Updated June 21, 2024

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PINNED: GMC Links has the latest news and developments in the Global Methodist Church.

June 21, 2024 Weekly Live Stream” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken. “It has been a good week with lots of engagement on important topics. I have admittedly been a bit heavy on the UM-related material. I want to spend our time this week just being available to you guys. I’m not going to try to go through any articles. I have a few comments/correspondences I wanted to highlight and then see where your minds are. No point having me talk if I’m talking past folks. Anyway, bring your prayers and meditations with you, and maybe we can be a blessing to our local churches!” (Added 6-21-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. Administrative Secretary at Liberia Institute of Policy Studies and Research offers his extensive thoughts on the need for a special called session, including the recent history of discernment in Liberia. (Added 6-21-2024)

Post by Steve Harper via Facebook. “In a recent post, I noted that as the new UMC emerges, a fresh exploration of our Wesleyan roots is called for. I am thrilled to see this new website developed by the Florida Annual Conference to help us do that, no matter where we live. Here’s the link….” (Added 6-21-2024)

[Updated with PDF]. “TN United Methodists Tackle Cooperation Amid Policy, Leadership Changes” by Liam Adams via The Tennessean. PDF “I would love to say the disorientation is gone but it’s not,” McAlilly said Wednesday in a sermon during the regional United Methodist Church legislative assembly for the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference in Murfreesboro. “So, buckle up.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Post by Scott Brazinski via Facebook. On Birmingham First UMC’s “Beers and Queers” Pride Month event: “I friend from the lake jokingly tagged me in a post. I thought it was satire, but went to the FB page of this church and this is what I saw. Anyone know if this is legit? I don’t agree with the UMC stance on things, but this seems a bit over the top.” (Added 6-21-2024)

U.S. United Methodists Report Annual Meetings Calmer and Joyful, but Africans Reject LGBTQ Bans’ Removal” by Cynthia Astle via UM Insight. A round-up of annual conference changes following disaffiliation and changes in church teaching. The status of several African conferences outlined. (Added 6-21-2024)

A Tennessee teen has pleaded guilty in the slaying of a prominent United Methodist Church leader” by Adrian Sainz via MSN. “Andrade was 15 when he and Eduard Rodriguez-Tabora were indicted in February 2023 on charges of first-degree murder and especially aggravated robbery in the July 18, 2022, death of the Rev. Autura Eason-Williams. Andrade pleaded guilty to lesser charges as part of the plea agreement.” (Added 6-21-2024)

Overheard: Key conference leaders in Liberia are threatened with suspension by Bishop Quire for planning a meeting to talk about the results of General Conference. (Added 6-21-2024)

Press Release by Bishop Samuel Quire via Liberia UMC. “Statement to the People Called United Methodists and the General Public on Recent Decision of the Just Ended General Conference of United Methodist Church.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Liberian bishop counters misinformation” by E. Julu Swen via UMNS. “The Rev. Caleb S.G. Domah, a leader of the group dubbed “Stay UMC,” said there is no reason to rush with a special session when people are not yet fully educated on regionalization — another possible change coming out of General Conference.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Proposed Arkansas Conference Procedure for the Re-affiliation” via Arkansas UM Conference. Watch extended floor debate on this item in which amendments requiring allegiance to the new Social Principles is discussed. See also Board of Trustees Report (p. 41). (Added 6-20-2024)

Written Post by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “The increasing acceptance and facilitation of “family friendly” drag shows in United Methodist local churches signals an openness to the sexualization and grooming of children that I believe is damning.” (Added 6-20-2024)

What If the Christian Sexual Ethic Becomes a Feature, Not a Bug?” by Daniel Darling via Christianity Today. “Evangelicals tend to assume our sexual ethic is deeply unpopular. But the wind may be shifting as thought leaders increasingly declare Christianity a cultural asset.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Embracing Pride, Equality, and Love” with Shane Russo via Go Be Church (YouTube). “Join us in this compelling video as we delve into the vital topic of Queer Justice in the United Methodist Church (UMC). As we celebrate Pride 2024, we explore the intersection of faith, equality, and justice for the LGBTQ+ community within the church.” Vigil featuring Lady Gaga’s “Born this Way.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Robert Morris, Clown Clergy Sexual Predator, & Local Church Policy” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “This segment dealt with an article about a retired UM clergy named Richard Reynolds who also operated as a foster parent, now revealed publicly and punished for the sexual abuse of children while an agent of the church and of the state. This spreads into a larger conversation about abuse of power in the pulpit, reconciliation in the church, and policies protecting children and vulnerable adults in our local churches. This piece isn’t trashing the UMC. It is warning all local churches to be wise in how they conduct themselves.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Conservative pastor focuses on common mission amid differences” by Get Your Spirit in Shape Podcast (UMC). Holston’s Randy Frye interviewed. “A lifelong United Methodist and career minister who describes himself as “conservative” discusses how, rather than focus on differences within the denomination, he concentrates on the common mission to make disciples, a space that supports The UMC’s “big tent” distinction.” (Added 6-20-2024)

Post by Peter Hamm via Facebook. UM clergy asks if Par. 102-105 (doctrinal standards) in the UM BOD ever changed. Long reply by Taylor Burton Edwards in which he indicates that the GMC might not approved the Nicene Creed as a doctrinal standard. This related to a recent Twitter thread. (Added 6-20-2024)

Next Steps in Addressing Current Crisis in The United Methodist Church – Liberia” by George Wilson (Chair, Board of Ordained Ministry) and James Labala (Conference Secretary) (PDF). Meeting with Bishop Quire did not result in the calling of a special session. A mass gathering is planned by conference leaders. See also earlier letter. (Added 6-19-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. Sharing a letter by the conference secretary and the chair of ordained ministry of the Liberia Conference stating Bishop Quire refuses to call a special session. A mass gathering is being planned. (Added 6-19-2024)

Tweet by Talbot Davis: “Every bit of exhaustion, fatigue, worn outness, and the like could have been very easily avoided. Don’t redefine marriage (much less redefining single-ness which they managed to do as well) and we’d all still be #UMC.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Online Course: Life Together in the United Methodist Connection” via UMC.org. “General Conference 2020, postponed to 2024, is now over, and big things happened there! This session of the official United Methodist Church polity course will cover what happened and what comes next, for our congregations, our annual conferences, and our denomination… And, although the official disaffiliation period is over, folks still have questions about it, so this course will also provide information about the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Four UMC churches in Black Belt among others to close” by Nathan Prewett via Black Belt News Network. “A reason for closing the [Alabama-West Florida Conference] churches is said to be declining attendance and memberships.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Staying with United Methodism: A Personal Testimony (Part II)” by Riley Case via Juicy Ecumenism. “The Global Methodist Church, the United Methodist Church, and those now-independent Methodist churches, need each other.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Conference passes two motions regarding funds from separating churches” by Jessica Brodie via South Carolina Advocate. “Much conversation and concern had been circulating over the large amount of money the conference received from churches allowed to leave the denomination over sexuality issues.” See related story. (Added 6-19-2024)

Tweet by Liam Adams. Religion reporter from The Tennessean is live tweeting from the session of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference. (Added 6-19-2024)

Pursue Unity in Liberia Amidst Calls for Special Session” by Jefferson Knight via UM Insight. “Bishop Quire, as a respected leader within the Liberia Conference, has been urged by these elements to convene a special session in July. However, we believe that the priority should be on unity, education, and preparation for the 192nd annual conference scheduled for February 2025. It is during this annual conference that the necessary discussions and decisions should take place, with a focus on upholding the values and principles of the United Methodist Church.” (Added 6-19-2024)

2024 Missouri Annual Conference” via UMNS. Summary: “Missouri Bishop Bob Farr was the presiding bishop. Bishop Farr began the gathering with a talk about changes that occurred at General Conference. He said he was pleased that the changes brought The United Methodist Church more in line with being a “Big Tent” church, in which both pastors and local churches had individual freedom of choice, regardless of where they are on the spectrum of being traditional, centrist or progressive.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Post by Steve Harper via Facebook. “My friend, Thomas Jay Oord, one of the world renowned scholars in the Church of the Nazarene, is on trial in that denomination (along with other allies) for fully affirming LGBTQ+ people. He has published this book, not only to show the nature of his defense, but how it arises from his theology of love rooted in the Wesleyan tradition. It is intentionally low-priced in both ebook and paperback editions–well worth having…” See also here. (Added 6-19-2024)

The Anglican Church in North America Faces Existential Challenges” by Warren Cole Smith via Ministry Watch. “It began as a movement of conservative Episcopalians frustrated with the liberal drift of that denomination. Today, though, most members of ACNA are not former Episcopalians. They (we, as I am a member) are new converts or – in many cases – refugees from other mainline and evangelical denominations nourished by ACNA’s combination of Reformed theology and adherence to biblical authority, its evangelical vibrancy, and the beauty of its ancient, incarnational liturgy.” (Added 6-19-2024)

Post by Ande Emmanuel via Facebook. Leader opposing Bishop Yohanna in Nigeria offers a version of recent events strongly refuted in the comments. For background, read here. (Added 6-19-2024)

Post by Ben Horrocks via Facebook. “An interesting report from the Religion and Social Change Lab at Duke University: Disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church in North Carolina: Challenges and Opportunities. This is based on administrative records of the NC and Western North Carolina conferences of the church and a 2021 longitudinal survey of clergy….” (Added 6-18-2024)

You Don’t Have to Do This Alone” by Paul Nixon via UM Discipleship Ministries. As shared by UMNS under the heading “Understanding Trends in Church Planting”: “Finally, since 2022, there has been a grassroots movement of United Methodists forming new churches in places where most of the congregations disaffiliated from The United Methodist Church.” (Added 6-18-2024)

What is the Church’s position on homosexuality?” by Taylor Burton Edwards via Ask the UMC. “By now, you have likely heard that The United Methodist Church’s General Conference meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina (April 23-May 3, 2024) took action to remove from the Book of Discipline all language that restricts or singles out non-heterosexual people for disparate treatment. That is true… This article will be revised in late fall 2024 to reflect what denominational policy will be beginning in January 2025, at least in the United States.” (Added 6-18-2024)

‘Let us leave’: United Methodist churches still blocked from disaffiliating in Alabama-West Florida Conference” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “Is this a tactic that the conference is using to keep us either from disaffiliating at all, or till we die?” said Ed Stewart, a delegate from Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dothan. “Is this going to drag on year after year?” Graves responded: “Sir, I cannot answer that.” (Added 6-18-2024)

United Methodists Experiencing a ‘Brain Drain’” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken. “This segment dealt with a conversation hosted by Rev. Drew McIntyre on X, which asked the question in earnest if this deluge of exits from the UMC might at all impact the richness of their thinking life together. There are myriad responses that I tried to cover while doing my own thought around the question. Is an academic life really necessary for denominational flourishing? Is the GMC going to be any better than the UMC? Where are Wesleyan academics lining up with respect to their chosen denominations?” (Added 6-18-2024)

Post by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “Also, Chris Ritter outdid himself by doing a fantastic writeup on the history of the UMC in Nigeria and why things are such a mess there. Dude waded into the weeds on this one while keeping it interesting and at a good clip. If y’all aren’t subscribed to his Team Caffeine, you should really think about it. Here is the link: https://peopleneedjesus.net/2020/02/0…” (Added 6-18-2024)

Overheard: “The [Baltimore-Washington Conference] had filed an appeal in the midst of the litigation (hence it being an interlocutory appeal) to get the case dismissed in its entirety after a judge (Hon. Kathy Vitale) had let many of the claims in the case go forward back at the end of Dec 2023. In their interlocutory appeal, the BWC was arguing that Judge Vitale’s failure to dismiss the case in its entirety causes the BWC harm by violating its 1st amendment rights by way of allowing the govt to wade into the business/governance of a religious entity. It was this appeal that was dismissed by the Appellate Court of MD due to being filed one day too late. (Interlocutory appeals must be filed 30 days after a given court order. Even though the postmark of the appeal was the day of the deadline, the court did not receive the appeal until a day after the deadline.) The BWC still has a motion for summary judgment pending. The hearing for the summary judgment motion takes place in a couple weeks on July 1. A motion for summary judgment is a motion asking for the court to make a ruling in the case as opposed to allowing it to go to jury trial. Obviously, the Conference is asking the court for a summary judgment in their favor. The judge presiding over the case at this point is the Honorable Michael Malone who voluntarily disclosed to legal counsel that he is member of a local UMC in MD that decided not to disaffiliate. A motion to disqualify Judge Malone was filed by NCLL on May 1, 2024. That motion for disqualification was denied on June 7. Judge Malone also decided not to recuse himself claiming that he can be impartial in this case. If the motion for summary judgment is dismissed, a 5 week jury trial will take place beginning in January 2025.” Source (Added 6-18-2024)

2024 Tanzania Annual Conference” by UMNS. “If anyone wants to leave The UMC he/she has to leave by piece without taking church properties. The United Methodist Church of Tanzania still remained in The UMC.” [Note” The Global Methodist Church has announced a provisional conference in Tanzania. See here.] (Added 6-18-2024)

2024 Northwest Texas Annual Conference” via UMNS. “Anticipating that the South Central Jurisdiction will approve the unification of the Central, North, and Northwest Texas Conferences in July 2024, a special conference for the three conferences will be called and held in Abilene, Texas, on Sept. 28, 2024. This Special Called Session will be focused on legislation and resolutions needed to finalize the unification of the three conferences for a starting date of Jan. 1, 2025.” (Added 6-18-2024)

UMC rejects same-sex marriage proposal from general assembly” via TVC News (Nigeria). Outside coverage on the June 1 meeting from which flowed mixed reports on Nigeria’s relationship with the UMC. (Added 6-18-2024)

Former pastor accused of sex abuse later ran kids’ clown shows” by Brendan Lyons via Times-Union (NY). “Warren County and the United Methodist Church have agreed to pay $875,000 to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of a man who was sexually abused as a child.” See also WNYT coverage. (Added 6-18-2024)

Healing and Acceptance: Louisiana Conference LGBTQIA+ Ministry’s Path Forward” by Mark Lambert via UM Insight. “The ministry team’s goal, for now, is to help LGBTQTIA+ individuals in their congregational lives, to share resources with local churches to help them better meet the needs of LGBTQTIA+ people and to collaborate with other ministry areas in The Louisiana Conference.” (Added 6-18-2024)

Northeastern UM Bishops Close the Net on Local Churches” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “This segment dealt with the statements issued by the Northeastern College of Bishops of the UMC, in which they are all quite explicit that there will no longer be any disaffiliations. The only way that a congregation can leave the UMC and take their building with them is if they pay the full value of the building (which the congregation initially built and have maintained). I look at two different letters and do some basic analysis of what they say.” (Added 6-18-2024)

United Methodists close 10 Alabama and Florida churches, including historic Uniontown Church” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “These are things we do every year,” said Bishop David Graves, head of the Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. “Every year we have churches that have lived their life cycle and there’s all kinds of reasons for it, and there’s always something kind of sad about that.” (Added 6-18-2024)

‘Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well I have others.’ – Groucho Marx” by Scott Field via WCA. Whether or not this quote attributed to Groucho Marx is authentic, a recent statement by the Northeast Jurisdiction College of Bishops (United Methodist) brought it to mind…along with another familiar statement about “principles” (Added 6-18-2024)

General Conference and Disaffiliation/Reaffiliation” by Michael Roberts. “We would love to help congregations that previously disaffiliated, to begin a process of discernment, that might include an assessment of the General Book of Discipline and our core understanding of who we are, along with an understanding of what it means to be a part of a connection. Stay tuned for more information, as this process is developed.” (Added 6-17-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. Brooks retraces history of disobedience to the BOD in response to a question. (Added 6-17-2024)

Reconciling Ministries Network Offers Suggestions for Moving Forward” by Izzy Alvaran, Helen Ryde and Laura Young via UM Insight. An installment in the Love Train Series which seeks to build on the momentum of General Conference. (Added 6-17-2024)

‘Hallelujah!’ | United Methodist vote rallies Austin pastor Tracey Beadle’s faith quest” by Michael Barnes via Austin American Statesman. “The victory for Beadle’s contingent of Methodists was not without a bittersweet note: Since the last General Conference, in 2019, right before the pandemic, some 22 percent of the United Methodist congregations in the U.S. — anticipating changes likely to pass in 2024 — “disaffiliated.” Some formed the Global Methodist Church, others the Methodist Collegiate Church, and others became independent congregations.” (Added 6-17-2024)

Bishop Robin Dease says future of Methodist church is one of inclusion, hope” by Shelia Poole via Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “For those of you who may be discouraged because of the state of the Church, I’m sorry,” said Dease during her closing sermon at the annual conference of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church. “For those of you who have been beaten up trying to hold your congregations together, I’m sorry.” (Added 6-16-2024)

Eyes on Africa – Ten Reasons” by Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s podcast. Discusses African exits from the UMC (at 2:40) as an example of African independence of thought from the West. (Added 6-15-2024)

June 14, 2024 Weekly Live Stream” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. “This is a time when I consider key developments over the last week in the world and the church, in particular those things impacting the Methodist tradition. Northeast Jurisdiction bars exits, GMC recruiting more clergy. (Added 6-15-2024)

Tweet by Drew McIntyre: “I wonder if the UMC is experiencing a ‘brain drain’ similar to what the Lutherans had when many leading scholars left to become Catholic or Orthodox.” (Added 6-15-2024)

UMNS Daily Digest: June 14, 2024” via UMNS. “Katelyn MacDonald, who plays the music that chimes from Duke Memorial United Methodist Church, decided to play a pop song to begin LGBTQ Pride Month. The church now has racked up around 7 million views on a TikTok that shows MacDonald playing Chappell Roan’s “HOT TO GO!” on the church bells. Among the fans of the rendition is the singer herself. Chase Pellegrini de Paur reports. Read story” (Added 6-15-2024)

Meet the Queer Methodist Who Played “Hot to Go!” on the Church Bells” by Zachary Lee via Sojourners. “We should see queer sexuality as sacred,” she said. “If we think of human sexuality as a gift from God and part of who God has created us to be, then we should celebrate queer sexuality as much as we do heterosexuality. Queerness is a part of the image of God’s place within each of us. (Added 6-15-2024)

At N. Georgia United Methodists’ annual meeting, disaffiliations not on agenda” by Shelia Poole via Atlanta Journal Constitution. “Today, the UMC North Georgia conference has about 440 churches remaining — but nearly a dozen new congregations are forming. Since 2022, more than 330 churches have left, which was about 38% of the conference’s churches. The smaller South Georgia Conference of the UMC has lost about half of its congregations since 2020.” (Added 6-15-2024)

112 S.C. Churches Separating from the UMC” by Jessica Brodie via The Times and Democrat. Coverage of the recent actions of the South Carolina UM Conference to release congregations using their own separation process. (Added 6-15-2024)

Spiritual Junk Food” by Patricia Watson Throckmorton via The Sampson Independent. Columnist: “Recently, some leaders and congregants of the United Methodist Church have been moving to break away from that denomination and join the Global Methodist denomination… A majority of sermons today are focused on being Politically Correct. That term describes language or measures intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. It is my opinion that you can’t be politically correct if you believe in the Bible as a whole.” (Added 6-15-2024)

Overheard: Appellate Court of MD dismisses Baltimore-Washington Conference’s interlocutory appeal in the litigation between the BWC and 38 local congregations represented by NCLL. The appeal was dismissed as untimely. See ruling here. A hearing on Conference’s motion for summary judgment scheduled for July 1. (Added 6-15-2024)

Overheard: This delegation report by Byron Thomas at the North Georgia UM Conference [beginning 35:30] has roiled traditionalists. His address suggests a sweeping by God took place at General Conference. “The word sweeping suggests the removal of debris or that which is of no use. And its presence is not only not of value, but its presence serves as a deterrent to what God has made up in God’s mind that God is going to do.” [Added 6-15-2024)

Is It the End of the Line for Mainlines?” by John Stonestreet and Shane Morris via Breakpoint. “The United Methodist Church was once one of the largest denominations in the United States, with over 11 million members and a presence in nearly every county. Today, after decades of numerical decline and doctrinal compromise, it is a shadow of its former self. Last month at a General Conference full of bizarre elements, the Methodists made what may be one of their final compromises, welcoming “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” to become ministers.” See also in Christian Post. (Added 6-14-2024)

Post by SjEarl Canlas via Facebook. Essay. “The Regional church initiative and autonomous church options need not be pursued in opposition to each other. The prior steps toward a Regional church can proceed to get rid of US-centric structure. The PCC as a Regional church could later go on to build an autonomous Methodist Union Church in the Philippines.” (Added 6-14-2024)

What’s Next? A forum on the recently passed legislations of the General Conference 2020 in Charlotte, North Carolina.” via United Media Channel TV (Facebook). Jerry Gabriel leads an event on regionalization for the Philippines Central Conference. (Added 6-14-2024)

Autonomy Now?” by Expositors Edition (YouTube). A discussion of the Autonomy Now Movement in the Philippines UMC. See also “History of the UMC in the Philippines” See also this September 2023 article from UMNS. (Added 6-14-2024)

A Promise Kept and a Promise Spurned” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. “As United Methodists continue to become aware of the actions taken by the 2024 General Conference, responses range from celebration to confusion to disagreement to disenchantment. Many are asking the question: What does this mean for me and my church?” South Carolina and Northeastern Jurisdiction actions highlighted. Corrections offered on Zambia exits. (Added 6-14-2024)

Autonomy Now: An Open Forum” via Wesley UMC, Olongapo City. (Facebook Video) A May 25 event held in the Philippines in support of autonomy from the United Methodist Church, against having regionalization forced upon them. “Conviction over convenience.” (Added 6-14-2024)

Annual Conferences Marked by Joy, Discontent, Apology and Hope” by Cynthia Astle via UM Insight. “A sampling of annual conference reports showed that many sessions moved forward hopefully, if a bit uncertainly, following the momentous decisions of the historic 2020/2024 General Conference held April 23-May 3 in Charlotte, NC…” “A tear slides down the cheek of Kentucky Bishop Leonard Fairley as he tells the 2024 annual conference session of the lingering emotional and spiritual pain of churches’ disaffiliations from the United Methodist Church.” (Added 6-14-2024)

2024 Indiana Annual Conference” via UMNS. “The General Conference has now cleared the way for a Jesus-centered, mission-based, world-transforming force for the Gospel to ALL people. It placed us in a position to move into a post-conflict future. The UMC is alive and well and moving into the future of God,” [Delegate Russ Abel] said. (Added 6-14-2024)

Church sign vandalized in Ghent” via 13 News Now (Norfolk). Someone wrote “Pride is Sin” on a UMC congregation’s Pride Month displays. Pastor interviewed. (Added 6-14-2024)

