 4-18-2024)

2:42 Conference Affirms Hopeful Future of the GMC” by Diane Burnett via GMC. “The idea for the 2:42 Conference originated with Bishops Jones and Webb, and it was organized by a planning team consisting of mainly young clergy from several local churches. The GM Church wishes to express its gratitude to the members of the planning team and the generous donors who made the event possible. It also invites the whole Church to pray for young clergy and seminary students as they continue to grow and serve.” (Added 4-17-2024)

Post by Jay Hanson via South Georgia GMC (YouTube). The challenges of South Georgia being on the only conference that does not require conference-level connectional giving. (Added 4-17-2024)

Stronger Men?” by David Watson via Substack. “Is this what the end of Western Christianity looks like? Is Jesus just not interesting enough for us anymore? Have our spiritual senses been so dulled by television and movies and smartphones that Jesus has to jump across Snake River in the Skycycle X-2 to for us to notice him?” (Added 4-17-2024)

Post via West Virginia GMC. Presiding Elder Daniel Fulton will be travelling throughout West Virginia on a “Who Is the GMC?” Tour. (Added 4-17-2024)

Post by Joshua Johnson via Facebook. Shows the district map for the Great Lakes Conference and celebrates that growth in Michigan warrants two new districts. (Added 4-17-2024)

How a Small Evangelical Seminary in Defying the Odds” by Clayton Sidenbender via Religion Unplugged. “There are three factors the WBS administration thinks made the enrollment increase. One factor is the establishment of the Global Methodist Church. The GMC was established on May 1, 2022, as a more theologically conservative alternative to the United Methodist Church (UMC). One of the primary reasons for the spilt in the UMC was over issues involving sexuality.” (Added 4-17-2024)

Is Itineracy Dead?” by Cambron Wright via Substack. “I think that there are good arguments for and against an itinerant system, but there is no good argument for an unclear system. How are clergy to be vetted, empowered, deployed, hired, and fired in the GMC? It’s no sin for a local church to want to be able to have hiring power for who their pastor will be: the question the GMC needs to answer is, well, will they or won’t they?” (Added 4-16-2024)

A Future with Hope: Reflections on the Recent GMC Conference for Young Leaders” by Matt Reynolds via Firebrand Magazine. “I do not know what all is in store for the Global Methodist Church, but I know that if the spiritual DNA of this new movement is anything like what I experienced this past week at the 2:42 Conference we have much to be excited about.” (Added 4-16-2024)

Post by Matthew Sichel via Facebook. “One of the blessings of the Global Methodist Church is that we have removed the old “caste” system of clergy we knew in our former denomination. There are no “Licensed Local Pastors,” in this new movement. If you have completed your education, whether Course of Study, or Seminary, and you have the ministry call and experience, we recognize God’s call for you to be ordained an Elder.” (Added 4-16-2024)

Post by GMC via Facebook. [Picture of Northeast Conference ordinands] “…Their ordinations, and the others taking place across the world, represent a new chapter in the history of the Global Methodist Church and are true testament of the unwavering faith and dedication to the future of our church.” (Added 4-16-2024)

Overheard: There are many encouraging social media posts from the Northeast Provisional Conference convening event. See here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord?” by Lisa Beavers via Heartland GMC Conference. As the pastor of a Global Methodist Church that was planted just a little over a year ago, I have been blown away by the goodness of God. Our rallying cry as a church has been from Genesis 18:14, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” And let me tell you, the answer to that question is an emphatic, “NO!” (Added 4-15-2024)

Willow View Church sees more freedom with Global Methodist Church” by Tanner Holubar via Enid News and Eagle (OK). “So this last year, we had the opportunity to tithe over $10,000 back into Enid, such as Shepherd’s Cupboard Food Ministry, Hope Outreach and several other local ministries that we could bless as well.” (Added 4-15-2024)

Guidestone Account Setup Due April 15th” via GMC. Church administrators have until April 15 to set up their online account with GuideStone in order to avoid delays in benefits for their pastors. (Added 4-13-2024)

School of Methodism Session Three: Ethics” by Joy Moore via Juicy Ecumenism. Below is the third session, Theology. Dr. Joy Moore, Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary brought a message on the ethics of the Wesleyan movement. (Added 4-13-2024)

Northeast Convening Conference” via Facebook video. You can watch the livestream from the April 11-13, 2024 convening conference at Christian Life Assembly, Camp Hill, PA. (Added 4-12-2024)

GuideStone Health Plans” via GMC Benefits. Health coverage plans and prices. Also notice of an April 18 GuideStone Transition Webinar. (Added 4-11-2024)

School of Methodism 2024 Playlist via John Wesley Institute (YouTube). Five teaching sessions from the recent School of Methodism: Ryan Danker, Ken Collins, Joy Moore, Suzanne Nicholson, and Jonathan Powers. (Added 4-11-2024)

Tweet by Matt Reynolds: “So grateful for this time with young leaders in the Global Methodist Church! God has been so faithful in our time. Lots of prayer and worship, seeking God’s face together, moments of surrender, teaching, fellowship, and more… When we make a little space God always shows up.” (Added 4-10-2024)

Just Dropped: Big Recommendations on the Future Shape of the Global Methodist Church” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.net. An analysis of proposals issued on April 10 by the Transitional Leadership Council of the GMC. (Added 4-10-2024)

GM Church’s Transitional Leadership Council Offers Proposals on the Nature of the Episcopacy” by Walter Fenton via GMC. Key recommendations released on the Episcopacy in the Global Methodist Church. (Added 4-10-2024)

The Crucial Thread of Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan Perspective on Divine Drawing” by Adam Roe via Firebrand. GMC Elder: “Prevenient grace is thus a foundational, indispensable thread that holds together the Wesleyan-Arminian theological tapestry. It is a significant source of our unbridled optimism that we can see God’s work within everyone we meet. It tells the story of a God who, through Christ’s cross, universally draws all people through a transformative New Covenant grace.” (Added 4-9-2024)

God Bless the USA Bible Calmly Considered” by David Watson via Firebrand. “The Bible, however, is an entirely different kettle of fish than any of these. It’s a different kind of document altogether. I’ll mention three significant ways in which the Bible differs from the other documents in the God Bless the USA Bible. For Christians, the Bible is canonical, revelatory, and holy. These other documents are not.” (Added 4-9-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook. [Photo] “Opening worship at the Acts 2:42 Conference for young clergy of the GMC. The Spirit is here!” (Added 4-9-2024)

GuideStone Health Plans for the GMC” via PDF. Hot off the presses: This handout was provided by GuideStone Reps visiting the Great Lakes Conference. It describes healthcare plans and prices for the GMC. A higher quality color version will soon be available. (Added 4-8-2024)

Convening General Conference Update” via Global Methodist Church. “With the highly anticipated convening General Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, rapidly approaching, the Global Methodist Church is delighted to announce the launch of the convening  General Conference website.” (Added 4-8-2024)

Overheard: The Great Lakes Conference hosted, “Activate,” its first conference-wide clergy gathering in Champaign, IL at New Horizon Church. The preliminary shape of the 18 districts were discussed. Posts from participants can be found here and here. (Added 4-8-2024)

Post by Brooksville Methodist (FL) on Facebook. “Brooksville Methodist has officially joined the Global Methodist Church denomination! Join us on April 21 for a special celebration! Rev. Jay Therrell, president of the GMC Florida Conference, will be joining us and lead a special blessing to mark this exciting transition.” (Added 4-8-2024)

GC Delegates Elected” via Trinity Conference. 26 delegates plus alternates were elected. (Added 4-8-2024)

How Not to Do It and How to Do It: Social Witness and the Church” by Bob Phillips via PeopleNeedJesus.net. UMC advocacy for ceasefire in Gaza offers lessons on how The Global Methodist Church should and should not present their social witness. (Added 4-6-2024)

Overheard: The West Plains Conference will hold an online annual conference session on April 14 to elected General Conference delegates. (Added 4-6-2024)

Ryan Danker” by Carolyn Moore via Art of Holiness. An interview with a Wesley Scholar. (Added 4-4-2024)

“So the World Will Know” Global Methodist Church General Conference Website. The official site of the September 20-26 convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church. Petition submission feature included. (Added 4-4-2024)

Celebrating God’s Call to Lead” by Erik Grayson via GMC. “When I’ve had my leadership questioned because of my age, I’m usually reminded that there are things I don’t know how to do. I acknowledge that I may not have the same level of leadership and life experiences as others, and that is perfectly acceptable. Inexperience should not be a source of shame if we use it wisely. In fact, it can be a blessing in disguise, allowing us to develop a humble reliance on God, who calls the unqualified and whose strength is most evident in our weaknesses.” (Added 4-3-2024)

