by Chris Ritter

Your General Conference delegates need to see this: 3.0 Love Alike Legislation

The biggest weakness of all structural proposals for amicable unity  in the UMC (including mine) is that they require constitutional changes.  Amendments must be passed by a super majority of delegates.  Then they start the long and winding road through every annual conference around the globe where they also must be passed by an aggregate super majority.  This is a high hurdle to meet, especially with anything having to do with human sexuality where we are hopelessly divided.  Non-structural solutions (softening our language, stating we disagree, etc.) put the church at risk of continued schism.  This is the nature of our stuck-ness.

I had a new idea earlier this week about how to accommodate divergent views on homosexuality under the umbrella of United Methodism without forcing some, including our growing African church, into moral compromise.  It retains our denominational position.  It creates new freedoms for those who must dissent.  I am calling it the “Love Alike Plan” after a famous quote by John Wesley.

The plan uses elements from the Jurisdictional Solution, Adam Hamilton’s “We disagree” and “Local Option” proposals, and the Covenantal Unity Plan to create something entirely new.

Delegates, please friend me on Facebook.  I would love to keep you in the loop and hear your thoughts.  I will also be blogging here throughout General Conference.  Follow me and you will get e-mail notifications.

The hour is late!  The need is urgent!  Let’s build a movement to solve this thing.




Share the  legislation and related information found here in PDF form: 3.0 Love Alike Legislation