Portland Methodist churches celebrate removal of anti LGBTQ+ language” via KOIN. “For congregants at Portland First United Methodist Church, a weight was lifted by a recent UMC decision to remove anti-LGBTQ+ language from its book of discipline and social principles on a global level.” Transgender pastor interviewed. (Added 6-14-2024)

How Can the UMC Move Past General Conference?” via ReBrand Podcast. “In this episode, we take a comprehensive look back at the United Methodist Church’s recent General Conference and reflect on our journey throughout Season Two. Join us as we dive into the major decisions and discussions from the conference, including the significant revisions to the Book of Discipline, the move towards regionalization, and the impactful budget reductions. We also discuss the historic removal of restrictive language regarding human sexuality and what these changes mean for the future of our denomination.” (Added 6-14-2024)

2024 Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference” via UMNS. “Conference trustees also announced that a plan for exit for churches seeking to depart as the result of actions taken by the 2024 General Conference is being developed. The plan, which would close the church as a United Methodist congregation, would require the payment of two years’ worth of apportionments, the church’s pro-rata portion of the conference’s unfunded pension liability and a 10% surcharge for releasing the trust clause, allowing the conveyance of property.” See also here. (Added 6-14-2024)

Post by Harry Kanawa via Facebook. [Photos] “At hight court Jalingo [Nigeria]today….UMCN case between the second break away led by ande and Eli yakku were thrown away. their case against the board of trustee and the bishop the judge frown at it and thrown away the case……We move.” (Added 6-13-2024)

Another Half Million Reportedly Exit United Methodism” by Mark Tooley via Juicy Ecumenism. “It’s not clear whether Nigeria’s four annual conferences must also affirm exiting the denomination, and under what process Nigeria is exiting. The “litigations” may refer to a dissident faction in Nigeria that split from Bishop Yohanna several years ago and now professes to be the true United Methodist Church in Nigeria.” (Added 6-13-2024)

2024 Indiana Annual Conference” via UMNS. The Indiana UM Conference commits to a year-long “season of contemplation” on how to repair relationships with the LGBTQIA+ Community. (Added 6-13-2024)

The UMC Continues to Hemorrhage Members” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken. “After the ill-fated delayed general conference held in Charlotte, The United Methodist Church has embroiled by discussions across the world about whether or not congregations can maintain fellowship within the UMC anymore. Great losses to the membership of the UMC have been sustained. This is an update on recent developments in this saga.” (Added 6-13-2024)

AC Day 3: Vote paves way to explore new option for churches to leave” by Alan Wild via Kentucky UM Annual Conference. “A motion to encourage Kentucky Annual Conference leadership to explore a section of church discipline “for facilitating a fair and just pathway” for churches to leave was approved after considerable debate on Wednesday, June 12, on the third and final day of Annual Conference.” (Added 6-13-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “The problem is that over the last several years, for lots of reasons, people on all sides of our political divides have chosen to ignore significant parts of it, in most cases citing reasons of conscience, faith, or what they call Biblical Obedience. That last is just a phrase that more positively says Ecclesial Disobedience.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. Image of a letter from the Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry stating that the Liberia Annual Conference expects a special session and that the board is in negotiation with Bishop Quire on this matter. An appeal for restraint and prayer. (Added 6-12-2024)

For Whom the Bells Toll? At Duke Memorial United Methodist Church, Everyone” by Chase Pellegrini de Paur via Indy Week. “After she finishes playing from the hymnal, MacDonald takes a breath and starts to hammer out a slightly more modern melody on the 116-year-old bells: “HOT TO GO!” The raunchy and ridiculously catchy song by queer pop star Chappell Roan spills out of the Romanesque-revival tower, filling downtown Durham with the sounds of Pride Month… On Monday evening, after playing “HOT TO GO!,” MacDonald closes out her mini-concert with Billie Eilish’s “LUNCH” and Robyn’s “Dancing On My Own.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Why I’m Still a United Methodist” by John Meunier. “Through the season of disaffiliation, I prayed about whether I could or should leave the UMC. A large number of friends and mentors were leaving. I can honestly say I probably would not be an elder in the UMC right now if not for their support and advocacy. The idea of being in a denomination where there is theological alignment with my colleagues was appealing, but here is the thing. Jesus said, “no.” I asked, more than once, and he said he called me to the UMC, he called me to the church I am serving, and I am not released from that call.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Beyond Soundbites and Towards Holy Conferencing (A Series on the Actions of General Conference)” by Michael Roberts. Compares the actions of General Conference with statements by the Global Methodist Church. “Topics include Abortion, Qualifications for Ordained Ministry, Marriage, The Israel-Palestine Conflict, and Pronouns.” (Added 6-12-2024)

ZCC Rev Dimingo Interview 20240611” via UMC TV Ebenezer (Zimbabwe, Youtube). “The Zimbabwe Council of Churches General Secretary Rev. Wilfred Dimingo speaks at the end of a briefing with The United Methodist Church leadership in the Zimbabwe Episcopal Area.” (Added 6-12-2024)

The In-Spirited Church: Bishop Kennetha J. Bigham-Tsai Delivers Inspiring Episcopal Address” via Iowa UM Conference. “And I want to say this especially to our LGBTQ siblings because it needs to be said—you have a place at the table without fear that somebody is going to file charges against you because of who you are. In the Iowa Annual Conference and in The United Methodists Church, we have beat our swords into plowshares, our spears into pruning hooks and made space at the table for all.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Bishop Peggy Johnson makes first Island visit” by Julia Goujiamanis via Martha’s Vineyard Times. “On a personal level, Bishop Johnson and her spouse said they feel a sense of hope based on the book’s changes. Back in 2010, the Rev. Johnson came out as transgender, receiving mostly positive support. She recognized, though, that this isn’t always the case. ‘There’s been a lot of trans people out there that don’t have that luxury of being loved by their world,’ said Bishop Johnson.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Annual Conference 2024: Less Uncertainty, More Continuity” via Louisiana UM Conference. “The 2023 Annual Conference was a downsized affair following a spate of church disaffiliations in Louisiana, largely over the issue of LGBTQIA+ persons’ role in the church… In north Louisiana, which had a disproportionate number of churches that disaffiliated, ‘I think there’s a lot of dreaming and strategizing,’ Lee said. ‘The conference has eyes and ears up there. There’s a realization that we’ve got to stop letting other people tell our story.’” (Added 6-12-2024)

LGBTQ members of Trinity United Methodist Church explain feelings of being accepted by church” via KSHB (Kansas City). “Retired United Methodist Pastor Lee Johnson shares Fischer’s sentiment. He too was married to his husband by a United Methodist pastor.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Historic Durham church’s bells played Pride anthem and caught the attention of millions” by Emmy Martin via the Durham Herald Sun. “But instead of a hymn, the melody ‘You can take me hot to go!’ rang out from the century-old bell tower of Duke Memorial United Methodist Church. Katelyn MacDonald, a member and leader in the congregation, was playing queer pop star Chappell Roan’s hit ‘HOT TO GO! to celebrate the first day of Pride Month.” See also ABC 11 Coverage. (Added 6-12-2024)

North Texas Conference ordains first openly gay Methodist pastor since removal of LGBTQ+ ban” by Penelope Rivera via KERA News. “Last week, Lucas, now 53, became the first openly gay man to be ordained in the North Texas Conference since the greater UMC voted to lift a ban on LGBTQ+ clergy last month. He was previously an associate pastor at Lovers Lane UMC.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Post by Ande Emmanuel via Facebook. More conflicted messaging from Nigeria. (Added 6-12-2024)

Post by Keith Sweat via Facebook. “Clarification on the actions at the South Carolina Annual Conference of the UMC…” Why churches should act now. (Added 6-12-2024)

Post by JJ Warren via Facebook. Gay UM Clergy: “I wish we didn’t have to praise the caveat of “you won’t be forced to have a queer pastor or celebrate same-gender weddings” in this current/interim phase of the future of the denomination. Why? I am in total agreement that no one should ever — within or beyond the church — be forced to do something they’re uncomfortable with. AND ALSO, the theology that undergirds churches who consciously exclude LGBTQIA+ persons is TOXIC & death-dealing, and this theo-ethical deathtrap MUST be addressed!…” (Added 6-12-2024)

112 UMCSC churches closed, approved for separation” via South Carolina UM Conference (MailChimp). “Members of the 2024 South Carolina Annual Conference on June 11 overwhelmingly approved the closure of 112 local churches whose members have voted to separate from The United Methodist Church.” Exiting churches listed by district. (Added 6-12-2024)

United Methodists welcome LGBTQ+ people as pastors” by Krystal Cole via Spectrum News 1 (NY). “Celebration just kind of breaks out on the floor. And some queer delegates are leading hymn singing on the floor … and it was just a really beautiful, wonderful moment. And to be a part of that was a true, true blessing, a true joy in my life,” Urriola said. “I’m really excited for this new day of United Methodism.” (Added 6-12-2024)

Is There Room for Traditionalist Pastors in The United Methodist Church?” by Scott Field via WCA. “Let’s recognize that one of the most difficult spots for pastoral ministry in the US today is to be a traditionalist United Methodist pastor. Think about the range of settings across the ecclesiastical landscape of the UMC where they might be appointed to serve.” (6-11-2024)

2024 South Carolina Annual Conference” via Vimeo. Livestream. The list of exiting church was distributed only to those with appropriate badge colors. List was read aloud. Money questions asked from the floor. One objection over wording of separation agreement. Speeches interrupted when question was called. Standing vote was held approving the separations. After the vote, a GC delegate scolded the conference for not upholding the BOD and charging high costs to those exiting. One exiting pastor expressed appreciation and thanks to the conference. (Added 6-11-2024)

What’s happening today (Tuesday, June 11) at Annual Conference?” via South Carolina Advocate. “Tuesday is slated to bring what some consider the most significant and dramatic action of this year’s Annual Conference, as a slate of as-yet-unknown churches will go before the body for a vote on separation from The United Methodist Church. That action is slated for the afternoon, during the Report of the Conference Board of Trustees. The trustees have kept both the names and number of the separating churches confidential. All of the churches complied with the conference’s separation process earlier this year, in accordance with the 2016 Book of Discipline of the UMC, ultimately voting to leave the denomination.” (Added 6-11-2024)

Post by Amanda Webb-Griswald via Facebook. Lists the 112 congregations that disaffiliated from the UMC on June 11, 2024 using the conference-level exit path. (Added 6-11-2024)

Tweet by Chris Ritter: “Can a conference retrofit the “Connectional Conf. Plan” after the #UMC “Simple Plan”-ed? It seems a bit “ready, fire, aim,” but maybe better than the empty “One Church Plan” assurances currently being bandied about. No way to offer funding protections, though. Good luck,
@wpaumc! [link] (Added 6-11-2024)

Intentional Missional Alignment Process Task Force” via Western PA Conference. The conference seeks to sort its churches into three “households”: Progressive, Traditionalist, and Blended. (Added 6-11-2024)

2024 Exit Plan” via Illinois Great Rivers Conference. The exit plan for IGRC congregations seeking to leave the UMC. See also PDF. (Added 6-11-2024)

NEJ College of Bishops Statement” via North Eastern Jurisdiction Bishops (UMC). “There was no extension of disaffiliation, and the disaffiliation paragraph was removed from The Book of Discipline. Two paragraphs were considered in the past: paragraph 2548 was ruled by the Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church not to be used for disaffiliations, and paragraph 2549 is for a church closure and how to handle the property. Now that disaffiliations have concluded, the College of Bishops will ensure that annual conferences receive the best value for any sold property.” See also here as shared in UMNS. (Added 6-11-2024)

Tweet by Matt O’Reilly. [Image of Paper Title Sheet: “Is Separation Justified: John Wesley’s ‘Catholic Spirit’ and the Question of Sexuality.”] “Doing this today.” (Added 6-11-2024)

Church ‘brokenhearted’ after member accused of theft” by Arriyonna Allen via The Paducah Sun (KY). “Investigators said [Treasurer] Gregory Siener stole between $300,000 and $400,000 from Reidland United Methodist Church over the course of five to six years..” (Added 6-11-2024)

With United Methodist ban on LGBTQ clergy lifted, some in Savannah have new world of opportunity” by Evan Lasseter via Savannah Morning News. Feature on a South Georgia gay man now able to become a UMC clergy. (Paywall, but a version is available on AOL). (Added 6-11-2024)

After years defying United Methodist rules as an openly queer chaplain, Iowa City’s Anna Blaedel is out of the church and proud to be a ‘spiritual misfit’” by Emma McClatchy via Little Village. “The board is queerer, more trans, younger, less white, more radical and less United Methodist than it was when I began. Sharing in risk, growing together, and loving each other through have become core practices of our community culture.”  (Added 6-11-2024)

Tweet by Taylor Burton Edwards. “Our reporter, who was at the called special session, has stated that no such vote took place. What this document is, I cannot tell you. What I can tell you is that getting any real news about Nigeria is more difficult that receiving documents that claim to speak for it.” A follow-up tweet says the UMNS is working on a story. (Added 6-10-2024)

The Evolution of Methodism: From Asbury to Today” by The Remnant Radio via YouTube. “Dr. David Watson joins us to discuss the history and evolution of modern Methodism, particularly the journey from the days of Francis Asbury to the current state of the Methodist Church. How did we transition from the foundational influence of Asbury to the significant changes and challenges facing the Methodist Church today?” (Added 6-10-2024)

Another Denomination Might Break Up” via Ready to Harvest (YouTube). Will all Mainlines eventually be the same? “The “Olympia Overture” POL-01 threatens to split the Presbyterian Church (USA) again. Let’s learn the facts about this upcoming decision.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Opportunities and Challenges for the GMC” via Firebrand Podcast. David Watson, Scott Kisker, and Maggie Ulmer discuss the state of things in the Global Methodist Church. (Added 6-10-2024)

Tweet by Chris Ritter. “This document records the June 1, 2024 vote of the Nigeria Episcopal Area to depart the #UMC. There are four annual conferences in Nigeria (& a break-away group). Some 1 mil. members. Two of four West Africa Episcopal areas have now indicated exit (Côte d’Ivoire being the other).” (Added 6-10-2024)

UPDATED: “Resolution of the Joint Special Called Session of the UMC Nigeria Episcopal Area” via PDF. The statement PURPORTING TO BE from the June 1, 2024 Special Session at McBride UMC in Jalingo, Nigeria. Expresses an intention to leave the UMC. (Added 6-10-2024)

Post via Baltimore Washington WCA (Facebook). A copy of a resolution approved in Nigeria indicating all four conferences of the Nigeria Episcopal Area will withdraw from the UMC. (Added 6-10-2024)

United Methodist Church in Liberia Clarifies Its Stance on LGBTQ Issues Amid Protests” by JaHeim Tumu via Front Page Africa. “Bishop Quire emphasized that regionalization will enable the United Methodist Church in Liberia to focus on its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, avoiding distractions from debates over identity. He indicated that it would be used as a vehicle to make and enforce relevant policies to guide and direct its missional priorities moving forward.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Post by Brad Elrod via Facebook. Long post offering “The Rest of the Story” to the “Be UMC Arkansas” Facebook Group on the Ivory Coast exits. Suggests this split might be like the Methodist Protestant Church split that was eventually healed. (Added 6-10-2024)

Along the Way: The Note of Joy” by Steve Harper. “And so, here we are—in general as a people experiencing a new awakening marked by joy, and as United Methodists now free in Christ to bear witness in the world with the note of joy characterizing us.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Several Panhandle churches involved in United Methodist Church disaffiliation dispute” via WMBB (YouTube). Reporting on churches unable to disaffiliate following a state Supreme Court ruling. (Added 6-10-2024)

2024 06-02 UMC General Conference Information” via St. Luke UMC, Sanford, NC (YouTube). Meeting held in a concerned UM congregation following General Conference. DS Gray Southern of the NC Conference answers questions beginning at 43:05. (Added 6-10-2024)

Post by Adam Hamilton via Facebook. “The Great Plains Annual Conference just approved, nearly unanimously, a resolution reaffirming our commitment to the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. This resolution was in response to the misinformation that was spread by those who sought to persuade churches in Great Plains to leave the UMC to join another denomination by claiming the UMC no longer believes in doctrines like the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, and the resurrection.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Methodist Church apologises for ‘all forms of homophobia’” by Robbie Meredith via BBC. “The Methodist Church in Ireland has apologised ‘unreservedly for failures in pastoral support and care’ to the LGBT community and their families.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Overheard: On the promised Illinois Great Rivers Conference exit path: “I was at the IGRC Annual Conference when the Trustees report was shared. The details were not shared but just generalities about the process. There will be 7 steps involved which include a letter to the Bishop. They are following Paragraph 2549 in the UMC Book of Discipline which is used for closure of churches. As I understand it a church would have to request closing and then would be able to buy back their property and could remain independent or choose to unite with another denomination. The deadline for completing the process is December 31, 2024. As I said, the details were not shared and we were told that more would be shared in the next few weeks.” (Added 6-10-2024)

Church, Take a Breath” by Bishop Bill McAlilly via the Nashville Episcopal Area. “Although ¶2553 was eliminated from the Discipline and the former disaffiliation process is no longer available, I have directed the Trustees and the Administrative Strategy Team to develop a process within the bounds of the Discipline for local churches who seek a different path outside the United Methodist Church.” (Added 6-8-2024)

Breaking Barriers: LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Methodist Church w/Dr. Ashley Boggan” by Faithful Politics Podcast (YouTube). “In this episode of Faithful Politics, hosts Will Wright and Pastor Josh Burtram welcome Dr. Ashley Boggan, the General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History for the United Methodist Church (UMC). Dr. Boggan shares her journey and passion for Methodist history, mentioning her role in ensuring the UMC understands its past to envision a more equitable future.” (Added 6-8-2024)

Breaking News!!! Members of the United Methodist Church Protest Against Same Sex Marriage – LB TV” via LB Online TV (Liberia) (YouTube). Cell phone footage from a meeting in Liberia attended by retired Bishop Kulah (brother of Jerry Kulah). The crowd was worked up because security police were called to the conference compound. Speech protesting the actions of General Conference. Lay Leader also speaks, offers context on the process, and appeals to Liberian law. (Added 6-8-2024)

United Methodist Bishop speaks to the media on some national issues concerning the United Methodist Church in Liberia” via News Public Trust (Facebook). [Video] Press conference with Bishop Quire and cabinet. Underscores the practices in Liberia will not change. Highlights coming regionalization. Liberia will not change regardless of whether regionalization is ratified. Charges threatened against those speaking against the UMC. “The United Methodist Church is not a gay church.” See also Print Article. (Added 6-8-2024)

Overheard: The Illinois Great Rivers Conference voted to approve the formation of an LGBTQ Ministry Team. The vote was 433/177 on Petition 104 which was amended on the floor to include people of various theological perspectives. The extended floor debate (1:57:40) included an admonition to slow down the rapid rate of change in light of concerned being heard in the local church. Lance Leeds: “When the kids start throwing up, it is time to slow the ride down.” (Added 6-8-2024)

Iowa LGBTQ+ pastor to be ordained” by Jason Clayworth via MSN. “Rev. Jordan Derhammer Capek of West Des Moines United Methodist Church will be ordained as a full elder on Sunday.” (Added 6-8-2024)

The Methodists are Migrating: Does the Church Care More About Inclusion, or Biblical Truth?” by Emma Schultz via Daily Citizen (Focus on the Family). “The old saying goes, “Where God closes a door, he opens a window.” The UMC opened a liberal window, and it’s safe to say churches are busting out of the door too.” (Added 6-8-2024)

As Ivory Coast Methodists depart UMC over LGBTQ+ issues, Africa’s other Methodists take stock” by Fredrick Nzwili via Religion News Service. “Before the May decision, in August, more than three-quarters of the 91 congregations in the UMC’s Kenya-Ethiopia annual conference voted to withdraw from the denomination, aligning with the Global Methodist Church, a new denomination formed by conservative former UMC churches and leaders.” (Added 6-8-2024)

United Methodists Lose 1M Members in a Single Day, Council of Bishops ‘Grieves’ Mass Exodus” by Talia Wise via CBN News. “The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops has issued a response to one of the largest exoduses from the denomination in history.” (Added 6-8-2024)

Post by Casey Farmer via Facebook. Video of Mark Driscoll calling the UMC satanic after watching clip compilation of General Conference. (Added 6-8-2024)

Crossroads Podcast: What Happens Next To The Divided Methodist Flock?” by Terry Mattingly via Religion Unplugged. “While thousands of churches have left the denomination, many others face divisions in their pews — since UMC rules required a two-thirds majority for congregations to exit while retaining their buildings, endowments, etc. No one believes that the UMC’s struggles are over at the local level, a fact that should matter to local print and broadcast newsrooms.” Audio Link. (Added 6-7-2024)

Overheard: Illinois Great Rivers Conference delegates coming to annual conference to hear details of a promised exit pathway were disappointed when the details were not offered. It was announced that the exit is a work in progress and there would be a December 31 deadline. (Added 6-7-2024)

Overheard: Some are saying the West Virginia Conference is reneging on promises that an exit path would be available if church teaching changes. (Added 6-7-2024)

For the first openly gay Methodist bishop, Christianity continued to be her calling” by Jey Born via NPR. “Pastor Karen Oliveto and her wife, Robin Ridenour. They interviewed each other for StoryCorps in Billings, Mont. Last month, the United Methodist Church dropped a ban against openly gay clergy.” (Added 6-7-2024)

June 7, 2024 Weekly Live Stream” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Every week I take the time to try and talk/think through developments in the world of Methodism and global Christianity more broadly, responding to the feedback of those who join me. Together I believe we are doing our part to recreate a shared sense of what it means to have a unified ministry in Christ in the context of a world bent on darkness. Consider joining us with your thoughts and prayers.” (Added 6-7-2024)

Turmoil After General Conference” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. This roundup includes details on the Rwanda exit and the exit of two districts in Zambia. (Added 6-7-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. : Retired Bishop Kulah of Liberia seeks to bring peace to those protesting for a special session. (Added 6-7-2024)

Why Nigerian United Methodists are Staying UMC” by Steve West. Steve West shared a PNJ PDF in support of the idea that Nigeria is committed to staying in the UMC. This document, however, comes from the Ande Emmanuel camp and is part of the fog of conflict there. See also here. (Added 6-7-2024)

‘We grieve’: UMC responds to 1 million member conference leaving denomination” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. Covers the UMC Council of Bishops response to the Ivory Coast exit. (Added 6-7-2024)

Methodist church regrets Ivory Coast’s split from the union as lifting of LGBTQ ban roils Africa” by Tsvangirayi Mukwazhe via Associated Press. “‘The church has aligned with the Rainbow Movement, and this is also a threat to our African traditions and human existence at large,’ read a petition by church members, calling on their Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa to act.” (Added 6-7-2024)

Knife Attack: Nigeria’s Vote to Leave the United Methodist Church” via Church History Stories (YouTube). Varied and competing Nigeria claims continue. See also here. (Added 6-7-2024)