General Conference 2024: Possibilities and Peril” by Bob Phillips via PeopleNeedJesus.org. Cautionary notes for both the UMC and GMC General Conferences happening this year. (Added 4-2-2024)

Once Saved Always Saved? A Documentary Film – Full Movie 4k” via YouTube. “The film “Once Saved, Always Saved?” is a thought-provoking documentary that examines the controversial doctrine of eternal security in Christianity. Through interviews with scholars, theologians, and religious leaders, the film delves into the historical origins and biblical arguments for and against the belief that once a person is saved, their salvation cannot be lost.” (Added 4-2-2024)

Methodist Retreat, British & American” by Mark Tooley via Juicy Ecumenism. “In America the impact of Methodist implosion is exponentially greater. British Methodism was always important but a smaller minority. Methodism was America’s biggest church for much of the 19th century and the largest Protestant denomination for most of the 20th century. Methodist groups like Methodist Women and the Epworth League for youth, which later became Methodist Youth Fellowship, not to mention Sunday schools and men’s groups, molded and socialized millions of Americans.” (Added 4-2-2024)

Tweet via Global Methodist Church: “We are overjoyed to announce the North Georgia Provisional Annual Conference officially embarks on their journey today! Let’s extend a warm welcome to North GA as they join our GMC family. Visit http://ngagmc.org to connect with regional leaders, locate churches, and more!” (Added 4-2-2024)

Friends, We Don’t Build the Kingdom – A Conversation With David Watson” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “The conversation ranged from all kinds of topics, from Christian Nationalism, to Charlie Kirk, to Donal Trump, to Greg Locke, Modernism, Social Justice, The United Methodist Church, and, you know, the Day of the Lord.” (Added 4-2-2024)

Five More Months – A Conversation with Keith Boyette” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “Keith was gracious to accept an invitation to speak with me about the job he has done, the legacy he hopes will sustain, and his plans for the near future. This will give many folks a better understanding of how and why it is that the GMC has been structured the way that it has, what values have been balanced in the formation of this new covenant body, and what we might anticipate in the coming months as we prepare for the coming conference.” (Added 4-1-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook. Conclusion of a 47 day trip to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East on behalf of the GMC. (Added 4-1-2024)

Texas Panhandle Fires: Global Methodist Churches Need Your Help” via Crossroads Newsletter (GMC). “The West Plains President Pro Tempore, Mike Schafer, has a message on how we can continue to assist our Global Methodist churches in the affected communities.” (Added 3-27-2024)

New Journey Global Methodist Church confirmed 300 members into the church on Sunday, March 24, 2024” by Hannah Bridge via Starkville Daily News (MS). “Starkville’s FUMC decided to stay with the United Methodist Church, so some members then started New Journey as a new Global United Methodist Church.” (Added 3-26-2024)

Tweet by Keith McIlwain: “Here is @ritterchris discussing Scriptural Authority & the #GMChurch
(with some interesting links from some other top minds)” (Added 3-25-2024)

Mere Methodism: Recapturing the Riches of Our Tradition” by Ryan Danker via Juicy Ecumenism. “Beginning on Thursday evening, April 4th and concluding mid-day on Saturday, April 6th, we will hear from world-class scholars who will present on different subjects ranging from the sacraments in the Christian life, the Wesleyan approach to scripture, the impact of the English Christian tradition on John Wesley, the gifts that the Holiness Movement offers the future of Methodism, and so much more.” (Added 3-25-2024)

What the church has believed, taught and confessed” by Timothy Tennent. “The reason these creeds continue to be confessed is that they represent a major link of continuity between all churches, across all denominations, across all time, and around the world. We live in a time when diversity and “options” are all the rage… We are in a period of rebuilding and reclaiming historic Christianity in the life of the church today.” (Added 3-23-2024)

The Legacy of Methodist Bishops (Part Three): Spiritual Leadership” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.net. The spiritual leadership of early Methodist bishops is described as the GMC awaits decisions on the role and selection process for its own bishops. (Added 3-22-2024)

Post by Mary Lou Reece via Facebook. “Had two days of launch celebration for Ethiopia District of Kenya Ethiopia conference which included Holy Spirit infused worship, much teaching, and extravagant hospitality! It was wonderful! It’s such a privilege to witness God on the move around the world!” See also here, here, here, and here. (Added 3-22-2023)

Short Takes on Hot Topics: Helena Titus” via WCA Podcast via Substack. “WCA President Scott Field interviews the Pastor of First Global Methodist Church in Los Angeles, on her experience in the UMC, and her unique in-person and online ministry.” (Added 3-21-2024)

Prayer Conference – Come Up Higher” via Trinity Conference. “This is a non-conference event. The Woodlands Methodist Church presents Prayer Conference – Come Up Higher with Rev. Jordan Wilson on Saturday, April 27th in the Harvest Worship Center from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. The cost is $40 per person with lunch included.” (Added 3-21-2024)

Get Registered for Annual Conference” via Trinity GM Conference. “We have been working hard to plan and prepare for a Spirit-filled time at First Methodist Church Shreveport, June 20-22… Don’t forget our Zoom gathering on Saturday April 6, to elect clergy and lay delegates to General Conference!” (Added 3-21-2024)

Connectional Operations Officer Position Description” via GMC. “The Global Methodist Church is seeking an experienced and dynamic Connectional Operations Officer (COO) to serve as the denomination’s chief operations officer bearing responsibility for the accountable functioning of the connectional council, general commissions, and task forces as they work to fulfill the General Conference’s missional mandates between its conferences. Working in partnership with the Church’s Assembly of Bishops, its connectional council, and its executive staff members, the COO will oversee the operations of the general Church.” See related Social Media Post. (Added 3-21-2024)

Boyette Announces Retirement” by Walter Fenton via GMC.“ The new position will include aspects of the office Keith filled,” said Nicklas. “but I think the differences will be greater than the similarities. Our times demanded a position with a great deal of power and the latitude to exercise it. The GM Church was blessed to have a humble and faithful servant like Keith to fill that critical role.”(Added 3-19-2024)

Are Hierarchies Useful to the Whole Church?” via The Whole Church Podcast (YouTube). With the discussion over episcopacy in the GMC, this is a general conversation on the role of bishops in the whole church. This episode includes interviews with Dr Russell Moore of Christianity Today, Rev Steve Lanclos of the Anglican tradition, Pastor Will Rose of the Lutheran tradition, Pastor Gary Adkins of the Pentecostal tradition, Rev Keno Cannady of the AME Zion Church, Joe Dea of the home church and host of Buddy Walk with Jesus, Professor Chris Moreland of the Catholic tradition, Sister Rose of the Catholic tradition, Kelly O’Sullivan of the Anglican Church, and Father Jonathan Resmini of the Orthodox tradition.(Added 3-19-2024)

Post by Bill Barkley via Facebook. Shares the General Conference delegates from Allegheny West. (Added 3-18-2024)

Are the Global Methodists Evangelical?” by Daniel Silliman via Christianity Today. “Here’s why the new denomination may or may not fit the label.” PDF (Added 3-18-2024)

Global Methodists Want to Check Bishops” by Daniel Silliman via Christianity Today. “Ahead of the first general conference, the new denomination is weighing possible limits on leaders.” PDF (Added 3-18-2024)

Judicial Administration – Transitional Book of Doctrines & Discipline – Episode 22” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “This week we end part 8, the judicial administration, of the GMC Transitional Book of Doctrine & Discipline. The majority of the discussion concerned the Connectional Council on Appeals, the highest judicial body of the Global Methodist Church and how it operates.” (Added 3-18-2024)

Global Methodist Church – Kenya Provisional Conference Facebook Group. A new African provisional conference has a Facebook presence. (Added 3-18-2024)

Post by Robert Barnes via Facebook. “I have a genuine concern that the Global Methodist Church will be underfunded and administratively too lean. That said, we are coming out of top-heavy organization that has soured many on supporting conference and denominational structures through apportionments. I don’t know the answer, but let us pray for wisdom and balance.” (Added 3-18-2024)

John Wesley’s Scriptural Christianity” by Robert Mayo (PDF). A PNJ Exclusive. Summarizes John Wesley’s view of Scripture. (Added 3-15-2024)

Scriptural Authority and the Global Methodist Church” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.net. Extended context and a reading list for the good conversation happening currently in the Global Methodist Church on the authority of Scripture as a criterion for belief. (Added 3-15-2024)

Redaction Criticism (Of Charlie Kirk)” by David Watson via Substack. “No doubt he would shudder at being tarred with the same brush as the progressives he so despises. He nevertheless has nothing to say that precedes or transcends the concepts of politics and power.” (Added 3-15-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook. “We have launched another GMC conference— GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH – KENYA PROVISIONAL CONFERENCE. Like others we spent a lot of time teaching and worshipping. I was able to teach GMC doctrine and polity. The lay session did the same thing. Leaders fielded lots of questions from both groups.” [Photos] (Added 3-14-2024)