Pride Month and the Holiness of God” by Andrew Dooley via Kentucky Today. “The recent demise of the United Methodist Church, which abandoned biblical orthodoxy in exchange for the sexual revolution at its April General Conference, is but the latest example of the pressure on believers to capitulate to the cultural whims of depravity. Despite the faithful remnant of Methodists who decried the move, many wolves in sheep’s clothing quickly lined up to defend the action as progress in an ever-changing world. In other words, nothing to see here.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. [Information on a demonstration demanding a special session of the Liberia Conference to consider UMC exit]: “Good Day! We are set for tomorrow, but aren’t using the UMC compound and have nothing to do with the UMC compound! We will use the main street(12th Street) We will be peaceful, Christlike and organized.Let’s meet at 9:00am!” (Added 6-6-2024)

Overheard: Bishop Quire of Liberia is returning home from the USA. He has ordered additional security at the conference office amid protests and calls for a special session of the annual conference to consider exit from the UMC. (Added 6-6-2024)

2024 North Alabama Annual Conference” via UMNS. The conference celebrated Bishop Debra Wallace Padgett’s 12-year leadership. [Analysis: A well-loved, centrist bishop, her tenure is an opportunity to reflect on the changes she has seen. Using UM Data and the statistics in this report, membership dropped from 135,458 to 59,427 (down 56%). Professions of Faith per year dropped from 2,533 to 375 (down 85%). Attendance dropped from 68,132 to 31,654 (down 53.5%), and the latter number includes reported online attendance.] “Note: 150 North Alabama churches disaffiliated during 2023.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “You might or might not hear it here first, but either way, you’ll likely want to know that The United Methodist Church is on the way to seeing a special session of the Liberia Annual Conference called to consider a motion to begin the process of withdrawal from our Church…
The Liberia Conference is another giant United Methodist annual conference. The departure of these two conferences in what it looks like will be a very short period of time will almost certainly be unprecedented in the world of Protestant Christianity. And, you know what? There was another way to have done this.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Post General Conference Reflection: Divine Invitation to Unwrap the GC Outcomes” by Leah Wandera via UM Insight (from MFSA Voices). “This past General Conference was a resurrection. A restoration. A divine work of God. Jesus just turned and invited us United Methodists to participate in completing this divine obligation.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda” by Lonnie Brooks via UM Insight. Ten missed opportunities at the Charlotte General Conference. Reprint of his Facebook post. (Added 6-6-2024)

Cameroon and Senegal Also Lost in Cote d’Ivoire Exit” by Wes Magruder via UM Insight. “In 2020, the General Board of Global Ministries handed over its two Mission Initiatives in Cameroon and Senegal to the Côte d’Ivoire Annual Conference, where they became districts under the episcopal leadership of Benjamin Boni. Therefore, unless the districts’ leadership chooses otherwise, Cameroon and Senegal will go wherever Côte d’Ivoire goes.” (Added 6-6-2024)

United Methodists in the Ivory Coast: One Vote, One Million Departures, Many Questions” by Darryl Stephens via UM Insight. “The failing merger of the UMC and the Methodist Protestant Church of Côte d’Ivoire exposes the difficulties of realizing United Methodism’s global ambitions. The ambition for global expansion appears to be motivated by a U. S. imperialistic mindset.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Methodist church regrets Côte d’Ivoire’s split from the union as lifting of LGBTQ ban roils Africa” by Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi via News Break. “The church has aligned with the Rainbow Movement, and this is also a threat to our African traditions and human existence at large,” read a petition by church members, calling on their Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa to act. (Added 6-6-2024)

Post by Alfred Kwabena Mensah via Facebook. [image calling for a special session of the Liberia Conference to consider UMC exit]: “Bishop Samuel J Jr Quire no need for hiring armed police! Just call the special session! You know we United Methodists love you but want you to do the right thing!!!! Tomorrow we are coming outside to remind you of the many messages and decisions made to upholding scripture as our only guide.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Tweet by Charisma News. “Sadly the #UMC is not the only denomination that has abandoned God’s Word for the ways of the world. Read our #TopNews: https://tinyurl.com/4epkrm4v” (Added 6-6-2024)

2024 Czechia Annual Conference” via UMNS. May 24-26 Prague session: “However, the timetable for the withdrawal of the United Methodist Church in Czechia from the worldwide United Methodist Church — and therefore also from the Central Conference of Central and Southern Europe — was the main topic of discussion.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Ivory Coast Methodists leaving the United Methodist denomination” by Genevie Roby via World. “The United Methodist Church Council of Bishops said Wednesday it would help The United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast work to become independent. The annual conference last week voted to leave in response to the denomination’s recent vote to allow same-sex weddings and LGBT clergy. The Ivory Coast group, which goes by the acronym EMUCI, has made up a sizeable chunk of the United Methodist Church’s membership.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. What General Conference 2020/2024 had the opportunity to do, but did not: Address jurisdictions, reform episcopacy, reform the general agencies, and seven other misses. (Added 6-6-2024)

OPINION: This Pride Month, our rights are under fire” by F. Willis Johnson via Midland Daily News. UM Clergy: “The world of religion remains a complex, often fraught arena. The recent schism within the United Methodist Church over LGBTQ+ inclusion is a stark reminder that houses of worship can be both sources of comfort and sites of pain for queer individuals. As some Methodists welcome all into their congregations, others have splintered off, digging in their heels. Such practices aren’t unique to Methodism — from synagogues to mosques, religious communities grapple with reconciling doctrine and compassion, with wildly varying results.” (Added 6-6-2024)

On Religion: The United Methodists Steer Left — And Into A Sea Of Red” by Terry Mattingly via Religion Unplugged. “This General Conference urgently moved to modernize many UMC doctrines and laws after the exit of 7,659 congregations in America’s biggest church split since the Civil War.” (Added 6-6-2024)

Ivory Coast splits with UMC but other African conferences slow to follow” by Fredrick Nzwili via Christian Century. “Some Kenyan officials say the conference will take a final decision about how to respond to the US church at its annual meeting in August. But Muthuri explained that the African church has yet to confront LGBTQ clergy in its own ranks.” (Added 6-5-2024)

COB commits to work with Cote d’Ivoire Conference as it prepares to leave UMC” By Bishop Tracy Smith-Malone via UMC Council of Bishops. “While we grieve Cote d’Ivoire Conference’s decision to separate from The United Methodist Church, we commit to work with them through the process of becoming an Autonomous Methodist Church.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Côte d’Ivoire votes to leave denomination” by Heather Hahn and Chadrack Tambwe Londe via UMNS. UMS coverage of the Ivory Coast exit. Financial and demographic implications discussed. See accompanying Photo Retrospective. (Added 6-5-2024)

Dispatches From the United Methodist Diaspora: Remember the Struggle of What Has Been” by Courtney Jones via Good Faith Media. The negative financial impact of the UMC on LGBTQ folks described. “There is now much self-congratulatory posturing, as though this is the end of something and not the beginning. I have to imagine those who are still affiliated see the writing on the wall of a dwindling mainline denomination, with each generation more and more open to fluidity of sexual orientation and gender expression.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Compassion UMC in Ocala offers women in need hope, care, and a path forward” by Joe Henderson via Florida UM Conference. In a space that once housed a disaffiliating Hispanic ministry, the Becks launch a congregation focused on battered women and women battling addiction. The district office is located in the Ocala church, too. (Added 6-5-2024)

Rev. Mike Schafer Selected as GM Church’s First Connectional Operations Officer” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “After an extensive search process, the Global Methodist Church’s Transitional Leadership Council confirmed at its Monday, June 3, 2024, meeting that the Rev. Mike Schafer will serve as the denomination’s first Connectional Operations Officer.” Schafer is President of the West Plains conference and will assume duties after Keith Boyette’s retirement at General Conference. He will have a humbler job description than Boyette. (Added 6-5-2024)

Deacons Presiding at the Altar?” by Matthew Kemp via The Living Church. Sacramental authority is a sticking point in the unity plans between the UMC and TEC, such as sacraments being administered by licensed but not ordained clergy. The UMC’s decision to grant sacramental rights to deacons has widened that gap. (Added 6-5-2024)

The exodus of the faithful” by Al Mohler via World. “Of course, the theological disaster did not start with homosexuality. It began with theological liberalism and surrender to the spirit of the age. By the time the UMC met last month, speakers lined up to voice their “preferred personal pronouns” and assorted sexual and gender identities. It was like a drama based on Romans chapter 1. They just capitulated to the LBGTQ revolution and cloaked it all as a giant Pride event.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Tweet by Talbot Davis: “Well, #UMCGC has been over for about a month now but I just realized something. EVERYONE expected it to redefine marriage in the #umc, which it did. NO ONE expected it to redefine singleness, but it managed to do that as well.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Post via Zambia Annual Conference (Facebook). “Bishop KASAP further said that, a candidate who wishes to contest for the office of the bishop should not have a fellow marry a fellow man or woman marries a fellow woman is not welcome to lead the church in Africa. He further, mentioned that the Africans must respect the authority of the bible and serve God as it should be. In response to the speech of the Bishop, delegates expressed joy to the speech.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Church, Take a Breath” by Bishop Bill McAlilly via Nashville Episcopal Area. “Many of you have received commentary on what happened and did not happen at the General Conference. Here are my key takeaways…” (Added 6-5-2024)

Ivory Coast Conference Leaves United Methodist Church” via Decision Magazine (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association). The delegates added: “In Africa we do not believe we know better than Jesus. We do not believe we know better than God. We do not believe we know better than the Bible.” (Added 6-5-2024)

More than 1M Methodists leave church over same-sex rule change” by Taylor Delandro via The Hill. “The Ivory Coast division had been the denomination’s largest jurisdiction overseas with more than 1.2 million members.” See also Blaze Media, Toronto Sun, and IFN Coverage. (Added 6-5-2024)

State Supreme Court rejects appeal by Wiregrass, Alabama churches blocked from leaving United Methodist” via WDHN . Dothan local coverage. See also WMBB Coverage in Florida. (Added 6-5-2024)

1M ditch United Methodist Church, after changes to marriage definition and LGBT clergy ban” by Heather Preston via Premiere Christianity (UK). “The EMUCI, which represents around twelve per cent of the denominations membership, argues the UMC’s doctrinal changes “deviate from Holy Scripture” and “sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community,” according to reports from La Croix International.” (Added 6-5-2024)

Post by Ben Horrocks via UM Clergy Facebook Group. Sharing the letter by Bishop Frank Beard questioning the actions of the Charlotte General Conference. See comments. (Added 6-5-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “Is it possible that the next wave of separations of local churches and, perhaps, even of annual conferences from The United Methodist Church could be precipitated by what the General Conference of 2020/24 did with ¶425.1 of the Book of Discipline?…” (Added 6-5-2024)

United Methodists to close and sell UAB ministry house near Dreamland BBQ” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “The Rev. Tyler Cantrell, a former director of the UAB Wesley Foundation and former president of the board of directors who left the board in 2022, said the conference did not emphasize the student ministry enough. “It was just so hard to get any support,” Cantrell said. “I think they just had the plan of selling the house.” (Added 6-4-2024)

STATEMENT of the Global Methodist Church in Croatia” by Vatroslav Župančić via Croatia GMC. “We call upon all church conferences, local churches and organizations that are still in communion with the UMC, and that do not share its recently adopted false teaching and unbiblical practices to respond to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ addressed in the book of Revelation “Come out of her, my people, lest you partake of her sins, and not receive from her evils!” (Rev. 18:5).” (Added 6-4-2024)

One Heart: Talking About the Removal of Restrictive Language in the Book of Discipline” by Bradley Laurvick via UMC Discipleship. “This article is written knowing that you, as a United Methodist Church leader or member, may get questions from those within and outside your congregation in the coming weeks and months related to decisions made at General Conference in 2024…” (Added 6-4-2024)

Part 2: Ending some chargeable offenses” by Taylor W. Burton Edwards via Ask the UMC. Second installment in an analysis of the changes made at the Charlotte General Conference. See also “Part Three: Clergy Formation.” (Added 6-4-2024)

Is it time for you, and your congregation, and maybe your annual conference to consider leaving the United Methodist Church now?” by Scott Field via WCA. “The UMC hierarchy might have convinced themselves that disaffiliation is over, but the season of denominational separation continues. Denominational leaders, in many cases, have demonstrated that they are not trustworthy sources of information or assistance to you. But information and assistance is available.” (Added 6-4-2024)

United Methodists lose 1 million members in 1 day over new stance on premarital sex and homosexuality” by Madalaine Elhabbal via Catholic Vote. “For reasons of conscience,” the statement concluded, “before God and before his word, supreme authority in matters of faith and life [the Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church-Côte d’Ivoire] decides to leave the United Methodist denomination.” (Added 6-4-2024)

Alabama Supreme Court rules against 44 churches trying to leave the UMC” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. “In October 2023, 42 churches filed suit against the Alabama-West Florida Conference, arguing that the conference was wrongfully delaying the dismissal process.” (Added 6-4-2024)

How Far is Too Far?” by Bishop Frank Beard via Illinois Great Rivers UM Conference. “The question, ‘How far is too far?’ is raised because I believe there are some lines that we do not have the luxury of crossing, even with the goals of love, liberation, and liberty. The church of Jesus Christ should never be guilty of promoting or accepting sin of any kind. A careful reading of some of the things that were removed from our Book of Discipline left me scratching my head and wondering if we went a bit too far.” (Added 6-3-2024)

UMC Nigeria Episcopal Area Rejects Same Sex Marriage” by Jethro Yerga via Echo Express. Ande Emmanuel’s group removed. “Also, members at the Session resolved that if the Special Session of the Central Conference was not conducted before the General Conference 2024, the UMC Nigeria Episcopal Area Board of Trustees by the meeting are mandated to begin the process of changing the name of the church “because currently, there are Gay and Lesbians Bishops including clergy and this is a clear violation of church laws”. (Added 6-3-2024)

United Methodist split: Alabama Supreme Court rejects appeal by 44 churches blocked from leaving” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. (Added 6-3-2024)

‘Strangely warmed’ by General Conference experience” by Amanda Bonnette-Kim via UMNS (Commentary). “As petition after petition was accepted, as I watched decades of harm and exclusion be undone, as I watched new policies that would take accountability for harm perpetrated by The United Methodist Church solidify into rules we are to abide by, I felt my heart strangely warmed.” (Added 6-3-2024)

Bishop’s Office Response to Demonstration” via UMC Ebenezer (YouTube). “The Rev. Alan Gurupira, Admin Assistant to the Bishop addresses the Zimbabwe Episcopal Area United Methodists on the demo by a group of members outside the Zimbabwe West Annual Conference Head Office on the 30th of May 2024.” (Added 6-3-2024)

United Methodist Church Protest Against Same-Sex Marriage In Liberia” via LiberianPeople (YouTube). Protest demanding a special session to consider exit from the UMC. (Added 6-3-2024)

1 million people exited the United Methodist Church in a single day and I can’t imagine why” by “John Knox” via Not The Bee. “The UMC has been destroying its numbers by embracing LGBTQ+ “affirming” politics designed for “inclusion.” But it turns out that most gay folks don’t want to go to church.” (Added 6-3-2024)

Duke Memorial United Methodist Church going viral on TikTok for playing “HOT TO GO!” on the first day of pride!” via Reddit. (video). A Durham, NC United Methodist Church plays gay dance anthem “Hot to Go” by Chappell Roan on its steeple carillon bells to kick off Pride Month. See also the viral TikTok. (Added 6-3-2024)

Korean Methodists debate cutting ties with UMC after votes allowing same-sex marriage, gay clergy” via Christian Post. Reprint of coverage from Christian Daily International. (Added 6-3-2024)

UM Annual Conference: Wisdom for Remaining Traditional Types” by Bob Phillips via PeopleNeedJesus.net. “You’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” (Added 6-3-2024)

Post by Genevieve Bergman via Facebook: Protesting OK Conference inaction: “I want to give a HUGE shout out to Bishop Jimmy Nunn, the Annual Conference Council, and half of the voting delegates of the Oklahoma Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church for saying a huge $%&(! YOU to the LGBTQ people of Oklahoma on the FIRST DAY OF PRIDE. Today in a cowardice act of non-action, the Oklahoma Annual Conference adjourned before choosing to affirm LGBTQ people in the state.” See Similar Post and context here. (Added 6-3-2024)

Post by PlainSpoken via Facebook: “There was drama at the close of the Oklahoma Annual Conference of the UMC today when they failed to pass this resolution below. They had some close votes and ran out of time. Eventually they just closed the conference session. A conference official posted on FB that people were cussing him out and tagging him in angry FB posts about it….” (Added 6-3-2024)

Conflicting Reports: Post by Harry Kanawa via Facebook. [Photos] Nigerian: “UMCN episcopal area Joined special call session held at UMCN Mcbride Jalingo Taraba state on the 01st June 2024. Resolutions. 1. Unanimously voted will leave UMC since HOMOSEXUALITY has been legalized. 2. Special call session to be approved by cabinet and Bishop to conduct elections. 3. Bishop Yohanna of Nigeria area to inform the state and federal government the removal of incompatible language in the BOD and our Resolution of leaving the church Unanimously. Check the votes counting on the photos via here. We move.” [See Conflicting Report] (Added 6-3-2024)

Same sex marriage is against the constitution of Nigeria and tradition of Africa – Clergy” by Emmanuel Awari-Jalingo via Champion News. “The leadership of Southern Conference of United Methodist Church wish to call and appeal for total calmness as  strong measures have been put in place to discuss the ugly incident that is even against Nigeria Constitution, and our tradition in Africa, with the Registered Trustees, Cabinet members,  Board of laity, council on ministries, which will finally lead to special call session, before letting the entire world know our reactions to the ungodly lifting of ban on Homosexuals.” (Added 6-3-2024)

“Cut off all communication with UMC.” My voice grows louder.” by Kim Jin-young of the Christian Daily. “In particular, the attendees decided through the meeting to: △ demand that the denomination (KCC) disassociate itself from the UMC; △ ask candidates for this year’s Episcopal president election about withdrawal from the NCCK (National Council of Christian Churches in Korea); △ demand that queer theology be defined as a heresy; We decided to make every effort to get NCCK withdrawal approved at the administrative general meeting.” (Added 6-3-2024)

Korean Methodists debate whether to sever ties or remain after UMC General Conference’s change on homosexuality” via Christian Daily Asia. “Recently, the MHMC held an Emergency Seminar and Meeting in Response to the UMC Crisis at Incheon Sungui Methodist Church, where Pastor Nak-in Kim (retired from Lord’s Church in Southern California) lectured, highlighting the pro-homosexual trends within the UMC.” (Added 6-3-2024)

‘It’s time for churches to take a stand’: Faith leaders respond to aggressive Pride Month push” Erica Thomas via 1819 News. “Some churches have allowed the normalization of LGBTQ ideals, even allowing gay pastors in some cases. Just last month, the United Methodist Church lifted its ban on LGBTQ clergy. The “Reconciling United Methodists of the North Alabama Conference” group used the Pentecost, May 19, to hype up congregations for Pride Month.” (Added 6-3-2024)

United Methodists choose inclusion for all as standard of its church” by Dorothy S. Boulware via The St. Louis American. “Greater Northwest Area Bishop Cedric D. Bridgeforth told UMC News that removing condemning language on homosexuality opens the church to a worldwide conversation.” (Added 6-3-2024)

When Full Inclusion Isn’t” by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “As the Traditional Incompatibilists prevailed at GC19, the Progressive Incompatibilists prevailed at GC20/24. Just as striking, however, is the fact that not only did the Progressive Incompatibilists not provide a way for the few remaining Traditional Incompatibilists and Traditional Compatibilists inclined to do so to withdraw, they rebuffed every attempt to get that done while they were adopting provisions that were as objectionable to the Traditionalists as the legislation adopted at GC19 was objectionable to the Progressive Incompatibilists.” (Added 6-3-2024)

Post by Tim Beardsley via Facebook. [Video] “Liberia UMC protest to petition the Bishop Quire of Liberia Annual Conference to call a Special Conference to allow the church to vote to leave the UMC. This is all because of UMC General Conference in Charolette approving LGBT marriage and clergy in the UMC, so Bishop Quire let Liberia vote at Special Conference….” (Added 6-3-2024)

Embracing Opportunities: A Bright Side to the United Methodist Church Situation” by Lynn Malone. “Traditionalists, you wanted to “wait and see.” Well, you waited and now you’ve seen. It is time to make a decision about where God is calling you in the future. Embrace the season. Embrace the challenge. Embrace the opportunity. But always, keep looking on the bright side!” (Added 6-2-2024)

Should Conservatives Stay?” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Friends, I felt like I needed to comment a bit on the predicament of those with a biblical fidelity who are still within the UMC. I have had a series of conversations with people representing different positions on this question. I wanted to make clear where I stand, and to give encouragement to those of you who aren’t sure how to navigate these things. I hope this offering of mine gives some clarity. God bless you and your churches.” (Added 6-1-2024)

Open Letter to a Post-General Conference United Methodist Church” by North Texas UM Delegate Jessica Vittorio via Medium. As shared in UMNS’s Daily Digest: “As the sun rises on my flight, so a new day rises in the worldwide UMC, a new day indeed.” (Added 6-1-2024)

Post by Rob Renfroe via Facebook. “Centrists and progressives in the UMC decided that if they had to lose Africa to pass a liberal sexual ethic, that was a price worth paying. Well, they just lost a million African members. I’ve been to Côte d’Ivoire twice. Great people.” (Added 6-1-2024)

1 million-member regional body leaves United Methodist Church over gay marriage, clergy” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. “The Côte d’Ivoire Conference based in West Africa voted earlier this week to leave the UMC after the denomination’s decision to remove rules banning the blessing of same-sex unions and the ordination of people in romantic same-sex relationships from its Book of Discipline.” (Added 6-1-2024)

By Request: Text of amended Par. 425.1, UMC Book of Discipline. The text of the revised Par. 425.1 requiring clergy to be appointed without regard to sexual orientation. Conferences are to train local church SPRC’s to receive clergy regardless of sexual orientation. (Added 6-1-2024)

United Methodist church members in Tallahassee react to lifted ban on LGBTQ clergy” via WCTV (YouTube). Local feature from Florida. (Added 5-31-2024)

Friday, May 31 Weekly Live Stream” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). Weekly discussion of Methodist news items. This one focuses on the Ivory Coast exit. (Added 5-31-2024)

“If we cannot think alike, we may love alike”: Can the Methodist schism over queer clergy and same-sex marriage yet be healed?” by Glen O’Brien via ABC.net. “The pitting of scripture and tradition over against reason and experience has resulted in a sail too stiff to catch the wind of the Spirit and a consequent rupture in the Methodist community.” (Added 5-31-2024)

1.2 Million West African Methodists Leave UMC After Denomination Redefines Marriage” by Mark Tooley via The Roys Report. “The quickness of the Ivorian exit may inspire other United Methodist regions in Africa to act likewise. United Methodism in Africa is overwhelmingly conservative and displeased with United Methodism’s new direction set by the recent General Conference.” (Added 5-31-2024)

Côte d’Ivoire votes to leave denomination” via Good News Magazine. Coverage of the Ivory Coast Conference’s exit. (Added 5-31-2024)

1 million-plus Africans vote to leave UMC after liberal delegates chose rainbow flag over Bible” by Steve Jordahl via American Family News. “On Tuesday, a conference within the UMC, the United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast, voted to cut ties with the U.S.-based United Methodist Church – or what’s left of it – over liberal orthodoxy that permits open homosexuality in the pulpit.” See also here. (Added 5-31-2024)

Alabama Supreme Court upholds dismissal of UMC disaffiliation lawsuit brought by 48 Methodist churches” by Caleb Taylor via 1819 News. “There is something extremely unsettling about changing the rules during the course of the game. I question whether this process was fair. However, as noted, we simply do not have the jurisdiction to decide this matter,” [Justice Bryan] added. (Added 5-31-2024)

United Methodism, the Ivory Coast, Announcements, and Salvation Army Ecclesiology” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast (YouTube). Livestream update. (Added 5-31-2024)

Alabama Supreme Court Decision via PDF. “Because exercising jurisdiction over this case would entail resolving a dispute on the basis of religious practice or doctrine, we affirm the trial court’s judgment dismissing the suit.” Justices Bryan & Mitchell: “The Conference’s treatment of the churches raises serious concerns about the fairness of the process in this case… There is something extremely unsettling about changing the rules during the course of the game.” Justice Cook: “I am concerned by the churches’ claim that the Conference unfairly engineered the disaffiliation process to prevent their departure from the UMC…’Lucy pulling the football away as Charlie Brown tries to kick it.'” (Added 5-31-2024)

Post via Baltimore-Washington WCA via Facebook. “Following the lead of the Ivory Coast (Cote D’Ivoire) Annual Conference, the Rwanda Provisional Annual Conference has voted to leave the United Methodist Church. More will follow after these: Rwanda, a Provisional Annual Conference under Burundi, voted yesterday to leave the United Methodist Church. Rwanda, which had five districts with more than 50 clergy, has decided to leave the UMC following the decision taken recently by the UMC to lift the ban on LGBTQ practices and change the marriage definition and other related issues.” (Added 5-31-2024)

AL Supreme Court blocks appeal by 45 United Methodist churches suing to leave the denomination” by Scott Johnson via Lagniappe (Mobile). [paywall] “The Alabama Supreme Court has unanimously sided with the United Methodist Church in blocking 45 congregations from leaving the denomination. However, multiple justices said the UMC was unfair to do so.” See background here. (Added 5-31-2024)

TikTok via Jeremy Steele. A UM Clergy explains his rejection of the evangelical Gospel he learned as a youth at his childhood UM church in Florida. (Added 5-31-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “Despite what some folks are saying to the contrary, the United Methodist Cote d’Ivoire Annual Conference (Ivory Coast) has made available a copy of the resolution it adopted in which it expressed its intent to withdraw from The United Methodist Church. Now, mind you, the language in which that Conference functions and conducts its business is French, so the text of the resolution is in that language. You can access it by following this link:” (Added 5-31-2024)

Post by Florida Provisional Conference of the GMC (Facebook). “Please join us in celebrating the news that as of May 28, 2024, three new provisional annual conferences began operations: 1. Central African Republic Provisional Annual Conference 2. Panama Provisional Annual Conference 3. Tanzania Provisional Annual Conference.” (Added 5-31-2024)

Post via Mid-Texas Conference of the GMC. “Important Update: praise God! The judge has granted a motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed against 27 churches by the Rio Texas UMC Conference. We trust in God to continue to see these churches through. Thank you all for praying and fasting. All glory to God!” (Added 5-30-2024)

United Methodist Church members in anti-gay demo – petition bishop over votes on LGBTQ policies” by Tapiwa Svondo via New Zimbabwe. “During the proceedings, the atmosphere clearly showed that Africans are not valued. This shows that the General Church only accommodates Africans to gain the legitimacy of a global church. See also here. (Added 5-31-2024)

Partnership allows Struthers church to remain open despite being deemed ‘non-vital’” by Dave Sess via WKBN. “The church didn’t even miss a Sunday service after being kicked out of its building. It has a heavenly Partner and now an earthly one, too, to reach the Valley.” (Added 5-31-2024)

United Methodists to lose 12% of global membership as African churches exit over LGBTQ-friendly move” by Mark Kellner via Washington Times. The UMC, its Ivorian leaders said, “has preferred to sacrifice its honorability and integrity to honor the LGBT” and thus “is no longer suitable” for the local church and has voted to leave the denomination. (Added 5-31-2024)

Overheard: A judge in San Antonio, Texas dismissed the Rio Texas Conference’s suit against 27 congregations who exited without going through the disaffiliation process. (Added 5-31-2024)

Living in Our Contradictions” by Paul Graves via UM Insight. “Is this contradiction as glaring to you as it is to me? Our denomination has been living in this contradiction for 52 years. Unknown numbers of LGBTQ persons, their families and friends have been destructively impacted by this contradiction.” (Added 5-30-2024)

UMC Faces Turbulence Over LGBTQ Bans’ Removal” by Cynthia Astle via UM Insight. A round-up of reactions to Charlotte, including Ivory Coast exit. (Added 5-30-2024)

SHOUTS OF JOY. CRIES OF LAMENT. Queer Clergy Reactions to an Historic General Conference” via UMC Queer Clergy Caucus. “Yes, we overcame restrictions against LGBTQIA+ people becoming clergy and preventing all marriages from being celebrated in our denomination. These deletions, however, have only moved the UMC to a neutral position on the value of LGBTQIA+ people and our place in the denomination.” (Added 5-30-2024)

Tweet via UMNS. “The #UMC Queer Clergy Caucus released a statement sharing joy at General Conference’s removal of restrictions against LGBTQ people. “Now, the hard work begins of repairing wounds and reconciling ourselves back to each other as disciples of Christ…” [LINK] (Added 5-30-2024)

LETTER: The Methodist schism” by Leonard Maki via the Delta County Independent. “Churches and individuals need an anchor. Our society is becoming more decadent and provides no better anchor than a lead weight at the end of a fishing line. Wesley was a lighthouse who believed plainly taught Holy Scripture should be that anchor – Jesus being the Savior and Light of the World. Jesus’ ‘love and inclusivity’ did not extend to those seeking the ‘approval of men rather than the approval of God.’” (Added 5-30-2024)

Côte d’Ivoire Breaks From United Methodist Church” by Jessica Eturralde via Ministry Watch. “EMUCI joined the UMC in 2002, but says the denomination now “deviates from the Holy Scriptures” and prefers “to sacrifice its honor and integrity to honor the LGBTQ community,” according to La Croix International.” (Added 5-30-2024)

Exodus Begins: Over 1,000,000 Members in One Day” via Church History Stories (YouTube). “In this video, we explore the significant decision made by the United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast to leave the denomination. This departure follows controversial changes at the 2024 General Conference, which redefined the church’s stance on marriage and sexual behavior. With over 1.2 million members, this move represents a major shift within global Methodism, potentially setting a precedent for other conservative regions in Africa. What could mean for the future of the United Methodist Church worldwide?” (Added 5-30-2024)

Tweet via UMNS. “We have a fuller story [on the Ivory Coast exit] coming likely next week.” (Added 5-30-2024)

United Methodist Church members in Harare, Zimbabwe, protest against homosexuality” via ZimPapers Digital (YouTube). Video of Zimbabwe protest against the changes made at General Conference, asking for a special session of annual conference. See also here and here. (Added 5-30-2024)

Pharisees, liberals and liars: The UMC’s battle for faith” by Kelvin Chitowo and Haggai Muchapondwa via The Zimbabwe Independent. Opinion and Analysis: “THE 2024 United Methodist Church (UMC) General Conference convened in Charlotte, North Carolina, was marred by controversy and thereafter resulted in an unfounded direction on the church’s position on human sexuality. It damned the pillars of the church, notably perverting the 2016 book of discipline and disregarding the bible and then moving forward to push for a Trojan horse of so-called “regionalisation”. (Added 5-30-2024)

United Methodist Members Protest Against Gays In Harare Following Church’s New Controversial Stance On Same-Sex Marriages” by Siyabonga Mpini via Harare.com. “The members are at the UMC head offices in Milton Park, Harare. They are also presenting a petition to the church’s national leadership.” (Added 5-30-2024)

Historic downtown Atlanta church targeted for housing conversion” via Urbanize Atlanta. “Gorman plans to remake the sanctuary into a roughly 4,000-square-foot, rentable event space where the inclusive Methodist church would continue to host worship services, according to Invest Atlanta, which has approved $2 million in Eastside Tax Allocation District funding to support the adaptive-reuse venture.” (Added 5-30-2024)

Post by Tim Beardsley via Facebook. (Photo and video) “Today the Zimbabwe UMC leadership are protesting against Bishop Nhiwatiwa and the UMC GC outcome demanding a special Annual Conference to decide their way forward!!” (Added 5-30-2024)

One Million United Methodists Exit in One Day” by Mark Tooley via Juicy Ecumenism. “But likely not for very long, as the impact of the dramatic General Conference liberalization sinks into African churches. Ivory Coast’s example will be instructive for many others. In five years, very probably nearly all of Africa will have exited United Methodism, leaving a rump church of perhaps several million U.S. members.” (Added 5-30-2024)

What the Côte d’Ivoire Departure Means for the UMC” by David Livingston. “A conference that has voted to leave the denomination would obviously not have voted for regionalization. While the conference could still technically vote on the amendments since actually leaving the denomination will still take some time, they certainly could not do so in good conscience.” (Added 5-29-2024)

New: United Methodist Church Members to Demonstrate Against Homosexuality” by Daily Mail (Zimbabwe). Police grant permit for a peaceful demonstration at the UMC headquarters. (Added 5-29-2024)

Unity talks underway for US Methodists and Episcopalians after LGBTQ+ clergy ban lifted” by Heather Preston via Premiere Christianity (UK). Last week, ECUSA’s General Convention vowed to “continue dialogue” with the UMC “with the goal of reaching full communion” and to “celebrate” the UMC’s “historic and sweeping changes” to its Book of Discipline and Social Principles. (Added 5-29-2024)

‘We create space for diversity to thrive’: Honolulu’s UMC” by Sandy Harjo-Livingston via KHON. “The conversations sparked by the removal of harmful language have been profound. Rev. Yuh described meetings with Tongan clergy and laity, as well as Korean clergy, where they navigated the implications of the church’s decision.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Methodist church now includes all-inclusive in doctrine” by Steven Powell via Bainbridge Island Review. “On the other side, Silverdale Community Church left the United Methodist Church in May last year and subsequently joined the Global Methodist Church and have seen numerical growth since then, pastor John Weston said.” (Added 5-29-2024)

POV: Schism in the Methodist Church Explained” by Robert Alan Hill via BU Today. Dean of Chapel at Boston University explains the UMC Schism. (Added 5-29-2024)

Decision of the Ivory Coast Annual Conference” via Ivory Coast UM Conference. Declaration: “Whereas the United Methodist Church from the postponed 2020 General Conference held from April 23 to May 3, 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina, in the United States, is not based on any biblical and disciplinary values, Considering that the new United Methodist Church is now based on socio-cultural and contextual values which have consumed its doctrinal and disciplinary integrity, Considering that the new United Methodist Church has preferred to sacrifice its honorability and integrity to honor the LGBT,Considering that the new United Methodist Church which distances itself from the Holy Scriptures is no longer suitable for the Annual Conference of Côte d’Ivoire… (Added 5-29-2024)

United Methodist Church: Ivory Coast Annual Conference Says No to Homosexuality” by Yao Firmin Bonfils Ndri via FratMat.info. Includes the text of the May 28 Declaration by the Ivory Coast Conference to leave the UMC. (Added 5-29-2024)

A Creative and Viable Option: Trustees to Propose Relocation of United Methodist Center to Sugarloaf Property” via North Georgia Conference. The Fountain at Sugarloaf was denied disaffiliation by the North Georgia Annual Conference. Now, the Conference is taking over the church as its headquarters. See Sugarloaf Timeline. (Added 5-29-2024)

Post by Jeff Greenway via Facebook. “Good news! Friends, On Tuesday, the Transitional Leadership Council authorized and approved the beginning of operations of three new provisional annual conferences in the Global Methodist Church: Tanzania Provisional Annual Conference, Central African Republic Provisional Annual Conference, Panama Provisional Annual Conference. In Christ, Keith Boyette, Transitional Connectional Officer.” (Added 5-29-2024)

A New Reformation” by Jane Ellen Nickell via UM Insight. “The recent division of the UMC is a notable event in a similar religious reformation, but we cannot see the complete arc. Those who follow us will see where these changes led, along with which events pushed it forward, and which held it back.” (Added 5-29-2024)

A brief history of Methodism in Côte d’Ivoire” by Tim Tanton via UMNS. A 2009 profile of the Ivory Coast Methodism. The Ivory Coast Conference voted to depart the UMC in May 2024. “The denomination has 900 churches and 100 preaching points, and its membership is growing 7 percent to 8 percent annually, according to the conference. This thriving church is led by a relatively small number of pastors – about 109 – with help from 6,000 local pastors and 7,000 to 8,000 class leaders.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Podcast #27: The Divided United Methodist Church, Part II” by Paul Thomas via Substack. As promised, below is Part II of “The Divided United Methodist Church,” with a detailed look at the “new thing” God is doing in the Global Methodist Church.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Oklahoma United Methodists to meet for first time after exits, LGBTQ+ restrictions removed” by Carla Hinton via The Oklahoman. “We understand that there are people in our churches who are on all different sides of issues related to human sexuality, property ownership and the trust clause. We understand that we’re still a diverse annual conference, but the decisions that the General Conference made allow all of our churches to continue to be who they want to be in their context.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Post by Michael Christian via Friends of the GMC Facebook Group: “First I’d like to apologize to this GMC group as a member of the UMC… If we had been paying attention, we would have been planning an exit strategy pre-pandemic. Now after this vote the UMC is pushing back… I’m sure that in time these questions and venting from UMC members still in shock will die down on your GMC site. Keep us in your prayers as we move through this unchartered territory.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Some things in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear, and others are farther away…at least for former, now disaffiliated, United Methodists.” by Scott Field via WCA. “So, what then is our reaction to and relationship with the “fellowship of the stuck”; the United Methodists who are just now coming to the conclusion that they, too, must join us in the journey of departure and new beginnings?” (Added 5-29-2024)

Ivorian Methodists break from United Methodist Church over LGBTQ decisions” by Guy Aimé Eblotié via LaCroix International. [paywall] “The United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (EMUCI) has withdrawn from the United Methodist Church over its ordination… of homosexual pastors and the celebration of same-sex marriages.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Comment by Wayne Marshall Jones via UM Clergy Facebook Group: “The Protestant Methodist Church in Côte d’Ivoire was related to British Methodism until it became independent in 1985. Then in 2004 it became a provisional annual conference of the UMC and elected a bishop who was previously president of the independent church. That was a “merger” (like with the EUB in 1968 that was a denomination of similar size!) but without careful planning and negotiation. They wanted to be like the UMC in Africa with bishops! So with the political support of the now-departed UMC conservatives who wanted more African delegates to the GC (they got only 2 more initially for all their politicking!), it was something like a ‘shotgun wedding’. Without the cake. No wonder they are the first to leave in Africa. Something like a quickie divorce, though it will take years to finalize. Hopefully they won’t be around to vote against regionalization! I shed no crocodile tears. They lack the long UMC history and awareness of the perceived advantages of remaining UMC. So I say, it’s better to just do it now! Get out while the getting’s good. Before the next GC changes the rules.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Conservatives Living into ‘New Reality’ of the UMC – A Conversation with Randy Frye” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “UMNews picked up an article published by the Holston Annual Conference, which was essentially an interview with conservative clergy, the Rev. Dr. Randy Frye, who is a self-proclaimed conservative (though he hates labels) who will be staying in The United Methodist Church. In the article, he talks about how the legislation at the most recent General Conference only brings the issue of gay marriage “back to neutral,” and how the denomination is still making room for conservatives like us.” (Added 5-29-2024)

Video via Les Amoureux de la musique Gospel (Facebook). Seems to be a video of the special session at which the Ivory Coast Annual Conference decided to leave the UMC. See also here. (Added 5-28-2024)

Post via Espérance TV (Ivory Coast UMC) Facebook. Video in French describing how a meeting between the bishop and General Conference delegation triggered a series of meetings related to the 1-million member conference’s relationship with the UMC. Facebook provides translation via Closed Caption feature. Comments can also be translated. See also this Video for a news style report of a special session of the Ivory Coast Annual Conference held in the wake of the Charlotte General Conference. (Added 5-28-2024)

Email by Roland Barnhardt via (PDF). As shared by Talbot Davis, disaffiliated clergy who paid into Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Western North Carolina are no longer eligible for benefits. (Added 5-28-2024)

Post by Louis Kasongo via Facebook. “Disobedience to God has serious consequences. Like this old prophet, so Bishop SCHOL ,well known as a great Manipulator, managed to manipulate Bishop Mande, the annual conference of Tanzania as well as the Homosexuals of GNJ (New Jersey) through lies, pushing them to come in this Church of Homosexuals, publicly demonstrate their oddities which are ruining and killing the Church in Africa, particularly that of Tanzania!” (Added 5-28-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “The United Methodist Church did what its elected delegates thought it had to do at its recently concluded General Conference. In doing that it might have sown the storm and is now reaping the whirlwind. The Cote d’Ivoire Annual Conference, one of the Church’s largest with about 1,000,000 or so members reported, has just today voted to begin the process of withdrawal from the Church.” (Added 5-28-2024)

Côte d’Ivoire votes to leave denomination” via UMNS. “ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire (UM News) — Members of the Côte d’Ivoire Conference, meeting in special session on May 28, voted to leave The United Methodist Church. The decision comes after the denomination’s General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, where delegates voted on several changes, including the wording of the church’s definition of marriage and the removal of restrictive language regarding LGBTQ people, as well as approved a regional structure that now will go to the annual conferences for a vote. The Côte d’Ivoire Conference was provisionally received into the denomination at the 2004 General Conference and fully received in 2008. It automatically became one of the denomination’s largest conferences and last reported more than 1 million professing members.” (Added 5-28-2024)

Committees approve ongoing dialogue with the United Methodist Church, with goal of full communion” by Melodie Woerman via Episcopal News Service. “This resolution is saying that we move forward with considering full communion with the United Methodist Church, but we want some specific action items to take place,” the Rt. Rev. R. William Franklin, assisting bishop in the Diocese of Long Island and chair of the Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, told the committees. “I would say this is not just a study document that’s been proposed, but an action plan to keep this moving.” (Added 5-28-2024)

Four reasons churches left the United Methodist” via Bible Walk (YouTube). “General Conference 2024 ended with thousands of fewer United Methodist and United Methodist churches. Explore 4 different reasons churches chose to disaffiliate and leave the denomination.” (Added 5-28-2024)

Considering Charlotte – Progressive Triumphalism and Sexual Licentiousness” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “Mark Holland published a piece that was over the line for a lot of folks, and he was pressed to make an apology for “harm” that it did. Lonnie Brooks has already aired a concern for progressive ‘triumphalism’ that was seen before, during, and is now being seen after the UMC’s General Conference. Odell similarly has the concern that this progressive takeover bodes badly for black and brown people, as these issues have now been racially coded.” (Added 5-28-2024)

A pivotal decision by the Methodists and what that means for the Church #discernment” via Eyes on Jesus Podcast (YouTube). “In this episode of the Eyes on Jesus podcast, hosts Drew and Tim discuss the surprising statistic that only 6 percent of Christians hold a biblical worldview and how recent decisions within denominations, particularly the United Methodist Church, reflect and potentially contribute to this trend.” (Added 5-28-2024)

General Conference budget impacts local churches” by Charlie Moore via Baltimore-Washington Conference. “So, it certainly follows that this reduction will generate significant potential for reducing the BWC Mission Share asks to our local churches. I must quickly add that, even though I am a member of the CFA, I cannot fully predict exactly how this will translate into the next four years of our Conference Mission Share Budgets.” (Added 5-28-2024)

The quest for religious reform goes global” by James Dorsey via Modern Diplomacy. “Earlier this month, the United Methodist Church, a mainstream Protestant church with some 5.4 million followers and 30,000 houses of worship in the United States that has lost up to a quarter of its membership because of its increasing tolerance of same-sex marriage, called on its investment managers to divest from Israeli bonds as well as Turkish and Moroccan securities.” (Added 5-27-2024)

Gratitude and Good Spirit Accompany Eurasia Area Departure” by Christie House via Global Ministries. “According to the Discipline, Eurasia will remain in the United Methodist connection until the Eurasian Central Conference meets in 2025 and a final vote for autonomy is ratified, at which point it will transition to its new status and will be free to create its own structure and guidelines.” (Added 5-27-2024)

Historical sketch of The UMC” by Ashley Boggan via UMC Council of Bishops. A sketch of the UMC prepared by the COB for the National Council of Churches, highlighting theological pluralism and mentioning schism as challenge. (Added 5-27-2024)

A look into the United Methodist Church’s decision to lift its LGBTQ bans” by Leoneda Inge, Stacia Brown via WUNC. North Carolina Public Radio coverage. (Added 5-27-2024)

Staying with United Methodism: A Personal Testimony” by Riley Case via Juicy Ecumenism. “I, for one, still want to hold out hope. I want to keep my ties with United Methodism. I want to speak of what things might be done to move the church in a positive direction. I cannot do this as an outsider. I have many friends still United Methodist who are feeling abandoned by fellow evangelicals. That is why I am staying, at least for the moment, with the United Methodist Church.” (Added 5-27-2024)

Church Says It Did Not Authorize ‘People’s Commencement’ Protest After Harvard Graduation Walkout” by Elyse C. Goncalves and Matan H. Josephy via The Harvard Crimson. “The leadership of Harvard-Epworth [UM] Church, the venue that held the ‘People’s Commencement’ following the pro-Palestine walkout at Harvard’s graduation, said they were angered and dismayed that the church became the site of a large-scale protest, according to a Friday email sent to the church’s congregation.” (Added 5-26-2024)

Fears of Split in United Methodist Church… Local Leaders Contemplate Future” by Veronica Gwaze via The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe). Fallout of the Charlotte General Conference in Zimbabwe. (Added 5-26-2024)

Post by John Meunier via UM Clergy Facebook Group. What compatibilism has a tough road ahead in the UMC. (Added 5-25-2024)