Post by Mary Lou Reece. “Yesterday was a wonderful day of launch of the Kenya Ethiopia Annual conference!! As I’ve begun to just expect, the power of the Holy Spirit was overwhelmingly present!
A great celebration ensued!…” (Added 3-13-2024)

Constitution for the Global Methodist Church Recommended to Convening General Conference” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “This past Monday, the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council voted to propose a constitution to the denomination’s convening General Conference, scheduled to meet in San Jose, Costa Rica, September 20-26, 2024.” (Added 3-13-2024)

Bishop Scott Jones’ Kenyan goat” by Bishop Scott Jones via YouTube. “After dedicating a new church building and preaching at the Global Methodist Church in the Kakuma, Kenya refugee camp, I was given the gift of a goat. My first ever!” (Added 3-12-2024)

The Role and Place for Theologians and the Academy in the Next Methodism” by Ryan Barnett via Firebrand Magazine. “or almost twenty years, I was either on the national board of directors for the Confessing Movement, Good News, or the WCA. That made me a bit of a pariah among my mainstream ministry peers. While I don’t know for sure, I think I have an inkling of how our faithful academics are being looked upon by mainstream faculty peers as they make their way into the Global Methodist Church. I applaud your courage and your conviction.” (Added 3-12-2024)

Songs of the Faithful: The Wesleyan Hymns as Border for the People Called Methodists” by Isaac Hopper via WesleyScholar.com. “The Wesley’s understood that the songs Christians sing are important. The Wesleyan hymnody held a special place in the doctrinal and practical formation of early Methodists. The hymns served to establish guidelines for doctrinal understanding, set expectations for common Christian experience, and gave expression to the faithful witness of the Church.” (Added 3-11-2024)

Post by Warren Lathem via Facebook. Information on Venezuela Now, an approved GMC mission partner. (Added 3-11-2024)

Of Mullets and Methocostals” by David Watson via Substack. “…to the extent that we talk about prophecy, we should also talk about discernment. No matter how convincing the speech, no matter how passionate the delivery, no matter how exquisite the mullet, there is only one criterion of prophetic speech: Is this a message from God? If so, I want to know. If not, I’ll stick with my magic 8-ball.” (Added 3-11-2024)

Post by Keith McIlwain via Facebook. “The Governmental Theory of the Atonement – argued by Wesleyan (Nazarene) theologian J. Kenneth Grider & drawn from Wesleyan (Methodist) theologian John Miley (a great Methodist of the 19th century)…Grider argues (as Miley did) that this is the proper view for Arminians such as Methodists. Worth a look.” (Added 3-11-2024)

Post by Lewis Smith via Facebook. Update on a Greenville, South Carolina church plant following a close disaffiliation vote. (Added 3-11-2024)

Post by Richard Ramos II via Facebook. “Is this the start of the revival of disaffiliation toward HOLINESS in the Philippines? The Saint John UMC in Quezon City, Philippines, declared SECESSION from the United Methodist Church yesterday. This is the second local church that seceded from the UMC…” (document images included in post] (Added 3-11-2024)

Post by Richard Ramos II via Facebook. Shares a 12-minute video featuring highlights of Bishop Scott Jones visit to Asia. (Added 3-11-2024)

GM Church General Conference Delegates Allocated to Provisional Annual Conferences and Districts” by Dianne Burnett via GMC. “A second allocation of delegates will be announced shortly after June 1, 2024, to ensure fair representation for new provisional annual conferences or districts that join the GM Church between March and June.” (Added 3-9-2024)

Racial Preference, Affinity Groups, & Hypocrisy” by Jeffrey Rickman via Substack. RIckman is critical of the GMC planning a Korean U.S. Conference. (Added 3-9-2024)

Short Takes on Hot Topics: Methodism in the Philippines” via WCA. “Rev. Scott Field interviews Dr. Luther Oconer on the history and perspectives of Methodism in the Philippines, including a discussion on the proposed Christmas Covenant.” (Added 3-9-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church – Provisional Annual Conference (Facebook). Bishop Scott Jones leading and organizing event for the GMC in Kenya. (Added 3-9-2024)

Global Methodists Run Toward Renewal” by Daniel Silliman via Christianity Today. “The traditional Methodist approach to the Bible is literalist, according to Nicholson, but that doesn’t mean Wesley or other early Methodists like Peter Cartwright and Francis Asbury read everything literally. Instead, they accepted the plain meaning of the text, which involves an assessment of the genre of writing, the literary and historical contexts, and the larger story of Scripture, moving from original sin to justification by faith, new birth, and inward and outward holiness.” (Added 3-9-2024)

Wesleyan Baptism: Sacramental and Evangelical [Firebrand Big Read]” by Pete Bellini via Firebrand. “In a Wesleyan theology of baptism, it is essential that the sacrament is understood in catechesis and praxis as water and Spirit because it is the Spirit that vivifies the sacrament for God’s restorative mission, which is a new creation transformed in the image of God in Christ. The ancient liturgy of the church reminds us of the apostolic practice of water baptism and the laying on of hands (with oil) for the anointing of the Spirit, a true Spirit baptism (Acts 2:38). I believe that a sound and thorough catechesis in Methodist baptismal theology and liturgy could ignite a renewal of the Spirit in our sacramental life.” (Added 3-5-2024)

Post via North Carolina Provision Conference (Facebook). “The NC GMC (Missions area), in partnership with One Mission Society, has scheduled regional workshops around the state. Our hope is that you will plan to bring a team from your church if it is within a 90-minute drive from your church, or sign up to become a host church (read below) if one isn’t close to you.” (Added 3-2-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook). The Asian tour by Bishop Scott Jones and his wife, Mary Lou Reece, continues in Abu Dhabi among Filipino Methodists there. (Added 3-2-2024)

Video via Philippines GMC (Facebook). Recent baptisms by Bishop Scott Jones in Qatar. (Added 2-29-2024)

Should Women be Pastors?” by Jay Therrell via Florida Conference GMC. “The Florida Conference of the Global Methodist Church has amazingly gifted women among its clergy ranks. I am humbled to watch their dedication, love, leadership, and preaching.” (Added 3-1-2024)

Post by John Beyers via Facebook. On the North Georgia Convening Conference: “Can’t wait! I am honored to chair the North Georgia Provisional Annual Conference Planning and Agenda Committee supported by a great team of servant leaders. We are seeking after a great revival of holiness of heart and life for the historic, orthodox, evangelical Methodist movement in North Georgia and around the globe!” (Added 2-29-2024)

Post by Mary Lou Reece via Facebook. “A wonderful spirit filled service of worship last night with the sweet people of Qatar Global Methodist Church! Scott Jameson Jones got to baptize 9 new Christians, we heard powerful preaching by Pastor Jerome Enerva and they let me witness to the power of the Holy Spirit moving in their midst! We are beyond blessed!” (Added 2-29-2024)

Post by Daniel Blaylock via Friends of the GMC Facebook Group. One of several posts weighing in on the Methodist approach to eternal security (perseverance of the saints). (Added 2-29-2024)

Critical Document Released for the GM Church’s Convening General Conference” by Walter Fenton via GMC. The Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council has announced the release of a document setting forth a plan of organization and covenants for the new Church’s convening General Conference, So the World Will Know. The 15-page document, officially entitled “The Convening General Conference: Plan of Organization and Covenant for Our Life Together,” covers everything from the nomination and election of delegates, the development of the conference’s daily agenda, and the conduct expected from all participants during the proceedings. (2-28-2024)

Doing Apologetics as Methodists – A Conversation with Robert Worthington” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Robert Worthington.. winsomely presented the gospel, as well as how to advance the cause of Christ against our many cultured despisers. He has personal experience engaging in the sort of interfaith dialogue that is required in our pluralistic society. He is also patient in his demeanor, which is important when dealing with hardheaded people like me.” (Added 2-28-2024)

Tweet by Matt O’Reilly: “What will theological education look like in the Global Methodist Church? Dr. Bill Arnold will be at Reconstructing Methodism to shepherd us through this and other crucial questions. Use DISCOUNT20 for $20 off current registration rates: http://reconstructingmethodism.com” (Added 2-28-2024)

Evangelism & Church Growth in Methodism – A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Warren Lathem” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “His last pastoral appointment was to the Mount Pisgah UM Church which he served for over 17 years. During his tenure, it grew from 75 in worship to an average of 3,000, the fourth largest UMC (based on average attendance) in the U.S. More importantly, during those years over 60% of the 5000 new members (net) who joined were by Profession of Faith. He has always been committed to reaching the unchurched with the Good News of Jesus Christ.” (Added 2-28-2024)