Tweet by Reconciling Ministries Network. On Highland Park UMC’s statement that it will not host same-sex weddings: “And yet – although the BoD has changed, the #UMC does not change until people change. This is one of the reasons why the path forward is just beginning. Until every church is a place where all God’s children are affirmed, our work is not done. #umcgc #faithfullylgbt” (Added 5-25-2024)

Progressive Triumphalism at the UMC General Conference” by Lonnie Brooks via PeopleNeedJesus.net. Twelve instances of progressive triumphalism at the Charlotte General Conference. (Added 5-25-2024)

Apology for Previous E-Mail” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC Email (PDF). “A few friends and colleagues reached out with constructive criticism and opened my eyes to reading my own words through a new lens. They saw, especially in the short 2nd paragraph and the longer 3rd paragraph, language that felt flippant and minimized queer experience and queer personhood.” (Added 5-25-2024)

Cecil Williams, Whose San Francisco Church Became a Haven, Dies at 94” via New York Times. Profile of former United Methodist who built a progressive inter-religious mega church in the heart of San Francisco. See also AP coverage of his April 22 death. (Added 5-25-2024)

Methodist Pastors: Church Views Grow through Fresh Interpretations of Bible” via Post Bulletin. [paywall] “We continually discern new meaning and understanding from these ancient texts — not because secular pressures cause the church to abandon its witness…” (Added 5-25-2024)

Same sex marriages OK’d at Quapaw Quarter United Methodist” by Frank Lockwood via Northwest Arkansas Democrat. “Weeks after the nation’s second-largest Protestant denomination dropped its ban on same-sex marriage, one of its Little Rock congregations has voted to eliminate its own rules restricting wedding rites to heterosexual unions.” (Added 5-25-2024)

The splintering of the United Methodist Church” by Jonathan Chang ad Meghna Chakrabarti via WBUR. Radio interview with Beth Stroud, Ashley Boggan, and Bishop LaTrelle Easterling. (Added 5-25-2024)

Photos: Graduates walk out of Harvard commencement” by John Waller via Boston.com. Israel Protest: “After marching out of commencement and blocking streets in Harvard Square, the protesting students filed into Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church for what they called the ‘People’s Commencement.'” (Added 5-24-2024)

What Would Regionalization Look Like?” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. “Anxious congregations have been inquiring from renewal group leaders how to move forward in disaffiliating from the UM Church in light of the changes made at the General Conference.” (Added 5-24-2024)

Post by David Persons via UM Clergy Facebook Group: “It is a shame we can’t and won’t love each other. I guess winning was more important. The ruins of John Wesley’s revival lie all around us as a direct result. Want to know who to blame? I discovered who the other day when I looked in the mirror. You will discover the same truth. The right wing is to blame. The left wing is to blame. The radical moderates in the middle are to blame. The people who said and did nothing hoping it would all miraculously go away are to blame.
Everybody had to win. Instead. we all lost. Big time.” (Added 5-24-2024)

The teaching that can unite us” by John Meunier. “My wish is that across United Methodism we could give careful attention to the doctrines that gave rise to our movement and in them find a source of unity and purpose that has evaded us for the last many decades.” (Added 5-24-2024)

On toward Christian perfection after General Conference” Commentary by Joelle Henneman via UMNS. Trans pastor: “The work is not done. We took giant steps at General Conference 2020, but we have not reached Christian perfection quite yet.” (Added 5-24-2023)

Africa Initiative: United Methodism in Africa is not for sale to Western Cultural Christianity” by Jerry Kulah via PeopleNeedJesus.net. The Africa Initiative issues a statement protesting the process and outcomes of the Charlotte UM General Conference. (Added 5-24-2024)

Woman defrocked from UMC over same-sex relationship reinstated” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. Also includes report of Highland Park UMC’s decision not to host same-sex weddings. (Added 5-23-2024)

LETTER: A church for all” by Robert Anders via Delta County Independent. “The Methodist Church’s decision to embrace love and inclusivity is a shining example of how religious institutions can adapt and evolve to better reflect the true message of their faith. We pray for a future where all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or any other aspect of their identity, are welcomed and celebrated.” (Added 5-23-2024)

OP-ED: The Wave Of Homosexuality And The Speed It’s Taken In United Methodist Church” by Eddie Harmon via News Public Trust (Liberia). “Reports from the United States earlier this month (May) said that United Methodist General Conference, the church’s global legislative body, voted to overturn every ban on LGBTQ people. The historic changes include a new definition of marriage as a lifelong covenant between “two people of faith,” rather than solely between a man and a woman, and a repeal of its ban on LGBTQ clergy.” (Added 5-23-2024)

The Myth of Neutrality” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. “The church is not neutral, but an active proponent of the acceptance, indeed affirmation, of homosexuality, transgenderism, and even a libertine sexual ethic. While in Charlotte, we read and heard repeatedly that these changes are only the first step of where progressive United Methodists intend to lead the church. What used to be proscribed became accepted, what was accepted is becoming promoted, and what is promoted usually becomes eventually required.” (Added 5-23-2024)

UM & Global Resources on Regionalization” by David Scott via UM & Global. “UM & Global offers the following resources to assist in conversations about regionalization and what it means to strive to be a church that structures itself in internationally equitable ways…” (Added 5-23-2024)

Post by F. Gordon Hubbell via Facebook. “A few days ago, the head of the United Methodist Council of Bishops wrote a letter to the Global Methodist Church that essentially said “If you keep badmouthing our church we’ll keep badmouthing yours” and calling for a well-intended “truce” in a rather strange way with lots of “church words” that mean nothing to the average Methodist of either stripe… It was childish meanness. Let’s end it here and now.” (Added 5-23-2024)

Episcopal Nominations” via Upper New York UM Conference. “..mindful of the slim chance that elections are carried by the Northeastern Jurisdiction due to the significant budget reductions made to the Episcopal Fund by the General Conference and the work being done by the Inter-Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy to allocate bishops across jurisdictions, the UNY delegation strongly recommends that the Annual Conference session of United Methodists of the Upper New York does not endorse candidates to the Episcopacy in 2024.” (Added 5-23-2024)

Defrocked in 2004 for same-sex relationship, a faithful Methodist is reinstated as pastor” by David Crary via Associated Press. National coverage of Beth Stroud’s celebrated re-frocking. (Added 5-23-2024)

Post or New Mainline Protestantism?” by Mark Tooley via Juicy Ecumenism. How to describe the denominations that came out of old Mainline denominations? (Added 5-23-2024)

The Methodist surrender” by Carl Trueman via World. “The UMC lost sight of what it means to be human.” (Added 5-23-2024)

Overheard: It was shared in a ZOOM call with General Conference Delegates from the Susquehanna Conference that not only had 2553 expired due to General Conference action, but the Susquehanna Conference will not allow 2549 to be utilized for churches who now want to leave with their property. When some individuals followed up with conference officials after the ZOOM call, they were informed “In the Susquehanna Conference there is no longer a process in which a local church may leave the United Methodist Church with their facilities.” (Added 5-23-2024)

‘I want my church to accept them.’” by Tom Lee via UMNS. “Tom Lee received a letter in 2019 from a former pastor who acknowledged his role in crafting the 1984 legislation barring gay clergy. The Rev. Richard Timberlake had come to change his stance and regret his role in that General Conference decision. Lee participated in fulfilling his pastor’s dying wish and imagines many more, dead and alive, carrying such hopes.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Defrocked pastor reinstated after LGBTQ bans lifted” by John Coleman via UMNS. “The inspiration of that moment intensified when worshippers, numbering nearly 500, began to sing “Draw the Circle Wide,” which has become an unofficial anthem of the United Methodist movement to extend full ministerial, membership and marital rights to LGBTQ members.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Responding to the United Methodist Church disrepect to the LGBT and their trash moves.” by Edward Sebesta via Dallas Gay Liberation. “My anger over the United Methodist Church (UMC) and their casual silliness and shenanigans is great. Their self-congratulating behavior trivializes our humanity. Examining what they have done closely shows that it truly trivial and trivializes our humanity. Their paternalistic conceits are insufferable.” (Added 5-22-2024)

As United Methodist Church Empties Out, PBS Celebrates LGBTQ vs. ‘Heteronormativity’” by Clay Waters via NewsBusters. “But after laying out those grim facts, Bennett didn’t grill his guest, Rev. Valerie Jackson, about the mass exodus from the denomination. He certainly didn’t invite an opposing religious conservative voice into the debate.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook: “Mark R. Holland, the principal person involved with the United Methodist caucus group, Mainstream UMC, has released a newsletter this morning that I think to a great extent illustrates the concern I expressed early on about the probability that the success of the Progressives at General Conference would be accompanied by and followed with a triumphalism that could threaten further undoing of the Church.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Personal Remarks and Action on the United Methodist General Conference in Charlotte, 2024” by Daniel Griswold. “I’ve discerned that my path is now diverging and I’ll be joining The Global Methodist Church which continues to uphold a Discipline that may not be perfect in polity (it is still a work in progress) but that the doctrines and teachings will continue to contain and maintain the boundaries for marriage and human sexuality that are still in force from the ancient days to Jesus Christ alluded to by the Apostle Paul and upheld through the millennia until this current time.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Julia Singleton via Facebook. [picture] “Rev Dr Beth Stroud was reinstated as a full elder today after losing her credentials for being in a same-sex relationship many years ago. This was such a powerful moment when the bishop knelt in front of her and she laid hands on him. Day one of conference has been an emotional roller coaster! Giving thanks for so much of it.” (Added 5-22-2024)

UMC megachurch won’t host same-sex weddings despite denomination’s rule changes” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. Nevertheless, [Highland Park UMC pastor] Rasmussen said clergy could perform same-sex weddings at other venues in the community “based on their conscience,” saying that it was important because “we have always been a big tent centrist church.” (Added 5-22-2024)

Apocalyptic Homophobia” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC (PDF of a E-Mail). “But here we are in 2024. An entire anti-gay denomination has formed out of the irrational fear that accepting homosexuality will destroy the church. Twenty-five percent of the United Methodist Churches in the US have disaffiliated because they fear that homosexuality presents an existential threat to them. Think about the power of this fear. It has broken generations of church connections and ministry.” See also here. (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Bishop Ruby Nell-Estrella via Facebook. Philippines Central Conference Bishop: Human sexuality positions are not church law. The Philippines will continue to hold to traditional understandings of marriage. (Added 5-22-2024)

The Bright Red Line: Why Methodists Aren’t United” by Scott Field via WCA. “The decisions of the United Methodist General Conference are perhaps perceived by its delegates and leaders to bring the time of disaffiliation and departure to an end. Things are now, as they may believe, “settled.” Many others still within the UMC, however, see something else. They see the “handwriting on the wall”; a biblical reference (Daniel 5, esp. vv. 25-28) that infers the UMC, for them, has been weighed in the balances and does not measure up; it has been tried and found wanting.” (Added 5-22-2024)

The Global South Would Like a Word with United Methodists” by Phillip Wingeier-Rayo via UM Insight. “With the Traditionalists moving on, we have an opportunity to embrace our mission again of spreading Christ and engaging in love as action. We can preach the radical gospel of a table that is open and set for all humanity. Will the US Conferences finally treat the many national and regional conferences of the Global South as equals and embrace their strategies, theologies, and communal practices as our own, or are we so wedded to control through the purse that seeing their agency isn’t possible?” (Added 5-22-2024)

Post by Bill Foster via Facebook: Personal Credo: “Why Do I remain United Methodists?” (Added 5-22-2024)

Defrocked in 2004 for same-sex relationship, a faithful Methodist is reinstated as pastor” by David Crary via Associated Press. Beth Stroud was reinstated by the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the UMC. (Added 5-22-2024)

Tweet by UM Jeremy Smith: Criticized lay woman Dixie Brewster for saying in an interview that she would be disappointed if her kids decided to attend a UM church. (Added 5-22-2024)

Same-Sex Marriage: Taraba Methodist Dissociates Self” by Lamini Chuye via ait.live (Nigeria). “Since the Global Conference in North Carolina, in the United States of America, where the rights of Lebians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, and Queer Community have been accepted to be recognised by the United Methodist Church in America, the church in Nigeria, Taraba State, has been embroiled over where it stands.” (Added 5-21-2024)

Blessed Are Those Who Refuse to Add to the Noise” by Ben Gosden via Substack. “It’s easy to ‘take a stand’ with our opinions in ways that just add to the division and polarization. It’s the status quo these days.” Talking points to calm down a traditional congregation. (Added 5-21-2024)

FULL INTERVIEW_Bishop Emerito Nacpil Journey into the Truth” via FMO News. Interview with a retired Filipino bishop on the outcome of the Charlotte General Conference. See also “What is Next for the Regionalization Plan?” (Added 5-21-2024)

Considering Charlotte – Fallout From a Sea Change Conference” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken. A post-General Conference episode analyzing the outcome of the Charlotte General Conference. (Added 5-21-2024)

Post by Doug Damron via Facebook: “A next step to dismantle the UMC’s system of aphartied is to remove the power of local church Trustees to determine who may be wed in a local church. Matters of determining fitness for a wedding ceremony belongs exclusively to the appointed pastor not a property committee…guaranteed appointment needs to be fiercely guarded.” (Added 5-21-2024)

Be Happy in Hope” by Bishop Dan Schwerin via UM Insight. “The prohibitive language related to weddings for our siblings who identify as LGBTQ+ was removed from our Book of Discipline. Clergy who identify as LGBTQ+ need not live in fear of being brought up on charges. Mandatory penalty language was removed. Until 1972 our predecessor bodies that make up the UMC did not have any such language in the Book of Discipline. In some ways we are coming home to what was.” (Added 5-21-2024)

All the World and None of God” by Bret Walker. Critique of the ordination service of the Greater New Jersey Conference: “…one of the most disgusting displays of hedonism I have ever seen.” See also here. (Added 5-21-2024)

Report from General Conference 2024” by Bishop Christian Alsted via UMC Nordic and Baltic Region. “General Conference has passed regionalization and has given the central conferences authority to set policies and boundaries for marriage, ordination and licensing for ministry and enabled them to delegate the same authority to annual conferences. I believe, these decisions  will empower the global church to move forward out of decades of conflict into a time of renewed focus on our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Added 5-20-2024)

Communique on the Outcome of the General Conference” by Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa via Zimbabwe Annual Conference. (Added 5-20-2024)

The Recap | Post-General Conference episode” via United Methodist Communications. (Video). Positive take on the actions of the Charlotte General Conference. (Added 5-20-2024)

Part 1: Decentering the United States: The United States Regional Committee” by The Rev. Taylor W Burton Edwards via Ask the UMC. First in a series on the actions of General Conference. (Added 5-20-2024)

The Way Forward For Methodist | Post UMC General Conference | With Shane Raynor” by Lucas Curcio via Method Ministries (YouTube). Former staffer for UM Publishing House, now GMC, talks about the state of the UMC. (Added 5-20-2024)

Why I’m Staying” by Bishop Sharma Lewis via MS Conference YouTube. The mission has not changed. “I have spent much time in… discernment over these past few weeks.” She is staying and appeals for others to stay, as well. (Added 5-20-2024)

Where Will You Stand?” by Hannah Adair Bonner. A former mentee of Joe DiPaolo criticizes him for his traditional stance. (Added 5-20-2024)

If You Hope To Speak For God, You’ll Hear A Myriad Contrary Voices” by Paul Prather via Religion Unplugged. On the UMC General Conference: “Very messy. No matter how sincere you are, you might turn out eventually to have been wrong. No matter how many Scriptures you cite to prove your point, those who disagree will trot out contrary passages to demonstrate why you’re tragically misguided — if not heretical.” (Added 5-20-2024)

Priestesses and goddesses in the church?: What gender language “monitoring” at the United Methodist General Conference reveals” bu Colin Smothers via World. “It is no wonder that a denomination confused about what a man or a woman is, even to the point of coercing delegates to announce their “preferred pronouns” every time they got up to speak, would be confused about God’s “preferred pronouns.” (Added 5-20-2024)

Making room in the UMC for the Spirit’s work” by Javier Viera via Christian Century. “Put simply, the church’s regions outside the United States now have a greater influence and vitality than those within the US, yet much of the financial and organizational power structure remains firmly ensconced in the US. For much of the last 50 years, traditionalists within the US have been theologically aligned with those outside the US, but those non-US regions have remained financially reliant on the more theologically progressive churchwide leadership. With the sizable exodus of traditionalists from the United Methodist Church over the last five years, the theological and political dynamics shifted considerably, setting up a dramatic and consequential assembly.” (Added 5-20-2024)

Methodist Reversal: Protestant Denomination Ends Mainline Anti-Gay Bans Over Sexuality After Decades” via Milwaukee Independent. It took decades of activism for a change that was “so very healing,” said McAvoy, pastor of Shepherd of the Valley United Methodist Church in Hope, Rhode Island. A member of the Queer Delegate Caucus at the UMC General Conference in Charlotte, she was grateful to be part of the historic moment. (Added 5-19-2024)

The Challenges Facing the GMC in Nigeria” via Ande Emmanuel via UM Clergy Facebook Group. “…Now that the General Conference is over, we are optimistic in Nigeria the the United Methodist Church will regain all that it has lost as a result of this attack from the GMC. God bless the United Methodist Church!” (Added 5-18-2024)

Tweet via @UMC_CommonSense: “For the #gideon who said my #church members can no longer be Gideons because of the #UMC General Conference reference decisions: -I wasn’t going to let you speak at my church anyways since Gideons don’t support women in ministry. So it works out.” (Added 5-18-2024)

A year after split from United Methodists, breakaway Fayetteville church set to hold first services in new location” by Frank Lockwood via Arkansas News-Democrat. A congregation launched by Pastor Carness Vaughan from Central UMC is moving into a more permanent location in the Northwest Arkansas Mall. (Added 5-18-2024)

A need for clarity on singleness and sex” by John Meunier. “Whatever the reason for this revision was, this paragraph as amended seems incredibly non-specific when it comes to unmarried clergy candidates. It also includes some standards that seem very hard to act upon. For instance, how does a Board of Ordained Ministry or clergy session determine if a candidate has failed to practice “careful and honest communication” as part of their “faithful sexual intimacy”? (Added 5-18-2024)

Is the United Methodist Church Guilty of Apostasy?” via CBN News (YouTube). “It’s not just the UMC’s betrayal of scripture” but it’s the “actual destruction and denial of the Word of God…” Christian apologist Alex McFarland says the UMC’s decision to lift restrictions on same-sex marriage & gay clergy breaks his heart. He explains how former church members who have now joined the Global Methodists, suffered emotional and psychological abuse for remaining faithful to God’s Word. (Added 5-18-2024)

Area Methodist churches’ full embrace of LGBTQ Christians likely to be ‘a process’” by Jeff Keeling and Clarice Scheele via News11 (TN). Fuller said her memories of the UMC she grew up in are generally of a loving place and she never heard “sermons that were like, gay people are going to hell … I don’t want it to come off like I was traumatized.” (Added 5-18-2024)

Methodist pastor discusses major shift in church over LGBTQ inclusion” via PBS. “Geoff Bennett discussed the changes with Rev. Valerie Jackson of Park Hill United Methodist Church in Denver and the Reconciling Ministries Network.” (Added 5-18-2024)

TikTok via YourCalvinist. Parody news coverage of the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-17-2024)

Weekly Live Stream for May 17, 2023” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Discussion of Methodist topics from a traditionalist point of view. Update on actions by the UMC against Rickman’s live commentary on General Conference. (Added 5-17-2024)

Schism Among the Methodists” via Premiere Christian Newscast (UK). “The United Methodist Church in the United States has also gone through a painful five years of divorce, with up to one in four congregations choosing to leave… Guests this week: – Tom Berlin, UMC bishop in Florida – Gregory Palmer, UMC bishop in Ohio – Timothy Tennent, president of Asbury Theological Seminary – Heather Hahn, assistant news editor for United Methodist News – Megan Fowler, religion journalist and contributing writer at Christianity Today.” (Added 5-17-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “The folks who sold regionalization in this form to the General Conference voters from the Central Conferences showed mastery of the art of salesmanship in a way that is rare. I mean, these folks could sell freezers to the Inupiak of Northern Alaska.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Repost: “Anglican Unscripted 856 – The United Methodist SPLIT” via AnglicanTV Ministries (YouTube). An interview with Ryan Danker. [Everyone keeps sending me this, so I am posting again!] See also here. (Added 5-16-2024)

‘Open hearts’: Metro Detroiters welcome United Methodist …” by Marnie Munoz via Detroit News. [paywall] (Added 5-17-2024)

Tweet via Eric Huffman: “At 15, Chloe Cole (@ChoooCole) was led to trans from female to male (via hormones & a mastectomy). Soon after surgery, she regretted it and chose to de-transition. Now she’s a voice for the voiceless. It was an honor to speak w/her on @MaybeGodPod!” LINK (Added 5-17-2024)

He feared coming out. Now this pastor wants to help Black churches become as welcoming as his own” by Darren Sands via Religion News Service. “It remains a volatile issue in some quarters. The African Methodist Episcopal Church, for example, is expected to vote at an upcoming national meeting on a measure which would allow AME pastors to conduct same-sex marriages.” (Added 5-17-2024)

Bishop Beard General Conf Town Hall 5-16-24” via Vimeo. The bishop of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference hosts a town hall meeting about the recent General Conference. At about 47:00, he discusses a proposed gracious exit plan for churches that want to exit. (Added 5-17-2024)

Former Woodbury pastor accused of possessing meth is compliant with drug treatment, lawyer says” by Lisa Backus via Middletown Press. “His attorney said he didn’t know Miller’s status with the Methodist church or whether his client would be returning as a pastor. “He’s focusing on his health and dealing with his addiction,” Ruane said. (Added 5-17-2024)

United Methodist Church reverses anti-LGBTQ policies, allowing gay clergy, same-sex marriages” by “Since 1986, [Broadway UMC] has enthusiastically included and celebrated LGBTQ+ people, regardless of the wider church community’s discriminatory rules and practices, Lyall explained.” (Added 5-17-2024)

The United Methodist Church Has Gone Off the Deep End…” by Gospel Partners Media / Wretched (YouTube). “The United Methodist Church has gone off the deep end… In this video, Todd Friel reacts to the recent viral clip from the UMC conference, and shares his perspective on it as a Bible-believing Christian.” (Added 5-17-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook: A critique of a statement by UMC bishops about the Global Methodist Church. (Added 5-16-2024)