Northeast GMC Convening Conference Invite” by Steve Taylor via YouTube. “Join us for the Northeast GMC Convening Annual Conference, April 11-13, 2024 at Christian Life Assembly Church in Camp Hill, PA. Registration information is at http://www.northeastgmc.org.” (Added 2-27-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines. “JUST IN: Bishop Scott Jones and his wife, Mary Lou Reece, have arrived in Doha to commemorate the first anniversary of the Global Methodist Church in Qatar.” (Added 2-27-2024)

Resurrecting Wesleyan Evangelism: The Necessity of Field Preaching Today” by Matt Reynolds via FireBrand Magazine. “…we are no less called to evangelism than were Methodists in the 1700s.” (Added 2-27-2024)

Post via South Georgia GMC (Facebook). “As the kids (and chaperones) return from the first SGAGMC Confirmation Retreat at Epworth By The Sea, we pray that the amazing grace of God will continue to work in the lives of these wonderful children and grow the seeds planted here!…” (Added 2-26-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook): “Friends in Qatar area, please join us for the 1st Church Founding Anniversary of GMC-Qatar with Bishop Scott Jameson Jones, MaryLou Reece, Ptr. Luther Oconer, Ptr. Brad Mackenzie and Ptr. Dave Sablan!” (Added 2-25-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook). “LOOK: Incredible start of the Covenant Philippines Provisional Annual Conference Special Session in the northern Philippines, which was emphasized by the leadership of Bishop Scott Jameson Jones in leading us through Holy Communion and giving a powerful message on the first day of CPPAC.” (Added 2-25-2024)

The Legacy of Methodist Bishops, Part Two: Negotiating Episcopal Power” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.org. The second installment of a historical review of episcopacy in Methodism aimed at providing context for the Convening General Conference. (Added 2-24-2024)

My Experience at the Spirit & Truth Conference in Conroe, TX” by Kevin Watson. “I am also sharing this here because I want you to know that if I can grow in my faith, willingness to take risks to see the Lord move, and openness to receiving gifts from the Spirit, so can you!” (Added 2-24-2024)

Why Bishops?” by Daniel Hixon via YouTube. A UMC to Anglican clergy shares why he believes in the concept of bishops. (Added 2-24-2024)

Global Methodists to hold first conference” via Huntingdon Daily News. “This historic gathering will allow the establishment of this regional body of the new Methodist movement to operate in the Northeast, which currently includes 160+ churches and clergy known as the Northeast Provisional Annua Conference. This large geographic area covers congregations from Maine to parts of West Virginia and the eastern two-thirds of Pennsylvania.” (Added 2-23-2024)

The Tail Wagging the Dogma” by David Watson via Substack. “Dogma or discovery…. It’s not clear to me why we shouldn’t pursue both. What is dogma? A quick Google search will turn up this concise definition from Oxford Languages: “a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.” For Christians, this definition will refer to our central truth claims about God, humankind, and salvation. But the Young People, we are told, don’t prefer that.” (Added 2-23-2024)

The Legacy of Methodist Bishops, Part One: Coke & Asbury” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.org. The start of a new series of posts exploring the episcopal legacy inherited by the Global Methodist Church. (Added 2-23-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook). “Bishop Scott Jones has returned from his mission trip in Indonesia, and is now in Isabela. He and his wife, Sis. Mary Lou Reece are preparing for the Special Conference Session of the Covenant Philippines Provisional Annual Conference. The conference will start tomorrow from February 23 to 24, and Bishop Scott will be taking on several important role at the conference.” (Added 2-22-2024)

CEO Search & Transition” via Seedbed. “As of January 1, 2024, we are excited to announce Ivan Filby will be stepping into the role of Seedbed president. Ivan comes with a rich background in business and leadership development, and many of you will know him as the author of the Seedbed book Livestream: Learning to Minister in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” (Added 2-22-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook. “Just finished day-long teaching on Methodism with clergy and laity of the Indonesian Methodist Church. I was hosted by Bishop Sabam Tobing and Rev. Denny Nainggolan. In addition to those pictured there were 137 online from all over Indonesia. We have new friends!” (Added 2-21-2024)

Post by Luther Oconer via Facebook. “Our GMC goodwill tour of Asia continues this time in Jakarta! We thank God for gaining new friends from the Methodist Church of Indonesia!” (Added 2-21-2024)

Social Principles & Witness for Methodists – A Conversation with Chappell Temple” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). Interview with a GMC pastor who helped craft the social witness statements for both the UMC and GMC. (Added 2-21-2024)

Korean-American Provisional Annual Conference a First for the Global Methodist Church” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “Earlier this month, the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council authorized the launch of its first non-geographical conference, the Korean-American Provisional Annual Conference. It is set to hold its first official gathering May 6-9, 2024, in Dallas, Texas.” (Added 2-21-2024)

Connectional Organization – Transitional Book of Doctrines & Discipline – Episode 19” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “It has been a wild ride, but the TLC has had a firm had on the wheel. We also try to speak to what the odds are that any group like this will exist after the Convening Conference this September.” (Added 2-20-2024)

Post by Global Methodist Church Philippines (Facebook). The Covenant Philippines Provisional Annual Conference’s Special Session, themed “Witnessing Boldly in Spirit,” is poised to be a deeply meaningful gathering at the Buenavista Methodist Church in Santiago City, Isabela, Philippines, on February 23-24, 2024… Bishop Scott Jameson Jones and his wife Mary Lou Reece’s attendance will provide spiritual depth and leadership, giving attendees the opportunity to learn from and be encouraged by their leadership. (Added 2-20-2024)

Methodist Resources for The Lord’s Supper” by Keith Sweat. “If your church is going to use the rites of another denomination, then you can do a lot better than the UMC. Even the weakest and briefest of the rites posted here (all from the Methodist tradition) is far more faithful to the Biblical narrative and the character of God than the UMC Rite II.” (Added 2-19-2024)

Go Peace: Final highlights of the Mega Manila PAC’s Inaugural Convening Conference. All glory and honor belongs to God! #MegaManilaCon” via Global Methodist Church Philippines (Facebook). A highlight video of the Mega Manila Convening Conference. (Added 2-19-2024)

Post by Warren Lathem via Facebook. “You don’t believe in women preachers? You don’t believe in infant baptism? You don’t believe in open communion? You don’t believe in connectionalism? You don’t believe in tithing? You don’t believe in Bishops? You don’t believe in foreign missions? Ok. You just do not merit my time and attention. We must get on with the work. These issues are settled in the GMC. And I am glad.” (Added 2-16-2024)

The Protocol and Providence” by David Donnan via PeopleNeedJesus.org. The failure of the Protocol for Grace and Reconciliation through Separation worked out for the betterment of the GMC. (Added 2-16-2024)

To Contend for the Faith, Part 4: Creeds, Kids, and My Terrible Credo” by David Watson via Substack. “The Great Tradition of Christian faith frees us from the bonds of “presentism”—the assumption that the beliefs and values of our current moment are necessarily superior to those of the past.” (Added 2-16-2024)

Posts by Sherwin C. Ronquillo via Facebook. Posting multiple photographs from the convening conference of the Mega-Manila Conference. (Added 2-16-2024)

Set 1 and Set 2 via Mega Manila Conference (Facebook). Two collections of photos from the pre-conference event associated with the Mega-Manila convening conference. (Added 2-15-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church Philippines (Facebook). “A strong sense of community filled the air as leaders of the Global Methodist Church (GMC) convened with their Korean counterparts in a series of spirit-filled meetings. Led by Bishop Scott Jameson Jones and his wife, Mary Lou Reece, alongside Mega Manila PAC President Pro Tempore Rev. Dr. Luther Oconer, International Partnerships Coordinator Rev. Dr. Richard Ramos II, and Presiding Elder Rev. Brad McKenzie, the delegation fostered an environment where faith and fellowship intertwined harmoniously…” (Added 2-15-2024)

Lubbock woman appointed to leadership in Global Methodist Church” by Alex Driggars via Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. “Nearly 40 people applied for the executive director of communications position, many with stellar qualifications,” said Rev. Keith Boyette, chief connectional officer for the GMC. “Dianne’s educational background and work experience impressed us, but even more than that it was how warmly and enthusiastically her colleagues commended her to us. (Added 2-14-2024)

Dianne Burnett Appointed as Executive Director of Communications for Global Methodist Church” by Wojciech Zylm via BNN Breaking News. “In a notable development for the Global Methodist Church (GMC), Dianne Burnett, a seasoned professional from Lubbock, has been appointed as the Executive Director of Communications. This appointment comes a year after the GMC’s inception in the city, following a significant schism within the United Methodist Church (UMC).” (Added 2-14-2024)