It Was a Good General Conference for Europeans” by David Scott via UM & Global. “European United Methodists are a very small group spread out over many countries in languages. In many ways, they are functionally marginal to a denomination that is overwhelmingly African and North American.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: Depicts the progression from the Traditional Plan, Skipping the One Church Plan, and adopting “The Simple Plan” drafted by Queer UM‘s approved in 2024: “We should have listened to faithful queer #UMC folks all along.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Frogs” by Nan Smith via UM Insight. “…For, like the frogs, the delegates took advantage of the right conditions and they recognized that the time was ideal. So emerged new legislation; emerged new possibilities; and the potential for new life. From this General Conference arose some grace-filled legislation – legislation that will hopefully serve to guide and shape The United Methodist Church as we move into this new season of what it will mean to be the church.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Great Plains Delegate: ‘It’s Great to Do the Church’s Work’” by Jesi Lipp via UM Insight. Great Plains LGBTQIA+ Delegate: “I’m glad I got to be a delegate to a General Conference that really felt like the church being the church, instead of one marked by harm and toxicity. We have done good work, and come so far, and also we are no where near where we need to be and still have much to do.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Commentary on Recent Changes Coming From the UMC Conference” by Pastor James Pauley III via Shinnston News (West Virginia). “I was asked this week by a progressive pastor, ‘Why stay?’ That’s easy. Wesley himself was an Anglican preacher his entire life. He never separated – his was a reform movement, not a “split.” The ‘split’ was a necessary thing in America because of the Revolutionary War. But he spent the remainder of his life preaching the Gospel with the goal of “spreading scriptural holiness across the land.” I’m not called to leave at this time. I’m called to stand up in the face of all this and say, ‘No.’” (Added 5-16-2024)

General Conference Recap, History of the United Methodist Church, and the Future of the UMC” via “Means of Grace” podcast, Western North Carolina Conference (YouTube). “General Conference 2024 is over and it was clearly one of the most historic conferences in the United Methodist Church’s history. In this episode of the Means of Grace podcast, hosts Jesse Ennis, John Yeager and Jonathan LeMaster-Smith discuss the 2024 General Conference and its key events, decisions, and updates.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Anglican Unscripted 856 – The United Methodist SPLIT” via AnglicanTV Ministries (YouTube). An interview with Ryan Danker. (Added 5-16-2024)

‘Life after Doom’: A Guide to a Better Church, a Better World with Brian McLaren – GYSIS Episode 164” via Get Your Spirit in Shape Podcast via United Methodist Videos (YouTube). “Never waste a good crisis,” Winston Churchill was quoted as saying…. With The United Methodist Church navigating its own crisis during the past few years, McLaren encourages those of us in the church to use the opportunity of all of these challenges to become something we wouldn’t have become any other way and to remember our Wesleyan heritage to claim our role to promote love and justice in the world.” (Added 5-16-2024)

A Modest Proposal for Peace” by John Alexander Wright via UM Clergy Facebook Group. “Even if my GMC siblings cannot accept same-sex weddings being performed with God’s blessing in their congregations, can they accept as a “second best” possibility the participation of civilly married same-sex couples in the life and ministries of their congregations, much as several generations ago, Methodist ministers could not perform the weddings of divorced persons, yet those couples were welcome to fully participate in the life of the local church.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Post by John Meunier via UM Clergy Facebook Group: “I want to offer a thought that I realize is not popular. The United Methodist Church is attempting — or claiming it wants to attempt — to do something that it incredibly difficult. Indeed, I’m not sure any protestant church has ever pulled it off. We say our goal is to become a vital denomination while making space for people who disagree very deeply about questions of morality and justice…” (Added 5-16-2024)

Former Woodbury pastor accused of possessing meth is due in court today” by Lisa Backus via Middletown Press. In a statement days after his arrest, church officials with the New York Annual Conference, which oversees Methodist churches throughout the area, said Miller is no longer a pastor at the Woodbury church. (Added 5-16-2024)

United Methodists approve full communion with Episcopalians: What about Global Methodists?” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. One day, the two denominations may live in peace, Malone said. (Added 5-16-2024)

Missed opportunities at the UMC general conference” by Bishop Will WIllimon via Christian Century. “As a friend of mine said, we shouldn’t think too much of ourselves. John Wesley ordered his annual conference meetings around self-reflective questions: What to teach? How to teach? What to do? This general conference did none of that. Incremental, modest, Methodist change, wedded with fantasies of a more prosperous tomorrow, led to collective avoidance of acknowledging a difficult truth: we are a denomination that’s aging out of significance.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Post by Lonnie Brooks via Facebook. “…So, one thing I’ve done as a first step here it to add the Calendar Item number to my petition matrix. This will help anybody who wants to download this matrix. If you choose to do that, please note that there’s a new worksheet as part of the workbook on which petitions are ordered by Calendar Item Number. If you want this file, you can download it from this site.” (Added 5-16-2024)

Overheard: “There are 17 churches in Texas who want to disaffiliate and will have their court hearing either tomorrow or Friday.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Post by David Ryu via Friends of the GMC Facebook Group. [photos] “Hi all! I just wanted to introduce myself and share a photo I took. The Korean American Provisional Conference just had their first gathering in Dallas TX and I was finally ordained as a full elder. All glory belongs to God.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Tweet Thread by Ryan Burge: [graph] “Well, it finally happened. The mainline dropped below 10% of the sample in 2022. In the 1950s, historians have said that mainliners were more than 50% of the population. They were 31% of America in 1976. 19% in 1988. 14% in 2004. 10% in 2016. And now, 9%.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Post by Dean Emerson via UM Clergy Facebook Group. “Where is the specific paragraph stating churches will not be forced to accept a gay pastor?” [Fascinating comment thread] (Added 5-15-2024)

Op-Ed: Conservative cowardice creates chaos” by Tyler Cochran via Christian Post. Mentions UMC and concludes: “Conservatives must seek out leadership opportunities, recruit like-minded people, and form bonds of fellowship within mainstream institutions. If we desire to strive for what is good, we must root out falsehood in a spirit of love refusing to surrender ourselves to panic and despair. And that means reforming social institutions like universities, churches, and community organizations — not abandoning them.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Historic assembly sets United Methodists on new path” by Heather Hahn via UMNS. “However, a number of United Methodists worry that this year’s General Conference went too far in reversing course…. “The danger is the excitement and celebration that took place without considering that it would hurt others, and I am concerned that our actions could have literally donated Africa to other sects and religions,” said Shepherd Mpemba, a delegate from the West Zimbabwe Conference. He is also a newly elected member of the commission that plans General Conference. “I still believe sin is sin and cannot be wished away,” he added. For Mpemba and others, a particular sticking point was how General Conference broadened the church’s position on marriage in the Social Principles. Unlike many matters of church administration, the Social Principles themselves are not adaptable by either central conferences or the proposed regional conferences. (Added 5-15-2024)

A historic shift in inclusion for the United Methodist Church” via Compass Podcast: Finding Spirituality. “We’re exploring a pivotal moment in the life of the United Methodist Church—the historic 2024 General Conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina. This conference marked a significant turning point, as 93% of the delegates voted to lift long-standing bans on the ordination of LGBTQ+ clergy and the hosting of same-sex weddings by clergy and churches. Our episode will explore the profound impact of these changes, featuring reactions from a spectrum of church leaders and participants, including the first openly gay bishop, Karen Oliveto, and voices like Bishop Kennetha Bingham-Tsai and Reverend David Meredith.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Press Statement by Ande Emmanual via PDF. (As shared by David Livingston) A post General Conference press release prepared for Nigeria which highlights regionalization and downplays human sexuality changes. (Added 5-15-2024)

Methodist Church of Mexico Council of Bishops’ Statement via PDF. “We maintain a Concordat with the UMC which does not make us part of it. We are an autonomous affiliated church. Our relationship with the UMC is fraternal in nature and with total autonomy from it.” (Added 5-15-2024)

United Methodist Church denies adopting same sex marriage” by Great Ozozoyin via Daily Post Nigeria (MSN). “However, debunking the reports on Tuesday at a World Press Conference in Jalingo, the leadership of the Church in Taraba State, led by Rev. Ande I. Emmanuel, said the Church did not adopt same sex marriage but only adopted the worldwide regionalization plan.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Post by nakedpastor via Facebook. “This is a commissioned cartoon I drew for Christian, who requested it for his father, Larry Nielsen. Larry has served the UMC as a pastor, and worked hard to make the denomination affirming. Finally, just this year, 2024, the UMC voted to repeal its ban on LGBTQ clergy as well as prohibitions on its ministers from officiating same-sex weddings.” (Added 5-15-2024)

2024 General Conference UMC Selected Legislation Summary (Regionalization, Disaffiliation, Judicial Processes, Social Principles, and Ordination)” via Google Docs. As shared on the Arkansans Being UMC Facebook Group. (Added 5-15-20240

Mainstream UMC Event” via Grace UMC Olathe (YouTube). Video of the May 14 Livestream event following General Conference. (Added 5-15-2024)

Overheard: A GMC Facebook Group: “Over 6700 members of the North Alabama UMC withdrew from UMC this week after conference. Over 987 in the Northwest Alabama District. Very few left before this week. Not sure rest of states but members calling Bishops around here finding out all they can do is walk. And a lot are.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Tampa Bay Methodists paved way for LGBTQ acceptance” by Selene San Felice via Axios Tampa Bay. Rachel Hughes tried to tell her parents she was gay as a little girl, but knew she couldn’t. When she joined the Army, she followed “don’t ask, don’t tell.” (Added 5-15-2024)

United Methodists scrap their anti-gay bans. A woman who defied them seeks reinstatement as pastor” by David Crary, Holly Meyer, and Peter Smith via Associated Press. “Twenty years ago, Beth Stroud was defrocked from her beloved job as a United Methodist pastor in Philadelphia. In a church trial, she was found guilty of violating “Christian teaching” because she had acknowledged living in a committed relationship with another woman.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Post by Kim Driver Luton via Progressive Methodist Facebook Group. “Do you live in the South? Rural Area? I do. It’s rough. Since the General Conference, we have been called all kinds of things. Security had to be increased. Teachers quit our preschool. It’s rough.” (Added 5-15-2024)

Post by Ryan Danker via Facebook. “I’m so glad to be out of this mess. The institutionalist UMs showed me the door as an academic, the GMC were kind enough to offer me a path to ordination, but I’ve found a home in the Episcopal Church and I can’t tell you how relieved I am to be free of this sort of denominational rubbish. I’m as Wesleyan as ever. Conservative. Orthodox. And in love with Jesus. And seeing things like this, relieved.” Link (Added 5-15-2024)

Adam Hamilton Part 2” by Stan Copeland via Lovers Lane UMC Podcast (YouTube). “Adam Hamilton guest stars again on Hope Connection as we uncover his perspective of hope in the future of the United Methodist Church and his book, Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith” See also Part One. (Added 5-15-2024)

United Methodist Church Bishops clarify relationship with Global Methodist Church” via UMC Council of Bishops. “Even as we call for this spirit of mutual recognition from the leadership of the Global Methodist Church, we earnestly pray that God will help us to lead The United Methodist Church in working to fulfill Christ’s own prayer that someday, all who believe in Him will live in unity and peace.” (Added 5-15-2024)

United Methodism, the Southern Baptist Convention, and The Salvation Army” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast. (Added 5-14-2024)

VIDEO: 2024 UMC General Conference Overview” via Dalton & Tomich (YouTube). “The long-awaited 2024 General Conference has come and gone, leaving churches to answer the question of whether they should stay or leave the United Methodist Church denomination. In our latest video, Daniel Dalton offers his opinion regarding the legal considerations stemming from the decisions made during the Conference concerning disaffiliation and employment matters.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Arkansas Pastor Comments on Negative Reactions to General Conference” via UM Insight. “The Rev. Dr. John Robbins, senior pastor of Pulaski Heights UMC in Little Rock, Ark., responded to negative pushback against General Conference’s decisions to remove LGBTQ bans by saying that the United Methodist Church rests on a biblical foundation of love, mercy and grace taught by Jesus Christ.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Unless the Lord Builds the House: How Redeemed Zoomer Means So Well But Is So Very Very Very Wrong” by Anne Kennedy via Substack. “The Global Conservative Methodists, just like faithful Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Lutherans before them are walking in the way of Jesus.” (Added 5-14-2024)

What Should Trapped Congregations Do?” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Interview with WCA President Scott Field. (Added 5-14-2024)

Clarification: Munger Place UMC is becoming an independent UM congregation (as opposed to a satellite of Highland Park UMC), not an autonomous congregation as in non-denominational. [Tweet by Andy Nixon: “Delighted to announce today in worship that starting July 1st Munger Place Church will begin a process of becoming an autonomous church rather than being a campus of Highland Park UMC. Grateful to Jesus, Mungerians, and HPUMC for this day. Mungerians, let’s go!” See also Highland Park Pastor Paul Rasmussen’s post GC message. (Added 5-13-2024)]

I Was Wrong” by Greg Weeks via UM Insight. He supported the One Church Plan, but now regrets that. Fundamentalists, like Neanderthals, must go extinct. He is on board with the “vision of a United Methodist church led by inclusive extremists.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Decolonizing Wesleyan Theology: Theological Engagements from the Underside of Methodism” by Filipe Maia via UM Insight. “Readers will most likely notice that the language of decline, so common in Methodist circles in North America, is rarely, if ever, mentioned. This is no indication that Methodism flourishes without difficulties in the Global South, but rather a statement about how contributors are less interested in thinking about the numerical decline of Christendom and more committed to a renewed Wesleyan theology that meets the harsh realities of a world still embedded in the structures of colonialism.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Discipleship Ministries Announces Layoffs within The Upper Room” via Discipleship Ministries (UMC). “Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church announced today the immediate elimination of seven staff positions within The Upper Room. The Upper Room has experienced significant financial challenges in recent years, and these layoffs will begin the work to realign the organization’s resources with its mission-critical ministries. As a self-sustaining unit that operates without general church funds, The Upper Room is sustained by product sales, program offerings, and generous contributions from donors.” (Added 5-14-2024)

A summary of the postponed GC of The UMC from an ecumenical point of view” by the UMC Council of Bishops. The COB summarizes General Conference for ecumenical partners. (Added 5-14-2024)

PC(USA)’s LGBTQIA+ Equity Advocacy Committee applauds United Methodist Church vote removing ban on ordaining gay clergy” via presbyterianmission.org. “Both the PC(USA) and this committee share a strong commitment to promoting full inclusion within our church. This path is neither easy nor short. As we move forward into new territory, we acknowledge the dedication, sacrifice and courage of those who have guided us thus far. We also understand that our denomination has experienced and will continue to bear the equality struggles and burdens of our UMC siblings.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Conservative pastor says he will ‘live in to new reality’ in the UMC” by Annette Spence via Holston UM Conference. “He has reassured his church members that ‘nothing has changed,’ that the First Broad Street they love will continue to welcome people, show hospitality, and offer multiple ministries ‘because that’s who we are.'” (Added 5-14-2024)

Tilling the Soil for God’s ‘Kindom’—Reflections on the General Conference” by Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai via Iowa UM Conference. “Let’s imagine and look forward together to the ministry that is yet to come, to the lives we have yet to touch, to the ways we can till the soil for God’s “kindom” so that hope can continue to grow.” (Added 5-14-2024)

What the Methodist split tells us about America” by Laura Bullard via Vox. “The church is not, as it was in the 19th century, a small-scale model of the country. Today, according to Boggan, the church acts more like a lens: a way to see broader national tensions work themselves out on a smaller scale.” (Added 5-14-2024)

Pivot Point for the Wesleyan Covenant Association” by Scott Field via WCA. “In the aftermath of seismic changes approved at the recent United Methodist General Conference, our email inbox is overflowing. The phone calls, texts, and WhatsApp chats are surging. For the most part, these all seem to settle into four types of inquiries…” Revive Consultancy Series announced. (Added 5-14-2024)

“Departure Timeline” via South Georgia UMC Conference. An updated timeline for South Georgia Conference churches that wish to exit following the most recent General Conference. (Added 5-13-2024)

Big Read: A Traditionalist Critique of the Watershed UMC General Conference in Charlotte” via PeopleNeedJesus.net. A detailed and annotated list of matters of concern to traditionalists flowing from the most recent General Conference of the UMC. (Added 5-13-2024)

Resolution calling for more dialogue with United Methodist Church generates much testimony” via Episcopal News Service. “Committee members asked questions about the United Methodist’s adoption of regionalization during its conference. Palmer said it allowed each of the four regions – Africa, Europe, Philippines and the U.S. – to make decisions that affect only them, such as matters of pensions and church finances in the U.S. that aren’t shared elsewhere. In a question about lay presidency, Palmer also affirmed that Methodist lay pastors who are allowed to celebrate Communion in Methodists churches would not be able to do that in Episcopal churches.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Navigating the Methodist Shift from Orthodoxy” via The Doctrine Matters Podcast (YouTube). Outside commentary. (Added 5-13-2024)

Disassociation Information” via Holston UM Conference. “The General Conference of The United Methodist Church meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina adopted a number of transformative legislative proposals… In the Fall of 2023, the Holston Conference Board of Trustees issued a Statement committing to seeking a fair and non-punitive means for a local church to disassociate from The United Methodist Church before December 31, 2024… Board of Trustees is honoring its commitment to seek a pathway to provide a fair and graceful means of disassociation for local churches within the parameters of what is permitted in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.” (Added 5-13-2024)

United Methodism, Albert Mohler, and Slippery Slopes” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast. A gentle push-back to Al Mohler’s comments on women in ministry being a slippery slope. (Added 5-13-2024)

Tweet by @UMC_CommonSense: “So it’s been two Sundays since #UMC #UMCGC Predictions were rampant from the #GMC and numerous evangelical groups about abrupt and drastic attendance dropoffs and memberships exodus. What have you seen this far?” [interesting range of responses] (Added 5-13-2024)

Tweet by @irEwvJDubya: “Bishop Lewis of the @Mississippi_UMC continues to inflict harm, despite #UMCGC decisions made. I thought she said to trust each other? Why not trust the spirit of the changes in the BOD made by the delegates? Shame on Bishop Sharma.” [images of messages from Paige Swaim-Pressley stating she is being held to the terms of her just resolution and still on involuntary leave.] (Added 5-13-2024)

UM Leadership Burns Down the Church” by Ray Rooney via AFA. “That is why almost 8,000 churches have left the United Methodist denomination since 2019. We knew it was there too. Only it wasn’t the Holy Spirit that was doing the moving and birthing. It will be interesting to see if the UM elite will be able to convince God it was, after all, His Holy Spirit shattering the biblical definition of sex and marriage.” (Added 5-13-2024)

UMC today and tomorrow” by SeungRi “Victor” Han via The County. Letter to the Editor: “The overall atmosphere within the denomination is jubilant. But some are grieving. A new report from the Religion and Social Change Lab at Duke University said 24 percent of North Carolina UMC clergy disagree with allowing LGBTQ people to get married or ordained within the denomination. Perhaps less New England clergy are opposed to same-sex marriage, but I am concerned and conflicted.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Portland Methodists join together to celebrate the repeal of anti-LGBTQ+ rules” by Joni Auden Land via OPB. “Inside the bright chapel, Pride flags were everywhere, as parishioners sang hymns with themes of justice and acceptance… At the start of the service, members also ripped out pages from the Book of Discipline containing the exclusionary language and burned them.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Should The GMC Have Spilt Off From The UMC? | Discussing Christian Retreatism.” via Method Ministries (YouTube). “In this episode, Wes and Lucas discuss if the Global Methodist Church (GMC) should have spilt off from the United Methodist Church (UMC), and the lessons we can learn from this.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Tweet by Andy Nixon: “Delighted to announce today in worship that starting July 1st Munger Place Church will begin a process of becoming an autonomous church rather than being a campus of Highland Park UMC. Grateful to Jesus, Mungerians, and HPUMC for this day. Mungerians, let’s go!” See also Highland Park Pastor Paul Rasmussen’s post GC message. (Added 5-13-2024)

Promises made, Promises Broken: How the decisions made at the 2024 General Conference of the United Methodist Church affect local churches” by Dan Dalton via Dalton & Tomich. “The delegates to the United Methodist Church, General Conference in 2024 voted to adopt dramatic and sweeping changes to the theology and governance of the denomination that are significant in scope and application. The local church leaders have quickly discovered that they have been lied to by their leaders about having a new path forward. As a result, leaders and pastors in traditional, centrist, and progressive Methodist churches have since reached out to our firm to find out what legal options remain for the local church to leave the denomination since the vote.” (Added 5-13-2024)

Tweet by Mark Tooley: “Concise recall of how Methodist thirst for societal righteousness divorced from doctrine dissolves faith.” [link to “Harvard religion professor Diana Eck on pluralism’s changes, challenges” by Adelle Banks (RNS)] (Added 5-13-2024)

Tweet by Justus Hunter: “While the latest #UMCGC made ecumenical strides with 1.5M Episcopalians, it created new barriers with 1.3B Catholics. The decline of the mainline has shifted the ecumenical landscape. Prayers for the efforts of the @USCCB” (Added 5-13-2024)

Will Methodists’ decision on ordaining ‘practicing homosexuals’ hurt dialogue with Catholics?” by Kimberly Heatherington via Our Sunday Visitor. “Our dicastery does not have any comment to make about the recent changes to the discipline of the United Methodist Church,” said Benedictine Father Martin Browne, an official in the Western Section of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity. “I would simply point out that our decades-long dialogue with the World Methodist Council, of which the UMC is one member church among 80, continues unaffected,” he said. (Added 5-13-2024)

A Statement from our Senior Pastor | May 12, 2024” via Pulaski Heights UMC via YouTube. I defense of UMC changes: We all pick and choose which scriptures are more important. (Added 5-13-2024)

Methodists embrace LGBTQ members even as some hesitate | Faith Matters” by Alexander Santora via NJ.com (New Jersey). “After years of discernment and struggle, the United Methodist Church’s highest legislative body, the General Conference, chose grace and hospitality to govern their welcome of all people including LGBTQ persons and to allow LGBTQ persons to marry in our churches and serve as clergy,” Bishop John Schol of the United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey wrote in an email to The Jersey Journal while still at the conference in North Carolina with more work to do.” (Added 5-13-2024)

New Methodist Leader Talks Hope, Unity, Inclusiveness & God” by Ginny Baxter via Patheos. “The issues are complex, and the future of the United Methodist Church is far from certain. Yet, Bishop Tracy S. Malone peppers her conversation with words such as hope, unity, inclusiveness and God as she settles into her two-year term as president of the United Methodist Church’s (UMC) Council of Bishops.” (Added 5-11-2024)

United Methodist Church in Denver celebrates LGBTQ+ inclusivity” via Fox31 (CO). “Flemming said the changes to the church are largely thanks to a split within the church that happened over the last couple of years, with more conservative Methodist churches disaffiliating from the denomination to create their own. The changes were made by the United Methodist Church’s governing body at a conference held every four years.” (Added 5-11-2024)

Naming the Joy (of Being UMC in this Moment)” by Michael Roberts. “Let me count the ways for why I am proud to be a United Methodist in this moment and give thanks to God…” (Added 5-11-2024)