Post via GMC-Qatar. In a video message, Filipinos in Qatar celebrate the Mega-Manila Conference. (Added 2-14-2024)

An Ash Wednesday Invitation: Examining Our Desire Toward God” by Bishop Mark Webb via GMC. “The receiving of ashes doesn’t end with a capital I, but rather ends with a horizontal stroke that wipes out and covers up the I. The stroke reminds us of the loving arms of Christ stretched out on the cross so we can be welcomed home, receive the promises offered and know the fullness of God in the way we truly desire.” (Added 2-14-2024)

Post by Richard Ramos II. [Photos] “GMC leaders are welcomed to Korea with Bishop Scott Jameson Jones and his wife MaryLou Reece, Mega Manila PAC President Pro Tempore Dr. Luther Oconer & Int’l Partnerships Coordinator Rev. Dr. Richard Ramos II, and Presiding Elder Rev. Brad McKenzie. Bishop Jones and the team had a wonderful holy conversation & Spirit-filled prayer with the General Secretary of the Korean Methodist Church, Rev. Tae & President Yoo of the Methodist Theological University, which is the first & oldest seminary in Korea.” (Added 2-14-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones: “We met with Rev. Dong Hwa Tae, General Secretary of the General Board of Missions of the Korean Methodist Church today. The GMC is interested in mission and willing to partner with other Wesleyan churches A very cordial conversation followed by a tour of Methodist sites in downtown Seoul.” (Added 2-14-2024)

The Arminian Legacy in Methodism” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “In this segment, Brian helps me to see through the Armenian lens to contemplate the nature of God and the salvation he offers. Jacob’s Arminius, the namesake of Arminianism, was far from a liberal or a semi-Pelagian. People rarely understand that it is much more robust than the majority of its supporters. Dr. Abasciano does well in making the case for this framework, answering a few of my criticisms and concerns affably and capably.” (Added 2-13-2024)

‘Sin is Lurking at the Door’: The Root of Bitterness and the Work of Forgiveness” by David Watson via Firebrand Magazine. “As the UMC and the GMC go our separate ways, if we allow the root of bitterness to find purchase, we will soon end up back in the trenches of ecclesiastical warfare. Bitterness and unforgiveness create a repetitive cycle. Going forward, it is imperative that we change our habits of mind.” (Added 2-13-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook. “MaryLou Reece and I are leaving today for 47 days of service to Christ through the Global Methodist Church in 8 different countries. We have given up our home for Lent! We are praying for the GMC around the world and we covet your prayers!” (Added 2-12-2024)

Navigating the Future: The Role of Scripture in the Global Methodist Church” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. “I, for one, am generally happy with the language of inerrancy, properly understood to mean that the text of scripture speaks without error in what it affirms and taken in light of its genre and the author’s intent. Nevertheless, I don’t think there’s much potential for some in the Methodist tribe to warm to the language of inerrancy, if only because it comes with a lot of baggage.” (Added 2-12-2024)

Post by Leah Hidde-Gregory via Substack. “For the second year in a row, we have had “order-like” worship. But the movement of the Holy Spirit has been so tangible during the Awakening that I cannot deny the authentic enthusiastic expressions of people’s faith.” (Added 2-12-2024)

Post by John Kay via Facebook. Shows latest demographic date for the Mid-Texas Conference of the GMC. (Added 2-12-2024)

Post via North Georgia District. “Over 900 people have registered for our Next Steps Gathering on Saturday at Norcross First GMC! We hope that you will be able to join us for a celebration of what God is doing in North Georgia through the Global Methodist Church. Here is a quick look at what to expect. With so many folks planning to attend, you are encouraged to come early to check-in!” (Added 2-10-2024)

Post via Christ Methodist Church of Auburn (Facebook). This Emerald Coast church describes the pastoral appointment process their membership. (Added 2-9-2024)

Post via Mega Manila Conference (Facebook). Pre-launch video event. (Added 2-9-2024)

Post via West Plains PAC (Facebook). Explaining their General Conference delegate selection process. (Added 2-9-2024)

Post via South Georgia PAC (Facebook). Promoting the IF Women’s Gathering. (Added 2-9-2024)

Post via Great Lakes PAC (Facebook). Weekly e-news featuring “The Butterfly Project,” Delegate nomination process, etc. (Added 2-9-2024)

Asbury Bible Scholars Participate in New Methodism Summit” via Asbury University. “In January, four Asbury Bible-Theology professors participated in the John Wesley Institute’s New Methodism Summit II in Alexandria, Va. Dr. Brian Shelton ’89, Dr. Suzanne Nicholson, Dr. Kevin Anderson, and Dr. Joy Vaughan joined a collection of scholars and church leaders to craft a document on Wesleyan values related to the topic of holiness to offer theological guidance to a Methodist church in transition.” (Added 2-9-2024)

Asbury Awakening’s Impact Ongoing, One Year Later: ‘An Overwhelming Glimpse of God’” by Wendy Griffith via CBN News. “During those 16 days, there was always Gen Z represented at the altar. And the very last day that we had a formal service together, I’ll never forget, someone stood in front of all these students, 1,500 Gen Zers in the room, and said, ‘You will not be the generation defined by depression, anxiety, addiction, and suicidal ideation.’ And to hear a cry come up from that group, someone said, if we had the spiritual eyes to see it, we would’ve seen an altar filled with loosened chains. That’s my heart. That is the heart of the people around me, that this is a burdened generation, but God wants to use them, and we need to invest in them,” Brown said. (Added 2-9-2024)

What’s the Impact of Asbury’s Outpouring? John the Baptist Offers 3 Lessons” by Sarah Breuel via Christianity Today. “Church history has taught us to never underestimate the long-term impact when God’s tangible presence comes upon a group of people; this understanding has led me to closely track the aftermath of the 2023 outpouring at Asbury University.” (Added 2-9-2024)

Conferences – Transitional Book of Doctrines & Discipline – Episode 18” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “We pick up halfway through Section 6, now detailing how annual conferences are supposed to be composed, how they should function, and even the different mandatory committees they require. The section ends with explicit directions as to how General Conference delegates are to be calculated.” (Added 2-9-2024)

The Core Convictions of the Global Methodist Church” via Waco First (YouTube). Fourth in a series with Jason Vickers and Ryan Barnett. (Added 2-8-2024)

Post by Gabriel Bangah Mususwa via UM Clergy Facebook Group. “That’s the more reason I even laugh at people scorching me for promoting Regionalization because I know it’s circumstantial holiness at Play. Time will come when those against Regionalization will understand it and they will be in front praising it’s fruitfulness.” (Added 2-8-2024)

Fond Farewell to John Lomperis” by Jeff Walton via Juicy Ecumenism. “Today the Global Methodist Church announced that it has hired longtime UMAction Director John Lomperis to serve as General Conference Business Manager for the fledgling denomination.” (Added 2-8-2024)

Global Methodist Church and a CEU requirement” by Timothy Tennent. “One way this strategic initiative could be strengthened is for the GMC to consider some form of a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) or a ministry effectiveness plan (MEP) for all clergy in full connection with the church.” (Added 2-8-2024)

Post by Bott Radio Network (Memphis/Mid South) via Facebook. “On Wednesday’s Mid-South View Point #radioshow Bishop Scott Jones of the The Global Methodist Church talks about his departure from the United Methodist Church and the creation of a new denomination. Listen WED 02/07 at 3PM.” (Added 2-7-2024)

E-News by South Carolina GMC (E-Mail). News of the conference. (Added 2-7-2024)

Post via South Georgia GMC (Facebook). “The Special Called Annual Conference of the South Georgia Provisional Annual Conference (SGAGMC) is this Saturday at 1pm. The conference will occur after the conclusion of the GROW Conference in the morning at Harvest Church in Byron, GA…” (Added 2-7-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook). “Our full schedule for our Convening Conference is now Available!…” (Added 2-7-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church Philippines (Facebook). “Join us for our first major GMC gathering in the Middle East! Let’s celebrate God’s goodness in Abu Dhabi on March 2, 2024, from 2 PM to 6 PM as we witness the launching of the Global Methodist Church Middle East. This will be accompanied by a Commissioning/Ordination service, Revival, Equipping, Prophetic Prayer, and more. Special guests include Bishop Scott Jameson Jones, Brad McKenzie (Presiding Elder, Piny Woods Area, Texas), Luther Oconer, Dave Sablan, and Joanne Valenzuela.” (Added 2-7-2024)

Conferences – Transitional Book of Doctrines & Discipline – Episode 17” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “This episode covers the first half of Part 6, dealing with the General Conference and Regional Conferences, mostly. I start with an overview of the Methodist term ‘conferencing’ and how it is supposed to overlap with our organizational structure. Then we go down the line of how some of the particulars of conferencing are designed to take place in the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 2-7-2024)

GMC Catechism – Episode 2 – Who is God?” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “A Catechism of Christian Faith and Doctrine for The Global Methodist Church is not an official doctrinal standard of the denomination, but it was created by those familiar with all of those sources. It is a synthesis of two millennia of the finest Christian thought, meant to be memorized and rehearsed within the family of God.” (Added 2-7-2024)

The Global Methodist Church comes to Avery County” by Jock Ollis via The Avery Journal Times (NC). “As of Jan. 1, 2024, Minneapolis Methodist Church and Mt. Zion Community Methodist Church are part of this new Wesleyan movement. The churches are steeped in Christian orthodoxy as expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and place particular emphasis on the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the authority of scripture and our accountability before God and one another.” (Added 2-7-2024)

Dianne Burnett to serve as GM Church’s First Director of Communications” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “Nearly 40 people applied for the Executive Director of Communications position, many with stellar qualifications,” said the Rev. Keith Boyette, the GM Church’s Chief Connectional Officer. “Dianne’s educational background and work experience impressed us, but even more than that it was how warmly and enthusiastically her colleagues commended her to us. They spoke to her strong work-ethic, her creativity, and her candor. (Added 2-7-2024)

GM Church Hires John Lomperis to Serve as General Conference Business Manager” by Walter Fenton via GMC. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Chicago, Lomperis went on to Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge, Massachusetts), where he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree. He is widely known for his work at the Institute for Religion and Democracy where he has served as the UM Action Program Director. (Added 2-7-2024)

Overheard: An updated Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline, incorporating amendments adopted by the Transitional Leadership Council, has been uploaded to the GMC website. The Changes Memorandum highlights the four specific paragraphs that have been amended. Three of the amendments relate to who are clergy that can vote on business of the annual conference and who can be elected as clergy delegates to the convening General Conference. You were previously advised of these changes. The fourth amendment adds a requirement that a president pro tem reside in the area where they provide residential supervision unless the Transitional Leadership Council grants an exception. (Added 2-6-2024)

Permission” by Warren Lathem via Facebook. “If we are not very careful, our bishops, our Book of Discipline, our ethos will be that which seeks to break the move of the Holy Spirit and make it domesticated, tame, controllable and useful for our own purposes. Money, control, and power will again rule our faith and practice.” (Added 2-6-2024)

‘Holy, Holy, Holy’: Holiness, Divine and Human [Firebrand Big Read]” by J. Warren Smith via Firebrand Magazine. “Originally given as the opening keynote of the Next Methodism Summit II in Alexandria, VA, Jan. 19, 2024.” (Added 2-6-2024)

Post by Carolyn Moore via Facebook. “Our Mosaic family has some news to share. This is about our leadership and our plans for the year ahead and for years to come. I hope this post comes to you as a blessing, and that you’re able to rejoice with us as we follow where God leads….” (Added 2-5-2024)

Tweet by Global Methodist Church. (Check out our Events page to find the date of your conference’s 2024 Annual Conference! We’re here to keep you updated as new dates are added. Access the Events page at https://bit.ly/47N7Nag” (Added 2-5-2024)

Post by Leah Hidde-Gregory via Facebook. [Photos] “Wrecked in the very best way…. Day 2 Awakening…. #midtexasgmc” (Added 2-5-2024)

Post via Mid Texas Conference. “Check out these awesome groups of people who are making Mid-Texas all that God intends us to be! Congratulations to our newest class of Ordinands and to the Convening General Conference delegation!” (Added 2-5-2024)

The Core Convictions of the Global Methodist Church” via Waco First (YouTube). Jason Vickers and Ryan Barnett. (Added 2-2-2024)

Convening Annual Conference: Moving in the Spirit” via Northeast GMC. “We have an incredible opportunity to come together from across the Northeast GMC for the very first time to celebrate and be inspired in this new orthodox Methodist movement which is growing in our region and spreading across the world!” (Added 2-2-2024)

Doctrine, Discipline & Spirit of Methodism with Matt Reynolds” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken Podcast. “Rev. Matt Reynolds is the President and Founder of Spirit and Truth. In this conversation, he and I speak of a mutual hope for a reclaiming of original Methodist doctrine, culture, and practice. We also speak of practical realities in doing church in our present cultural moment, as well as submitting to Christ’s lordship in our homes. I hope you enjoy learning from Matt!” (Added 2-2-2024)

The Global Methodist Church: These Things I Pray – Thom Rainer” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast (YouTube). “More than 7,500 Churches have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church. These churches have an opportunity to start fresh in a new denomination. The danger is that these churches will simply revert back to habits of an old culture and not take advantage of this pivot to make more disciples. Today, I talk with renowned Church health expert, Thom Rainer about how churches can leverage this moment for the Kingdom.” (Added 2-2-2024)

The Next Methodism Summit II: Holiness – Reflections” by Kevin Watson. “First, the Lord has raised up a surprising number of conservative Wesleyan scholars who are willing to publicly be seen as such. This is surprising because most of us have come from institutions that were not trying to produce us.” (Added 2-1-2024)

Finish the Sentence: Methodism Is…” by Matt O’Reilly. A list of characteristics of Methodism. (Added 2-1-2024)

Post by Robert Barnes via Facebook. “Recently, concerns were raised over what exactly a GMC leader meant when he said that ‘celibate homosexuals’ would be eligible for ordination. Without going into too much detail at this time, I want to point out one source of the confusion that was experienced in this group.” (Added 2-1-2024)

The Difference between the Global Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church: General Conference Decisions” by John Lomperis via Juicy Ecumenism. “The stage is now set for very different directions by United Methodists and the Global Methodists on these and many other issues. There has been much tragedy and pain in the still-ongoing separation process. But ultimately each faction of the formerly unified denomination is being set free to develop the sort of denomination they want, no longer held back by the other.” (Added 2-1-2024)

Post by Mid-Texas Conference. “Ordination Services will be live streamed at 3:00 PM this Saturday, February 3rd.” (Added 1-31-2024)

Grace Amid Division” by Bob Phillips via PeopleNeedJesus.net. An example of constructive behavior amid an embittered season of division. (Added 1-31-2024)

On Not Over Correcting: Bishops, Baptism, and Seminaries in the Global Methodist Church” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. “So let’s not over correct. Let’s work hard to maintain the theology and structures that make us Methodists and let’s work hard to make them strong. We don’t need to be rid of bishops; we do need good bishops with appropriate accountability.” (Added 1-31-2024)

Making Room for Delegates and Others at the Global Methodist Church’s Convening General Conference” by Walter Fenton via Global Methodist Church. “Determining how many delegates should attend the convening General Conference, and how to allocate them was a very challenging task,” said the Rev. Keith Boyette, the GM Church’s Chief Connectional Officer. “Hats off to the Commission on the General Conference, and especially to the Credentialing Committee members for their steadfast and faithful work.” (Added 1-31-2024)

The Gift of Discernment and the Future Mission Statement of the Global Methodist Church” by Paul Lawler via Medium. “I wonder if it’s possible that we Methodist Christians, even those holding seminary degrees and are ordained to vocational ministry, have a blind spot? And I wonder if this is the catalytic moment in history in which we need to address it.” (Added 1-31-2024)

What’s God Got to Do With It? Thoughts on the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement” by Jason Vickers via Firebrand Magazine. “To my mind, all three proposals suffer from the same flaw: God has no active agency. We make disciples. We worship and witness. We spread scriptural holiness throughout the world. Call me crazy, but I think a good mission statement should call attention to God’s primary agency in some way.” (Added 1-30-2024)

The Dar es Salaam Dilemma: Progressive United Methodists have a choice to make” by Scott Field via WCA. Surreptitiously the MainstreamUMC leaders also conflated some video of the December, 2023 Centennial Celebration of Methodism in Nigeria, which included greetings from Rev. Keith Boyette of the Global Methodist Church, as proof positive in their minds that Bishop Yohanna is, by association, a stooge of the GMC. Even more, MainstreamUMC calls on its supporters to contact the UMC Council of Bishops immediately to “take action against Bishop Yohanna.” (Added 1-30-2024)