Split imminent in United Methodist Church” via Zimbabwe Situation. In his statement, the Zimbabwean bishop said homosexuality remained taboo in Christian culture. “Lifting the ban on homosexuality does not change our position as Zimbabwe Episcopal Area, that homosexuality is an abomination to us Africans, and as espoused in the Bible the infallible word of God…” (Added 5-11-2024)

Not a One Church Plan” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.net. A summary of protective measures for traditionalists included in The One Church Plan but not included by the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-11-2024)

Big, Earth-Shattering Moments From The United Methodist Church’s General Conference: The Inside Story” by Billy Hallowell via Christian Post. A podcast episode. (Added 5-11-2024)

Sifting Through Misinformation around the UMC General Conference – A Conversation w/ Tom Lambrecht” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “In this conversation, Rev. Lambrecht helps me to sift through the different things being said about changes in sexual morality, options for disaffiliation, and degrees of progressive takeover. He gave me a lot of clarity.” (Added 5-11-2024)

Weekly Livestream for May 10, 2024” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Discussion of recent events in Methodism from a traditionalist point of view. Includes information on legal warnings issued by the UMC against his livestream commentary of General Conference. (Added 5-11-2024)

Without Debate” by Julie Todd. [See also this same Post on the Love Prevails Facebook Page.] “Bishops thought they were doing good to mitigate harm by using procedural maneuvers to avoid charges and endless, expensive trials that brought bad public relations to their doorsteps. They were stewards of violent, managerial policies and processes and rationalized what they did in the best interest of the institution and themselves. Evasions. Obfuscations. Backroom deals. Their justifications were always political and never theological, because of course none of this was ever justifiable theologically.” (Added 5-11-2024)

A new day in the United Methodist Church” by David Taffet via Dallas Voice. “Although lesbians and gays had officially been banned from serving as clergy, enforcement of that ban varied from diocese to diocese. Joretta Marshall, for example, was ordained in the Methodist Church in Colorado and was out as she served as dean of Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth. And a number of other gays and lesbians already serving as ministers around the country, with at least two already elevated to bishop.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Creede Hinshaw: United Methodists’ ‘iceberg’ is melting under its hypocrisy” via Albany Herald. “Their new church is almost a carbon copy of the one they left, with the exception that departing churches own their property, a dubious change. Both old and new churches embrace the same historic Christian faith. Both use the same ritual of baptism and holy communion. Both know Jesus died for sin. Both know Mary was a virgin. Both have district superintendents and bishops. The churches could easily be mistaken for each other, except for their position on gay and lesbian Christians.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Imminent Breakaway In Methodist Church Over Votes To Accept LGBTQ People” via Independent Probe (Liberia). General news stitched together from various sources. (Added 5-10-2024)

UMCSC churches have process to discern their future” via South Carolina UM Conference. The South Carolina Conference’s process for local churches seeking separation from the UMC. (Added 5-10-2024)

UMCSC Trustees: Discerning the best use of God’s grace” via South Carolina UM Conference. “After 113 local churches in the South Carolina Conference separated from The United Methodist Church in 2023, the Trustees of the Annual Conference were entrusted with determining how best to use the seed that God has provided through the tithes of these departing congregations.” (Added 5-10-2024)

2024 Departure Option for Local Churches” via South Georgia UM Conference. The accompanying timeline gives a July 15 deadline for inquiries and and informal meeting with the DS must also be completed by this date. (Added 5-10-2024)

Overheard: A Texas Church unable to leave prior to the expiration of ¶2553 decided to pursue the “bolt and run” strategy that National Center for Life and Liberty laid out for them since the UMC Trust Clause is not enforceable in Texas. The conference threatened them with legal action but they left anyway. This week Bishop Saenz’ assistant met with the lay leadership of the church and told them that the conference would let them depart with all of their property if they would agree to pay one year of apportionments, and NOT join the Global Methodist Church. (Added 5-10-2024)

Episode 162: United Methodist Church Update” by John Stephens via Pod Have Mercy Podcast (YouTube). “Today we are joined by Rev. DeAndre Johnson and Pastor Lindsay Kirkpatrick to discuss some changes that are taking place in The United Methodist Church. John Stephens served as a delegate to the United Methodist Church’s General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. The two-week long process uses the first week to divide into 14 different legislative committees connected to every part of the Book of Discipline, UMC church law and polity.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Opinion: Methodists Keep Up With the Times: The UMC opts for the secular culture’s take on sex over traditional Christian orthodoxy” by Carl Trueman via Wall Street Journal. “That, however, was also the year the UMC adopted a policy that allowed congregations to leave the denomination with their property. Traditionalists did so in droves, with more than 7,000 American churches departing in the past five years, preparing the way for the progressives’ triumph.” (Added 5-10-2024)

General Conference Reflection: The room where it happened” by Denyse Barnes via Cal-Pac UM Conference. “As the elections for the chair commenced, I was blown away that the two people nominated were a black queer woman and a white man. Bishop Easterling was presiding and allowed questions from the seated committee members. It was very quickly exposed that the white man had assisted 133 churches to disaffiliate and also that he had in the past used conversion therapy on queer people. Not surprisingly he did not succeed with his nomination.” (Added 5-10-2024)

General Conference Recap” by Bishop Sharma Lewis via Mississippi Conference UMC (YouTube). Focus on discernment and discipleship, not disaffiliation. (Added 5-10-2024)

Room for Traditionalists?” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. “It is highly ironic that at the 2019 General Conference, traditionalists passed an exit path for progressive congregations who could not abide by the Traditional Plan – an exit path that the vast majority of progressive churches were unwilling to use. But in 2024, the “champions of tolerance and grace” refused to pass an exit path for traditionalists who could not abide by the decisions made by this General Conference – an exit path that traditionalist congregations are more than willing to use.” (Added 5-10-2024)

It is Time to Leave the United Methodist Church” by Jared Henry via blog. Nazarene pastor reflects on the actions of the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-10-2024)

Post by Stan Crosby via Facebook. A Northwest Texas Conference clergy withdraws his membership in the UMC following the actions of General Conference. (Added 5-10-2024)

The Years of Nagging Are Over!” by Gabriel Bamba Mususwa via UM Insight. A Zambia delegate writes in support of regionalization. (Added 5-10-2024)

‘I have come not to bring peace, but a sword’: Conflict and the Body of Christ” by David Watson via Substack. Written in light of Methodist divisions: “peace should be our default setting as Christians, but sometimes conflict is necessary.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Unification Plan for the Central, North, and Northwest Texas Conferences of the UMC. The Horizon Texas Conference: “In response to new realities, the mission of The United Methodist Church (UMC), to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, has ignited a vision of unity among United
Methodists of the Central Texas Conference (CTC), the North Texas Conference (NTC) and the
Northwest Texas Conference (NWTC).” (Added 5-10-2024)

Responding to the Decisions of the Recent General Conference” by Hughey Reynolds via blog. “…the forgone conclusion that a local church which holds conservative values should now leave the denomination because of the changes enacted by General Conference is a misguided emotional reaction.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Post by Mary John Dye via Facebook. A progressive clergy responds to Chris Ritter’s Info Sheet on Notable Changes that run counter to Traditional Methodism. (Added 5-10-2024)

Navigating the Paradox of Inclusion” by Bill Foster via UM Clergy Facebook Group. “The danger arises when the principle of inclusion is oversimplified or absolutized, detaching it from the broader context of Christian doctrine. An overemphasis on inclusivity can inadvertently lead to a new form of exclusion. For instance, the zealous pursuit of inclusiveness can sideline those who hold traditional interpretations or prioritize doctrinal fidelity. This results in the creation of an ‘in-group’ characterized by a perceived inclusivity and an ‘out-group’ of those who dissent, ironically fostering the very division the inclusive intent sought to eliminate.” (Added 5-10-2024)

‘There was palpable joy’: Lubbock United Methodist Church reacts to ban lifted on LGBTQ clergy” by Julianna Washburn via Everything Lubbock. “Nick Harpster, who is the public relations and advocacy coordinator for LubbbockPRIDE, said he hopes this change in LGBTQ inclusion when it comes to religion, can carry on to other denominations as well.” (Added 5-10-2024)

What next for Methodist churches after major change to LGBTQ+ stance?” by Jeff Keeling and Clarice Scheele via WJHL (TN). “I know there are some people that have indicated, ‘I can’t stay here anymore,’ and I understand that, I fully understand that,” Frye, who’s been a UMC pastor for 43 years, told News Channel 11 Wednesday as light poured through the windows of First Broad Street UMC. “I don’t like it, because I hate to see them leave.” (Added 5-10-2024)

Creeping Heresy in Methodism – A Conversation with Andrew V. Sullivan” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). “Andrew V. Sullivan is a PhD candidate in History, doing his dissertation on Wesleyanism, currently completing his program at Liberty University. A sixth-generation Texan, he aims to serve the Global Methodist Church in the academy, helping to train up a new generation of faithful Methodist clergy to spread scriptural holiness across the land. He is of exceptional knowledge in Methodist history and theology.” (Added 5-9-2024)

Approved language of Par. 425.1, Open Itinerancy” via Daily Christian Advocate Online. Annual conferences are now to train local church PPRC Committees to receive pastors regardless of sexual orientation. This was approved 606-91 at the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-9-2024)

GC Wrap-Up with Livestream” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC. A May 14 panel livestream will feature Bishop David Wilson and Great Plains delegation folks. (Added 5-9-2024)

Post by Mike Holly via Facebook (Brian Erickson’s post). A response to the “What Happened at General Conference” summary authored by Chris Ritter. (Added 5-9-2024)

Joe DiPaolo: What I Saw at General Conference” via PeopleNeedJesus.net. “I saw a denomination which has now fully embraced the progressive political vision of contemporary American society. As a result, it has sacrificed its identity as a colony of the kingdom of God which transcends the politics of any individual nation and undermined its ability to speak prophetically to all sides and factions in American society – or in any other.” (Added 5-9-2024)

The United Methodist Church Embraces Sin” via Voice of Reason Radio. “This week, Chris addresses the recent decision by the United Methodist Church to overturn the prohibition on ordained actively homosexual persons and why this matters to the church at large.” (Added 5-9-2024)

A Post Mortem on the UMC – A Conversation with Rob Renfroe of Good News” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “He knew that the long term agenda of evangelicals would lose, so he gave no resistance. His only purpose in attending was to support those remaining evangelicals who would otherwise be trapped, advocating for a way for them to exit. For that, he was maligned and insulted, even by a person or two speaking on the floor of plenary. I wanted to take some time to hear from Rob himself to ask about things that went on behind the scenes at General Conference, and to ask him about his plans for the future now that this chapter has closed.” (Added 5-9-2024)

UMC pastor: Church’s LGBT vote goes too far” by Will Davis via Monroe County Reporter (Macon, GA). “They have gone a little too far.” (Added 5-9-2024)

Draw The Circle Wide”—United Methodist Church Repeals Ban on Gay Clergy, Allows LGBTQ Weddings” by Elisha Goselin via World Religion News. “We get it, the United Methodist Church wants to be done with disaffiliation,” said the Rev. Rob Renfroe, president of the conservative advocacy group Good News. “They want to step into this new day. We do not want to keep them from that. But how can disaffiliation be over when it never began for the majority of United Methodists?” (Added 5-9-2024)

You Think You Know the Word of God. But What If It Changes | Opinion” by Paul Prather via Lexington Herald-Journal. [paywall] (Added 5-9-2024)

‘Very Liberating’: Local Methodists Exult in New Openness to LGBTQ Clergy, Members” via Lakeland Ledger (FL). [paywall] Bishop Berlin interviewed. (Added 5-9-2024)

Regionalization of the United Methodist Church” via World. “Some African churches want to restructure the denomination while others believe that sacrifices Biblical orthodoxy.” (Added 5-9-2024)

The United Methodist Church just held a historic vote in favor of LGBT inclusion. Here’s what that means for the organization’s future” by Sarah Maddox via CBS News. Boyette does not think regionalization will be helpful for the United Methodist Church. “I believe in the long run, there will be a decline in the membership of the United Methodist Church because of the decisions it has made,” he said. (Added 5-9-2024)

No, the UMC Isn’t Over; Quite the Opposite” by Mary John Dye via UM Insight. Response to WCA’s most recent article. (Added 5-9-2024)

A pastoral letter on the United Methodist Church General Conference” by Bishop Elizabeth Eaton via ELCA. “These significant actions and the UMC’s witness to the ecumenical vocation we share come as we celebrate 15 years of full communion. The ELCA rejoices and gives thanks to God for the opportunity to proclaim together, from this point forward, that Christian teaching is for all people and that the gifts of all are welcome and needed to serve Christ’s church.” (Added 5-9-2024)

WJ to keep 5 bishops, must transfer 2 from other jurisdictions” by Alyssa Fisher via Western Jurisdiction. “The report also answered a looming question of how the Western Jurisdiction would fill upcoming vacancies left by retiring Bishops Karen Oliveto and Minerva Carcaño. The approved recommendation of the committee is to move two bishops from other jurisdictions into the Western Jurisdiction.” (Added 5-9-2024)

Local leaders discuss Methodists’ changes to LGBTQ+ stance” via WJHL (TN). “This is the first of a two-day look at liberalizing changes to United Methodist Church (UMC) policy and positions surrounding human sexuality and LGBTQ+ issues that were approved at the church’s just-concluded General Conference. It features analysis and opinion from two Northeast Tennessee delegates and longtime UMC leaders — one theologically conservative and one theologically liberal, but both intent on remaining committed to the denomination.” (Added 5-8-2024)

UMC General Conference? Talk with Jordan Peterson?” by Daniel Hixon via YouTube. A former UM, now Anglican, offers a summary video of what happened at the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-9-2024)

Broken Legacy: United Methodist General Conference Explained” by Church History Short Stories via YouTube. 25-minute summary video: “From the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas to small churches like New Hope United Methodist, the United Methodists have undergone a dramatic shift. The UMC division and infighting, and the way it came about, can be hard to understand. The General Conference of the UMC has met and there is happiness, hurt feelings, and anger. This video describes the changes and the controversies.” (Added 5-9-2024)

Post by Adam Hamilton via Facebook. Tuesday Vespers video includes some reflections on General Conference, including Hamilton’s discomfort with how people were asked to introduce themselves at plenary sessions, and GMC critiques. Defends change in chargeable offenses. (Added 5-8-2024)

General Conference Debrief Information” via The Kentucky UM Conference. Summary document of legislative enactments of the General Conference, along with comments by Bishop Fairley. (Added 5-8-2024)

The Powerless Church” by Cal Thomas [no paywall on this one] via Townhall. “Marriage between a man and a woman IS compatible with Christian teaching. The majority of delegates should read and obey the Scriptures that John Wesley, the founder of their denomination, preached without compromise.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Filipino Provisional Annual Conferences Flourishing in the Global Methodist Church” by Walter Fenton via GMC. “Like all regions beyond the U.S., United Methodist local churches in the Philippines were not allowed to exercise a UM Church provision to disaffiliate from the denomination. Nevertheless, the Mega-Manila conference has eighteen local churches, ten mission churches, and it is currently reviewing the applications for three more. The largest church, St. John Methodist Church in Quezon City, averages over 150 in worship, while smaller congregations in outlying villages average around 40. The local churches in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates face some governmental restrictions when it comes to building churches; they tend to meet in homes or rent venues for church activities.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Investigative reporter says UMC’s sin-affirming road was paved with left-wing money” by Parrish Alford & Billy Davis via American Family News. “According to its own words, another target for the Arcus Foundation is the continent of Africa and African nations. The press release mentions Africa four times. Groups such as Reconciling Ministries Network, mentioned above, is also trying to “win over” religious leaders in Liberia. A group called Fellowship Global is working in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Progressive Ideology and the Downfall of Mainline Denominations” by Riley Case via Juicy Ecumenism. “Today it can be argued that Machen’s perspective was correct and his critics were wrong. It is not that “fundamentalism” (conservative Christianity) was dying and modernism was the wave of the future. It is rather that the Christianity represented by the modernist leaders of the mainline churches is dying and that evangelical and traditionalist Christianity, so spurned by the modernists of 100 years ago, is the best hope for the future of the faith.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Overheard: The new Par. 425.1 of the UMC Book of Discipline reads: “¶ 425.1. Responsibility—1. Clergy shall be appointed by the bishop, who is empowered to make and fix all appointments in the episcopal area of which the annual conference is a part. Appointments are to be made with consideration of the gifts and evidence of God’s grace of those appointed, to the needs, characteristics, and opportunities of congregations and institutions, and with faithfulness to the commitment to an open itineracy. Open itineracy means appointments are made without regard to race, ethnicity origin, gender, color, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or age, except for the provisions of mandatory retirement. Annual conferences shall, in their training of staff-parish relations committees, emphasize the open nature of itineracy and prepare congregations to receive the gifts and graces of appointed clergy without regard to race, ethnicity origin, gender, color, disability, marital status, economic condition, sexual orientation, or age. The concept of itineracy is important, and sensitive attention should be given in appointing clergy with physical challenges to responsibilities and duties that meet their gifts and graces. Through appointment-making, the connectional nature of the United Methodist system is made visible.” Per Petition 20315-HS-¶425.1-G (Added 5-8-2024)

United Methodism: How Conservative Won the Debate, but Lost the Denomination” by Jack Johnson via First Things. “First, the UMC is fast lurching to the left. Second, progressives didn’t take over the denomination by presenting a compelling vision so much as by simply ignoring the denomination’s democratic form of church law to such a degree that the denomination itself became ungovernable, leading to a mass exit of conservatives. Third, this “new” direction for the UMC came about not through “the work of God,” as many progressives argue, but rather because the pandemic allowed the UMC bureaucracy to strike a final blow against the democratic majority. Finally, Methodist/Wesleyan denominations around the world remain remarkably unified in defending traditional Christian teaching on human sexuality. Only the British Methodist Church (one of the few Wesleyan denominations declining more quickly than the UMC) has also significantly altered its church law regarding human sexuality.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Upholding Faith and Unity: The Case for Remaining United Methodist Amidst General Conference Decision to Amend the Book of Discipline” by Jefferson Knight via UM Insight. “Here in Africa, where cultural norms and legal frameworks often prohibit same-gender marriage, the approval of the ordination of gay pastors within the United Methodist Church poses a challenge to traditional beliefs and values. However, the passage of the regionalization petition offers a path forward that allows African United Methodists to maintain our faith and continue our ministry in accordance with biblical principles, cultural context, and national laws.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Episode 998: Methodists Change their Pronouns to was/were” via Relatable Podcast with Allie Beth. “Today, we discuss the United Methodist Church’s recent decision to allow the ordination of self-proclaimed homosexuals as well as same-sex “marriage.” The United Methodist Church has struggled with this issue for the past few years and even strengthened its position on traditional marriage in 2019. So, what changed?” (Added 5-8-2024)

‘The Storm is Passing Over’” by Andi Woodworth via Georgia Voice. “There will be more storms ahead. The United Methodist Church still has work to do to deconstruct our embedded racism and structural colonialism. We have much to repent of and to repair in our relationships with the LGBTQ community. If I am any example, squalls may come up, and tears will be shed as joy and grief pop up as we mark this moment. However, for United Methodists, it seems like something major has shifted. The storm of exclusion is passing over. Hallelujah!” (Added 5-8-2024)

Homosexuality neither sin nor heresy: UMC” by Choi Si-young via Korea Herald. ““The Bible says homosexuality is a sin and consecrating gay clergy amounts to heresy,” President Jung Seo-young of the Christian Council of Korea said in a statement Saturday, made in response to the UMC decision to lift its 40-year-old ban on ordaining gay clergy Wednesday…. “The UMC has never taught that homosexuality is a sin. Some individual United Methodists may have believed this, and that would be their right, but the denomination has never taught this,” the Rev. Taylor W Burton Edwards, a United Methodist Communications director, told The Korea Herald.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Uniting the United Methodist Church” by Barry Yeoman via The Assembly. “The church’s General Conference, which concluded last week in Charlotte, was the first test of whether the remaining members can forge a new path on same-sex marriage, lesbian and gay clergy, and international accord.” (Added 5-8-2024)

Next Generation Institutional Hope – A Conversation with Mark Tooley” by Jeffrey Rickman via PlainSpoken (YouTube). “In this conversation, Mark and I talk Wesleyan political theory and try to share an understanding of how contemporary institutions work. Mark explains his political framework of choice, Whiggery, alongside other models of more reactionary conservatism (which I generally adopt). It is a robust discourse, in which a final hope for the Global Methodist Church is offered. I hope this conversation is a blessing to you in the way that it was to me.” (Added 5-8-2024)

A Response to the Primates Meeting in Rome” via Gafcon (Anglican Communion). “The truth is that most of those who refused to attend are leaders of Gafcon and the Global South, and our absence was not accidental, but intentional. Though we do pray for the unity and health of the Anglican Communion, we chose not to attend because, as last year’s Kigali Statement made clear, the current divisions within the Anglican Communion are neither minimal nor new. These divisions have arisen from more than 25 years of “repeated departures from the authority of God’s Word” that, despite the persistent warnings given by the majority of Anglican Primates, have continued unabated.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Friends, we are not where we were!” by Bishop Frank Beard via Illinois Great Rivers UM Conference. “The dust has not settled, but it is clear and obvious that the United Methodist Church has changed. Some would argue that it has changed for the better, and others that it has changed for the worse. Your local church can and will make the decision on how the action of the General Conference affects your congregation….The IGRC will offer an opportunity for churches to enter a process for exercising a gracious exit. This process will be shared at the Annual Conference session in June 2024.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Overheard (Updated): Local reaction stories abound: See Dallas News, WBOY, The Chronicle, and Beaumont Enterprise, KEVN, Journal & Topics (Chicago Area), Oak Ridger. WCTV (FL). (Added 5-7-2024)

God breaking down walls: UMC ends ban on gay clergy, same-sex marriages” by Crystal Graham via Augusta Free Press. “The climate in the United Methodist Church is very different than the climate in 1972, the year I was born. Incidentally, that was the same year I was declared to be incompatible with Christian teaching,” she said. “This declaration was made one month before I was born.” Fretwell is what she calls “neuro-queer;” she grew up in New Hope, a small town in ruby-red Augusta County, a place that gay people often find unforgiving and cruel. (Added 5-7-2024)

After Vote to Repeal LGBTQ Bans, Many Gay Methodists Are Now Fully Out” by Yonat Shimron via Word & Way (RNS). “But for Daly, a 42-year-old gay man, the actions of his denomination carried personal symbolism, too. As the first same-sex married minister in the North Carolina Conference or region, he was freed of the heavy burden of having to negotiate his identity in a denomination that until last week officially sanctioned and censured people like him.” (Added 5-7-2024)