Rekindling the Wesleyan Fire: The Next Methodism Summit II” by Ryan Danker via Firebrand Magazine. “Because holiness is so essential to the Wesleyan way of following Jesus, though, we argue about it. In fact, most splits in our movement have come about because of competing visions of holiness. And yet the Summit was tasked with finding a common voice to describe it. Before we met, I was a bit worried about how this might play out. And so I gathered other Wesley scholars in June for a conversation about the broad contours of a Wesleyan vision of holiness, a vision broad enough to include as many of Wesley’s heirs as possible. But as I told the Summit, let’s not write a Wesleyan document on holiness that John Wesley could not endorse.” (Added 1-30-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church Philippines (Facebook). “BREAKING NEWS: We Are Now Mega Manila Provisional Annual Conference Transitional Leadership Council convened on Monday, January 29, and formally greenlights the establishment of the Mega Manila Provisional Annual Conference. Scheduled to initiate operations on February 7, 2024, the Mega Manila PAC is positioned to culminate its inaugural conference from February 15 to 17….” (Added 1-29-2024)

Tweet by GMC: “Don’t forget about our partnership with MinistrySafe for essential training for your staff and volunteers. With their expertise, you can ensure the safety and protection of children and the vulnerable population. Learn more about this resource at https://bit.ly/3HwO588” (Added 1-29-2024)

Post by Matthew Sichel via Facebook. “One of the gems in our history lost to the mainline mergers was the Evangelical Association’s position on Entire Sanctification, which was codified in the Discipline….Though there is a statement (which we inherited) in that on Entire Sanctification, it pales in comparison with that which the Evangelical Church had prior. Here it is from the 1951 EUB Discipline.” [photos] (Added 1-29-2024)

Tweet by Paul Lawler: “What are the Implications for a Local Church Moving from the United Methodist Church to the Global Methodist Church? Welcome to the Great Inversion. https://youtube.com/watch?v=1mdFg_kwMO0 (29:00 minute mark).” (Added 1-29-2024)

A Response to Dr. David Watson’s Proposal for a New Mission Statement for the Global Methodist Church” by Paul Lawler via Medium. 1) “Why I agree on the need for the phrase “spreading scriptural holiness” in our mission statement. 2) Why we should include the words “make disciples” in our mission statement. 3) Why we should use the phrase “to all peoples” rather than “across the globe.” Suggestion: “The mission of the Global Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by spreading scriptural holiness to all peoples.” (Added 1-29-2024)

Tweet by Mark Tooley: “Good argument for why new Global Methodist Church should avoid generic evangelicalism & stress specifically Wesleyan doctrine.” [Link to David Watson’s Firebrand article on the GMC mission statement.] (Added 1-29-2024)

Post by Jessica LaGrone (Facebook). “The 2:42 Conference is open to all young clergy, seminary students, and those discerning ministry roles in the GMC (or even discerning about the GMC).
Please fill out the interest form soon…” (Added 1-29-2024)

Post by Bishop Scott Jones via Facebook: “Mary Lou Reece and I just finished the convening session of the Mississippi-West Tennessee Provisional Annual Conference of the GMC. It was a great gathering and Leah Hidde-Gregory was a powerful speaker. I was asked about churches who are still discerning their future after disaffiliation, and I am sharing again my list of Questions they should ask.” [Link] (Added 1-29-2024)

Post via Mid-Texas Conference (Facebook). “Look who has arrived in Mid-Texas for the Annual Awakening! Daniel Topalski the President Protem for the Bulgaria! He will be traveling to a few of our churches meeting the folks in Mid-Texas and then he will be speaking at laity worship Thursday night.” (Added 1-29-2024)

Overheard: On January 28, Union Road Methodist Church in Stockbridge, Georgia voted to join the Global Methodist Church. (Added 1-29-2024)

The Global Methodist Church: These Things I Pray” by Thom Rainer via ChurchAnswers. “An amazing development in world Christianity is the formation of the Global Methodist Church. Indeed, this story is one of the most important stories of global and American Christianity in many years.” (Added 1-29-2024)

Post by Great Lakes Conference via Facebook. A graphic showing facts about the conference. (Added 1-27-2024)

Post via Mississippi – Western Tennessee Conference (Facebook). Photos from the January 26 ordination service in which 54 men and women were ordained. (Added 1-29-2024)

What is Baptism in the Global Methodist Church?” by David Donnan. A collection of statements about baptism from GMC documents. See also “What is Pastor Parish Relations in the GMC.” (Added 1-27-2024)

A Strong Foundation for a Peculiar Church” by C.A. Buster. A lay perspective from Marvin Methodist Church (Tyler, TX) that builds on David Watson’s recent article about a new mission statement for the GMC. (Added 1-27-2024)

Where do Churches make Payments in the Global Methodist Church?” by Jeff Pospisil. “I’m sure this post will not age well so…if you’re reading this after June of 2024, you better check the Global Methodist website for more current information. The Global Methodist denomination continues to add dozens of churches each week and add about one new Provisional Conference each month.” (Added 1-26-2024)

GMC’s Theology of Ordination Concerning Sexual Orientation” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “A recent thread on The Friends of the Global Methodist Church Facebook Page suggested to me that it might be helpful to talk about the ways in which the conversation around sexually nonconforming people is going to continue in our churches. I sense that a lot of folks do not understand how this is not going to go away, and how we need to have discerning minds, lest we make room for theologies that are at odds with our fundamental doctrines.” (Added 1-26-2024)

Methodist church finds new home after Gainesville funeral homes merge” by Jim Massara via The Gainesville Times. “A newly formed Methodist church will soon be using a vacated Gainesville funeral chapel as its home, completing a game of musical chairs involving its congregation, another funeral parlor and another church.” (Added 1-25-2024)

“Protestant Denominations Need Stronger Leadership on Assisted Reproductive Technology” by Emma Waters via The Heritage Foundation. “Similarly, the Global Methodist Church does not directly address reproductive technology or embryonic experiments. The denomination opposes abortion, except in cases when the mother’s life is at risk. From the documents available online, do not specify that life begins at conception nor that it deserves protection at an embryonic stage. This is, most likely, a failure to fully expound online given how relatively new the denomination is, rather than an indication of a weak stance on embryonic life.” (Added 1-25-2024)

The Core Convictions of the Global Methodist Church” via Waco First (YouTube). Dr. Jason Vickers and Rev. Ryan Barnett share a presentation with Waco First. (Added 1-25-2024)

Wesley Memorial joins The Global Methodist Church” via Lake City Reporter (FL). “Wesley Memorial Methodist Church of Lake City is now a member church of The Global Methodist Church. The church announced this week that it joined GMC on Dec. 15.” (Added 1-25-2024)

The Wesleyan Way: Our Holiness Heritage” by Allan Bevere. A conversation with Craig Adams about the Wesleyan Holiness Heritage in its various forms. Included here because of the recent GMC and pan-Methodist conversations on holiness. (Added 1-25-2024)

CCM Team Interview: Carolyn Moore on the New GMC, Developing Leaders, and Calling” via Asbury Theological Seminary Podcast (YouTube). A Center for Church Multiplication interview. (Added 1-25-2024)

Plans for GMC’s Convening General Conference Gather Pace in New Year” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “GM Church leaders believe the delegates will move to hold General Conferences every six years. However, given that many local churches in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe will continue to join the denomination in 2024 and 2025, and that initial organizational work will remain, it is expected that the delegates will approve the convening of a second General Conference in 2026. It will then begin its six-year cycle by meeting in 2032.” (Added 1-24-2024)

Tweet by the John Wesley Institute: “Over 70 scholars from across the Wesleyan world gathered in Alexandria, VA by @TheJWInstitute to write a document on holiness of heart and life.” (Added 1-23-2024)

Tweet by Matt Reynolds: “I really appreciate this piece from @utsdoc. I am an elder in the GMC. I am excited about the future of the GMC. I’m doing all I can to invest in that future. But when it comes to our mission statement, I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Watson.” (Added 1-23-2024)

Peculiar Prophets: American Methodism as Irregular, Disestablished Anglicanism” by James Mahoney via Firebrand Magazine. “For all of the early American Methodists’ distaste for the forms and trappings of Anglicanism, Methodism is nonetheless profoundly influenced by it.” (Added 1-23-2024)

Tweet by Bob Kaylor: “100% this. If we’re really going to be Methodists, our peculiar mission should be about spreading scriptural holiness across the globe. @utsdoc nails it again.” (Added 1-23-2024)

Tweet by Chris Ritter: “I love the GMC & have always viewed the current mission statement as a placeholder. @utsdoc offers a distinctly Wesleyan improvement. Perhaps the JW Institute scholars that met last week can give Methodism a succinct definition of scriptural holiness.” (Added 1-23-2024)

“A Mission for a Peculiar Church: On the Global Methodist Church’s Mission Statement” by David Watson via Firebrand Magazine. Offers an alternative mission statement for the GMC as the convening General Conference approaches. (Added 1-23-2024)

The Superintendency – Episode 15 – The GMC Transitional Book of D&D” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “In this session, TJ and I go through the role of presiding elders and the oversight structure for governing the general connexion of this new body. We ended up having a prolonged discussion about ‘inclusivity’ and ‘open itinerancy’ and whether or not these terms signal modern woke notions of antiracism, or whether they instead participate in a colorblind meritocratic setup. I expect many will find this illuminating.” (Added 1-22-2024)

Finances & Faith with Jeff Pospisil: The GuideStone Shift” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Take some time to learn about the financial ministry of the GMC and the potential we have for a bright future. If this is something you would enjoy as a semi-regular installment, make sure to let people know about it!” (Added 1-20-2024)

Florida Provisional Convening Conference Livestream” via Facebook. January 19-20 in Clermont. (Added 1-19-2024)

Bonus Blog: ‘Methodists have a problem’” by Joe Scheets. Lawson Stone: “The Global Methodist Church, for example, has virtually no theological standards for the training of ministers. You can go to a wildly revisionist seminary if you want to and GMC is okay with it. After fighting this huge battle, the GMC is going to find itself in trouble in 20 years. Activist, emotional, and heterodox.” (Added 1-18-2024)

GM Church Reveals General Conference Theme” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “The Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council has released the logo and theme for its convening General Conference: So the World Will Know.” (Added 1-17-2023)

Clergy Delegates Memorandum” by Keith Boyette via GMC. Updates to the Transitional Discipline clarifying matters around clergy delegate elections. (Added 1-15-2024)

Pentecostalization” by David Watson via SubStack. “Cessationist churches and some mainline liberal churches will remain, but we should expect to see more and more Spirit-filled Christian communities arise across the U.S. Remember, the West is no longer the center of world Christianity. As Philip Jenkins told us over two decades ago in his classic work The Next Christendom, the center of gravity has shifted southward. I expect the church in the U.S. will increasingly reflect the trends we see across the globe.” (Added 1-13-2024)

Why GuideStone?” via The Global Methodist Church. “After careful review, the Global Methodist Church chose GuideStone Financial Resources (Dallas, Texas) as the denomination’s new retirement and insurance plan provider. GuideStone has been dedicated to providing and administering employee benefits for the Christian community since 1918. Their mission is to enhance the financial security of those who serve the Lord. GuideStone provides services to more than 200,000 members, 38,000 churches, and several hundred evangelical ministries.” (Added 1-11-2024)

Call for General Conference Delegate Applications” via Trinity Conference. “Executive Officer Rev. Jason Burnham shares an invitation to clergy and lay to represent Trinity Conference at the 2024 Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church in San José, Costa Rica, this September 2024.” (Added 1-11-2024)

The SBC will sell insurance, retirement to women pastors — if they aren’t Southern Baptists” by Bob Smietana via Religion News Service. “The Global Methodist Church has been assured by the leadership of GuideStone that decisions made by the Southern Baptist Convention on issues such as the ordination of women or women serving in any clergy role do not and will not impact the services that GuideStone provides to the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 1-10-2024)

Local Global Methodist Churches Spring Up in the Desert Southwest” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “Taking root and growing in the desert is no easy task, but two new Global Methodist congregations are doing all they can to plant Global Methodist churches in Arizona and Nevada.” (Added 1-10-2024)

Northeast Provisional Annual Conference Website” (Added 1-10-2024)

Mere Methodism: The Recapturing Begins – A Conversation with Ryan Danker” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “He is not concerned only with the Global Methodist Church, but with the richness of a tradition that has languished for a while. If it is to be reclaimed, it would seem such efforts are in order. Take some time to learn about the effort he is putting into buttressing Methodism.” (Added 1-10-2024)

St. Joseph’s Oldest Church Changes Name and Affiliation” by Ken Lundberg via Moody on the Market (Michigan). ““Our new name and affiliation give us a chance to connect and share blessings with the Global Methodist Church members around the world, while we continue to offer high quality worship, ministries, and missions that our church is well known for here at home. We look forward to serving the southwest Michigan community as Pathway Global Methodist Church.” (Added 1-9-2023)

Tweet by Griffin Gulledge: “I’m glad @GuideStone is doing this. This is a great, practical way to stand with those who have stood fast on God’s Word. ‘Global Methodist Church Announces Relationship with GuideStone Financial Resources'” (Added 1-9-2024)

Global Methodist Church latest group to partner with GuideStone” via The Baptist Paper. “The new Global Methodist Church is the latest group to partner with GuideStone Financial Resources, which is best known for its Southern Baptist roots.” (Added 1-9-2024)

Post by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (Facebook). “This recent announcement that the Global Methodist Church will be shifting from Wespath to GuideStone is welcome news to me…” (Added 1-9-2024)

Upper Midwest GMC Newsletter, Tenth Edition – January 5, 2024” via Upper Midwest GMC. “What to Expect During the Appointment Process” and other news. (Added 1-8-2024)

GMC Announces Relationship with GuideStone Financial Resources” via GMC. “Upon the recommendation of the Global Methodist Church’s Benefits Team the Church’s Transitional Leadership Council has approved a shift from Wespath Benefits and Investment to GuideStone Financial Resources for the administration of health insurance and retirement benefits for clergy and lay church employees. The transition from Wespath to GuideStone will be completed on July 1, 2024; Wespath will continue providing services through June 30.” (Added 1-8-2023)

Conservative alternative to the United Methodist Church surpasses 4,200 member congregations” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. “‘The current member congregations are predominately former UMC congregations, but we do have member congregations that have come from other denominations, or who were previously nondenominational or independent, or that are new church plants that have already been recognized as member congregations,’ [Keith Boyette] said.” (Added 1-5-2024)

The Superintendency – Episode 14” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “¶501 begins a section on how the Global Methodist Church envisions that bishops will operate in this new denomination. We review the broad strokes here, including how compensation is calculated, how episcopal areas work alongside annual conferences, how episcopal funds are collected and distributed, and how doctrinal fidelity is protected. I also have some inside information on a taskforce that the denomination has established to bring forth legislation at this year’s convening conference with respect to this issue. All interesting stuff. Take some time to think through these things with us.” (Added 1-5-2024)

Global Methodist Church Abu Dhabi Expands to a New Worship Space” via GMC Philippines (Facebook). “Truly an exciting news that Global Methodist Church (GMC) in Abu Dhabi continues to flourish in faith, fellowship, and numbers. In an announcement made by the GMC Abu Dhabi, they reveal a momentous stride in their congregation—they moved their worship service to a more spacious venue…” (Added 1-4-2024)

Post by Jeff Pospisil via Facebook. “Just to make sure this is out there: The River Network is providing Grants from $5k to $20k for Asbury Grads planting a Global Methodist Church (application: https://therivernetwork.org/page/929). Planting a church is hard but fulfilling work. This grant could be a huge help for getting some momentum.” (Added 1-4-2024)

Surrendering to God’s Purpose” by Keith Boyette via GMC. “From our posture of surrender to God, will we embrace the new mission fields and people to which He is calling us? What will we do to advance the mission of the GM Church – to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly? How will we do so in our unique settings?” (Added 1-3-2024)

Post by Phil Marklins via Friends of the GMC Facebook Group. “While I really enjoy the photos of the GMC celebrations of Christmas and the lovely and inspiring decorations by the churches, let us also remember the GMC congregations that were denied their buildings and have to meet in gyms, or theaters, or warehouses and cannot put up the beautiful decorations….” (Added 1-2-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines (Facebook). “Inaugural GMC Youth Camp 2023: A Faith and Fellowship. The Global Methodist Church Mega Manila is delighted to commemorate a historic moment in its journey—the successful inaugural of Ignite Summit. This event showcases the collaborative efforts and support from various GMC churches…” (Added 1-2-2024)

Modern Methodist Foreign Missions – A Conversation with Jim Ramsay of TMS Global” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Jim Ramsay is the Chief of Global Operations for TMS Global, formerly The Mission Society, which was an evangelical answer to the leftward drift of United Methodist foreign missions a few decades ago. TMS Global is now an interdenominational effort around the world, and it will stay that way, but they are perhaps uniquely positioned to work with Global Methodist local churches to engage in meaningful mission work.” (Added 1-2-2024)

A Shared Heritage: Rediscovering Methodist-Baptist Connections” by Bradley Edwards via Firebrand Magazine. “In many communities in the United States, both traditions have a significant presence. The two will often compete for the attention of the community. While we try to be ecumenical, our differences often complicate our attempts. But what if we realized we shared a heritage through our Puritan ancestors? We are called to spread the perfecting and mortifying love of Jesus to all four corners of the earth.” (Added 1-2-2024)

The Genius of Methodism [A Firebrand Big Read]” by Ryan Danker via FireBrand Magazine. “One of the mistakes of modern Wesleyans is to forget that Methodism began—and to an extent is always meant to be—a movement of renewal or restoration without group or later denominational limits.” (Added 1-2-2024)

You can also visit the GMC Links 2023 Archive.