UMC Bishops To Promote Ratification of Regionalization Legislation” via UMC Council of Bishops. “The Council of Bishops has unanimously agreed to dedicate time, effort, and encouragement to promoting ratification across the connection and providing leadership to every annual conference. Constitutional amendments must be passed by two-thirds of the aggregate/combined votes of all annual conferences.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Tweet by Mark Tooley: “Good piece but conservatives “lost” denomination by 1920s. They continued as subculture until denomination no longer mattered & was in fact an albatross, prompting their recent largely successful exit.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Information Sheet: “What Happened at the General Conference of the UMC?: Version 2.2” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus (Four-page PDF). This version provides additional detail about the new category of “sexual orientation” added eleven times as a diversity category for the general boards, judicial council, the Connectional Table, and conference leadership bodies. (Added 5-7-2024)

Tweet Thread by Liam Adam: A religion reporter working for The Tennessean wraps up his coverage of the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-7-2024)

Methodists Gone Wide” by Gene Veith via Patheos. [paywall] “The United Methodists were willing to break their church for the cause of homosexuality…” (Added 5-7-2024)

Presbyterians’ Latest Sexuality Showdown Follows Methodists’ Historic Shift” by Richard Ostling via Religion Unplugged. “While that drama develops, the sexuality spotlight shifts to America’s Presbyterian Church (USA), which has already approved gay clergy and marriage but is heading into a different sexuality fuss that carries some risk of another church split…No doubt the hottest issue there will be proposed amendments to the Book of Order that affect remaining Presbyterians who oppose the new sexuality. The proposal comes from Olympia Presbytery in Washington State, with concurrences filed by regional presbyteries in six other states. One amendment would add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to the categories in which discrimination has “no place in the life of the Church.” (Added 5-7-2024)

‘Our Views on Marriage Remain Unchanged’: Methodist Church in Singapore Responds to Vote by America’s United Methodist Church” via Salt & Light. “MCS has been autonomous from the UMC since 1968. MCS has its own Book of Discipline which embodies and preserves its core Methodist beliefs, order and rules as exemplified by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Forty Years” by Cynthia Astle via Baptist News Global. “Greg Neal, my former pastor who’d been run out of the North Texas Conference because he dared marry his husband, Kade, drew me into a giant bear hug. We wept almost uncontrollably on one another’s shoulders, scarcely daring to believe that the words “self-avowed practicing homosexual” were no longer a bar to ordination.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Tweet by Chris Ritter: “Just to review: A ‘doctrine’ is something a church teaches. A ‘doctrinal standard’ is a measure to which those doctrines are to conform. Have a great day.” [UMC doctrine has changed. UMC doctrinal standards are nearly impossible to change.] (Added 5-7-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: “I’m grateful to serve a church where no one has sent me an angry email saying they are leaving The UMC because it has removed harmful anti-LGBTQ language from our polity. Not. A. Single. One. I realize my privilege 😢 My heart goes out to those with different responses.” (Added 5-7-2024)

Pastoral Response to UMC General Conference” by Daniel Humbert via Trietsch UMC. Pastor of a large church in Flower Mound Texas says church doctrine has not change and highlights local decision-making. (Added 5-7-2024)

UMC Makes Historic Shift: Reverses Gay Policies and Embarks on Worldwide Restructuring” by Ginny Baxter via BeliefNet. A round-up of General Conference actions, focusing on regionalization. (Added 5-7-2024)

Eight Reasons the Church Should Not Embrace LGBTQ-Affirming Theology” by Gary Stidham. “Last week, the UMC embraced a view of sexuality that is rejected by virtually all “majority-world” Christians in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It’s rejected by the persecuted church around the world and, actually, every church in history – from the time of the Apostles until fifty years ago after the Sexual Revolution. But the UMC’s new view of sexuality IS embraced by Hollywood, mainstream media, elite universities, and most major corporations. The UMC isn’t becoming more authentically Christian; it has become more worldly.” (Added 5-7-2024)

The United Methodist Church: A Celebration of Global Unity” commentary via Dallas News. [paywall] “With 11 million members in 60 countries representing our unity and diversity, the mission of the United Methodist Church transcends borders…” (Added 5-7-2024)

Churches React to UMC Homosexuality Position” via The Herald (Zimbabwe). The Council of Churches Founder thanks the Zimbabwean delegation for resisting.Bishop Moyo: “Whether I am paid, I would not accept that.” See also coverage here as ecumenical bodies in Zimbabwe reject the actions of the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-7-2024)

The United Methodist Church is No More” by Scott Field via WCA. “Last Friday (May 3), nearly two weeks after it began, the General Conference came to an end. So did the United Methodist Church itself…at least the UMC as we have known it. Some rejoice at a birth to be celebrated. Others grieve a death to be mourned. How about you?” (Added 5-7-2024)

The UMC General Conference: What Happened?” by Mark Tooley via Firebrand Magazine. “Progressives swept the table at General Conference, opposed only by Africans and a smattering of remaining U.S. traditionalists, with perhaps a few Filipinos and Europeans. One third of the delegate seats were supposed to have been African. But visa problems kept 25-30% of African delegates from attending.” (Added 5-7-2024)

United Methodist Church Formally Abandons Biblical Standards for Human Sexuality” via West Virginia WCA. Reprint of PNJ Summary, and links to two other summaries. (Added 5-6-2024)

Discussing The UMC General Conference & Plans Forward | With @plainspokenpod” via Method Ministries (YouTube). Interview with Jeffrey Rickman about the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-6-2024)

Requiem” by James Gibson. “The discipline of holiness of heart and life willfully cast aside for indulgence in homosexual hedonism. The preaching of Christ crucified callously rejected for “social justice” virtue signaling. A rich heritage of Christian hymnody gleefully trampled upon while dancing to the music of the O’Jays.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Full interview: Bishop Karen Oliveto” via Next9News (YouTube). “One of the largest Christian denominations in the country made history today led by United Methodists here in Colorado and the West. United Methodist Church delegates overwhelmingly voted to repeal the church’s ban on LGBTQ clergy.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Pastor looks to future after United Methodist Church revised its LGBTQ policies” by KSHB (Kansas) (YouTube). LGBTQ pastor interviewed. Lay leader, “This doesn’t mean we are happy about more people leaving the church.” (Added 5-6-2024)

African Methodists take a stand for biblical marriage after United Methodist Church adopts pro-LGBT measures” by Chris Enloe via The Blaze. “A group of African Methodists released a statement last week, taking a stand for orthodox Christian teaching on sexual ethics. The United Methodist Church joined ranks with other progressive American denominations last week when, at its general conference, the church reversed prohibitions on LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings, and rules against LGBT-practicing members.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Letter from America: We love the Methodists; Zimbabwe’s Bishop tells US General Conference!” By Ken Mufuka via News Day (Zimbabwe). “Methodist Bishops are funded from the General Episcopal Fund decided upon by the General Conference. Whereas African bishops receive each an emolument of US$88,888 each, their US counterparts receive US$180,900 each. Further African educational institutions are generously funded from the General Conference. The US saints, though now a minority in the Global United Methodist Church, bear by far over half the costs of the church. Oliveto’s heresies go beyond same sex marriage. If Oliveto and her cohorts have their way, in addition to same sex marriages.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Supporting LGBTQ+ Friends and Family as an Ally: Areas for active support of queer people in 2024, from religion to healthcare” by Nancy Freeborne via Psychology Today. “The United Methodist Church recently made a bold move that will likely break their larger organization into smaller units. In one group will be those who support LGBTQ+ church members and clergy, and in the other, those who actively oppose active gay people in the church or who subtly dismiss them. This large mainline Protestant church leadership voted to reverse a ban on practicing gay clergy, a welcome change for many who worship in the Methodist tradition.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Defiant rainbow warriors in UMC jubilant over a ‘fictional’ Jesus” by Parrish Alford via American Family News. “There were some holdouts still within the denomination but that, of course, is an overwhelming super-majority of people to abandon the biblical position on the issue,” Joseph Backholm told the Washington Watch program last Friday. (Added 5-6-2024)

Opinion: The Powerless Church” by Cal Thomas via The News Herald. On the UMC: A powerless church tells us what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear. (Added 5-6-20204)

Alumni Testimonials from Historic 2024 UMC General Conference” vis Boston University School of Theology. “As a historical United Methodist seminary, Boston University School of Theology has a strong contingent of alums — including Bishop LaTrelle Easterling (STH ‘04), Bishop Sally Dyck (STH ‘78, CAS 76), and Bishop Deborah Kiesey (STH ‘76) — who attend and participate in the General Conference, in addition to sending a group of students to the Conference on a travel seminar.” (Added 5-6-2024)

A New Home for Many Methodists” by Matthew White via The Stand (AFA). “Though initially opposed to it, Tooley now sees the GMC as a necessary and worthwhile endeavor.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Methodists remove anti-LGBTQ policies” by Brian Bromberger via Bay Area News (San Francisco). “Delegates also adopted a revised broader definition of marriage ‘as a sacred, lifelong covenant that brings two people of faith (adult man and adult woman of consenting age or two adult persons of consenting age) into a union of one another and into deeper relationship with God and the religious community.'” (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodist Church Repeals Biblical Rules on Homosexuality: A former lesbian’s perspective” by Janet Boynes via The Stream. “Unfortunately, the United Methodist Church as a whole has chosen to align with the deceptive theology that Jesus died so we can feel good about ourselves as we continue to live in sin.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Historic Changes at General Conference Lead to Emotional Service at Lafayette’s First United Methodist Church” by Todd Rossnagel via Louisiana UM Conference. Rev. Katrena King expressed dual sentiments: celebration of progress and lament of past pains. “We felt it was important for us to come together and worship, to pray and give thanks, to both celebrate the changes in our denomination and also lament the pain that preceded this change,” Rev. King stated.  (Added 5-6-2024)

An expert lays out the United Methodist Church’s journey to end its LGBTQ ban” by Diego Lopez and Arun Rath via All Things Considered (NPR). “GBH’s All Things Considered host Arun Rath spoke about this shift with Graham Kelder, who teaches religion, politics and law at Suffolk University, and who is a member of the Methodist Church himself.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Global Methodist speaker: More United Methodist churches will leave over LGBTQ ‘debacle’” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “Gene Floore, lay leader for the Alabama Emerald Coast Conference of the Global Methodist Church, predicted that the General Conference’s official change in policy would lead to a new wave of United Methodists leaving to join the Global Methodist Church, which has staked out a more conservative position on social issues.” (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodist Church” via Wikipedia. Article on the UMC updated to include outcomes from General Conference. (Added 5-6-2024)

4 ‘woke’ moments from UMC General Conference” via Christian Post. “From pronouns to diversity monitors, the following pages highlight four occurrences at the UMC General Conference that raised the eyebrows of critics, including the popular Twitter account Woke Preacher Clips. ” (Added 5-6-2024)

Overheard: Regarding the National Center for Life and Liberty litigation involving 38 local congregations against the Baltimore-Washington Conference (BWC) of the UMC, NCLL has filed a motion for disqualification in regards to the Honorable (Judge) Michael Malone who has been assigned the case. Per the motion, on April 23, 2024 during a Conference Status meeting, Judge Malone disclosed that he and family members are parishioners of a local UMC congregation within the BWC. (Added 5-6-2024)

Post by Mary John Dye via Facebook. Decries misinformation in a UMC/GMC comparison chart. (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodists took historic steps toward inclusion but ‘big tent’ work has just begun” by Liam Adams via USA Today (Yahoo! News). “It may take some time,” Texas pastor the Rev. John Stephens, a general conference delegate, said at a Thursday news conference, accompanied by a fellow delegate and three bishops. “I think the church is going to have to earn some trust.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Zim United Methodist clerics lose fight to block gay rights” via ZimNow (Zimbabwe). Forbes Matonga: ““This is for us a betrayal of The Gospel of Jesus Christ in favour of Western secular culture. The United Methodist Church is a Connectional Church, meaning one church found on four Continents. “So, what happens to one part of the body affects all. Our children are at risk of being introduced and being dragged into this heathen culture as they go and get educated in the United Methodist Universities and Colleges in the USA,” he said. (Added 5-6-2024)

African Church Elder Stands Firm Against Denomination’s Rewrite of Marriage, Holds Bible High and Declares ‘This Is the Word of God’” by Jack Davis via Western Journal. “Liberian delegate Rev. Jerry Kulah of the Africa Initiative said, Methodists are ‘willing to lose Africans and Africa to fulfill this progressive agenda.'” (Added 5-6-2024)

In lopsided vote, what remains of UMC hits bottom of slippery slope” by Steve Jordahl via AFA News. Sidebar: “UMC delegates lectured about rules of progressivism” (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodist Church Votes to Embrace LGBTQ Clergy and Same Sex Marriages in Historic Shift” by Sarah Johnson via Hoodline. “Fueling the long-awaited reform, approximately 25% of conservative UMC congregations broke away from the fold between 2019 and 2023—a move that significantly tilted the scales toward the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals in church operations. Jeff Koperski, a religious studies professor at SVSU, explained to ABC12, “This is going to be something that opens up the opportunity for gay weddings, gay clergy, and a whole bunch of other things.” (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodist Church’s change on same-sex marriage triggers discordant voices from Africa” by Obed Minchakpu via Christian Daily Africa. “The Mainstream UMC is responsible for pushing this satanic agenda in the United Methodist Church. Rev. Ande’s shift in position shows he cannot be trusted to remain faithful to the ethics and doctrines of the Christian faith. We should not be deceived, gay marriages will not be restricted in America alone, but will affect the global UMC congregations,” Absalom said. (Added 5-6-2024)

Tweet by Mark Tooley: “Always amazing when USA progressives insist African Christians don’t have their own strong views but are just manipulated by USA traditionalists.” [link to Mark Wingfield article] (Added 5-6-2024)

And also with the UMC: Where doctrine ends and culture begins” by Mark Wingfield via Baptist News Global. “This is not an African issue; it is an American issue. It is the same battle every Protestant denomination in America has fought in recent years. And it is a battle for strict orthodoxy to a certain way of reading the Bible often touted as biblical inerrancy. It allows no collaboration or compromise.” (Added 5-6-2024)

What the UMC Really Just Did” by James Emery White. “So in capitulating to culture, the UMC has not saved it’s future, but instead ensured its lack of one.” (Added 5-6-2024)

A Critique of General Conference Actions” via PDF. A thorough critique of the actions of the recent General Conference of the UMC from a traditionalist source. This includes links to legislation and offers detailed analysis on several points. (Added 5-6-2024)

PNJ Info Sheet: “What Happened at the United Methodist General Conference? Version 2.0” by Chris Ritter (PDF). This version corrects a statement that the funding ban (Pars. 806.9, 613.19) was not only eliminated, but reversed. Although the petition called for it to be reversed, the legislative committee removed this feature. I apologize for the error. The revised summary reads: “Annual conference and general church monies are no longer prohibited from being used to promote the acceptance of homosexuality. The General Commission on Archives and History has already announced the formation of a new “Center for LGBTQ+ United Methodist Heritage” using apportionment dollars.” (Added 5-6-2024)

United Methodists accept LGBTQ clergy a year after fallout at historic Shreveport church” by Brendan Heffernan via Shreveport Bossier City Advocate. “Downtown Shreveport’s First Methodist Church voted overwhelmingly to disaffiliate with the United Methodists last year and has since become one of a few dozen Ark-La-Tex churches to affiliate with the Global Methodists, according to the Trinity Provisional Annual Conference, the Global Methodist governing body over East Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas.” (Added 5-5-2024)

Methodists end anti-gay bans, closing 50 years of battles over sexuality for mainline Protestants” by Peter Smith via AP. “The reversals can be seen as marking the end of a half-century of epic battles and schisms over LGBTQ involvement — not only in the United Methodist Church but in U.S. mainline Protestant denominations overall. Those are the tall-steeple churches in myriad town squares and rural crossroads, traditionally “big-tent” and culturally mainstream congregations — some predating America’s independence.” (Added 5-6-2024)

Blessing for Queer Siblings and Allies – Lea Matthews” via St. Paul and St. Andrew (YouTube). “All harmful language against queer persons like the incompatibility clause or the reductive and hurtful definitions of queer identity as “self-avowed” or “practicing” have been removed from the Discipline. All oppressive or restrictive structures of exclusion directed towards queer persons like marriage bans, ordination bans, immorality charges, and wedding bans on church property, have been lifted from the Discipline. Hooray! Hallelujah! It was thrilling to be there, to witness justice being built back, one small piece at a time.” (Added 5-5-2024)

A Tale of a New Church” by Thomas Lambrecht via Good News. A summary of UMC General Conference actions. (Added 5-5-2024)

What Did You Expect?” by Lynn Malone. “I’m not one to say, “I told you so,” so I won’t tell you that what I expected to happen, happened. What happened? The United Methodist Church changed this week.” (Added 5-5-2024)

PNJ Info Sheet: “What Happened at the United Methodist General Conference? Version 1.7” by Chris Ritter (PDF). This version clarifies that divestment from Israel by church agencies is urged, not mandated. This version adds changes to Par. 304.2 (ordination standards) that leave room for single clergy to have consenting, monogamous sex. (Added 5-5-2024)

Overheard: Late in General Conference, ordination Standards were changed to allow sex outside of marriage. In 20173-FO-¶304.2-G, Ordination standards were changed as follows: “fidelity in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and growth in grace and in the knowledge and love of God social responsibility, and faithful sexual intimacy expressed through fidelity, monogamy, commitment, mutual affection and respect, careful and honest communication, mutual consent, and growth in grace and in the knowledge and love of God.” Monogamous sex outside of marriage is no longer expressly prohibited for single UMC clergy. The original petition recommended replacing “celibacy” with “chastity.” (Added 5-5-2024)

A Biblical-Theological Reflection on the Journey to Full-Inclusion in the UMC” by John Alexander Wright via Facebook. “Why has it been so hard for our disaffiliating siblings to see that they placed their trust in and loyalty to an outdated code, instead of “faith working through love”? That they confused loyalty to a previous era’s sexual ethic with loyalty to Christ (to quote H. Richard Niebuhr)?” (Added 5-5-2024)

A UMC Enroute to the New UMC” by Steve Harper via Facebook. “Doing this, being the Unreviling Methodist Church, we will indeed be enroute to becoming the United Methodist Church that was so courageously and joyfully envisioned and enacted the past two weeks.” (Added 5-5-2024)

UMCGC: What just happened? The 3Rs Legislative Summary” via Reconciling Ministries Network. A six-page General Conference legislative summary from RMN. (Added 5-5-2024)

The United Methodist Church is Finally Repenting of Its LGBTQ Discrimination” by John Pavlovitz. “As someone who served in the UMC for 17 years, nearly a decade of those in one of the 100 largest churches in the country—it’s about damn time!” (Added 5-5-2024)

Wrap-up Video: General Conference 2020” via Resource UMC. A 10-minute summary video. (Added 5-5-2024)

UMC Africa: Unity Statement: We Have Confidence in the UMC” by Ande Immanuel via Facebook. The head of Africa Voices for Unity argues that a statement put forth by Jerry Kulah does not reflect most Africans. (Added 5-5-2024)

The Regionalization of the Bible?” by Robert Hunt. “It would be interesting to know exactly where the idea of “regionalization of the Bible” came from, but a good guess is that it came from Good News Movement propaganda based on recent writings by Rob Renfroe and others.” (Added 5-5-2024)

What now?” by John Meunier. “Those of us who feel more loss than gain in the changes the UMC is undergoing will need to navigate our way a bit like aliens and exiles in a foreign land.” Find some friends. Figure out your theology. Follow Jesus Christ. (Added 5-5-2024)

Methodists-Uncertain Future” via North Virginia Daily (Associated Press). “When the United Methodist Church removed anti-LGBTQ language from its official rules in recent days, it marked the end of a half-century of debates over LGBTQ inclusion in mainline Protestant denominations. The moves sparked joy from progressive delegates, but the UMC faces many of the same challenges as Lutheran, Presbyterian and Episcopal denominations that took similar routes, from schisms to friction with international churches to the long-term aging and shrinking of their memberships.” (Added 5-5-2024)

A milestone reached in mainline Protestant churches’ decades-old disputes over LGBTQ inclusion” by The Associated Press. This timeline highlights key milestones and flashpoints within the UMC, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, United Church of Christ, as well as in civic life. (Added 5-5-2024)

‘A better church is possible:’ Methodists celebrate as the church embraces the LGBTQ” by Chelsea Bailey via CNN. “I’m trans and that means if I’m going to be honest with myself and authentic in how I show up in the world, I’m going to have to wade into not just my own congregation, but into my denomination,” Woodworth said. “I was really not sure how that would go.” (Added 5-5-2024)

Day 11: Final Day. We Did it!” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC. “So, take Bishop Sharma Lewis of Mississippi for example. She has refused to follow the abeyance and has continued to file charges against LGBTQ clergy and their allies in her conference. She was actually the presiding bishop on Wednesday when we approved the consent calendar ending chargeable offenses for clergy. (The irony was not lost on many.) She has drawn the ire of her own jurisdiction for her actions; there is no way she would be welcome in the much more progressive Western or Northeastern Jurisdictions. So, even bishops who could move might be hard to move.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Controversy erupts as United Methodist Church embraces homosexuality, Zimbabwean delegation fumes” by Cynthia Goba via My Zimbabwe News. “However, the Zimbabwean delegation, which was in the minority, said Western culture was eroding traditional church values and posed a risk to younger generations. Speaking from the US, one of the delegates Reverend Forbes Matonga said the decision passed was a betrayal to all Africans and the church at large.” (Added 5-5-2024)

Updated: “What Happened at the United Methodist General Conference?” by Chris Ritter via Team Caffeine (PDF). A summary of legislative actions by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church meeting in Charlotte. [This version includes the detail that the funding ban was not only removed, but reversed.] (Added 5-4-2024)

Overheard: The ban on UMC funds from being used to promote homosexuality was not just eliminated, but reversed. According to UMNS, the provision now says GCFA “should ensure that church funds do not go to anything that rejects LGBTQ people.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Methodists split and now made BIG changes this week (The Whole Story)” by Ready to Harvest (YouTube). Twenty-minute feature: “What happened in the 2024 General Conference of the United Methodist Church and what is coming?” (Added 5-4-2024)

What Happened at the United Methodist General Conference?” by Chris Ritter via Team Caffeine (PDF). A summary of legislative actions by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church meeting in Charlotte. (Added 5-4-2024)

GCAH announces new center for LGBTQ+ United Methodist Heritage” via Resource UMC. “Agency set to begin preserving Queer Methodist history” (Added 5-4-2024)

Duces, Charlotte!” by Amy Lippoldt via Substack. “The JC has a few more rulings to issue, including one decision requested by GP’s own David Livingston challenging the constitutionality of an amendment made by GPs Mark Holland allowing Jurisdictions to adapt the BOD. I have my money on David on this one, though I applaud Mark’s effort to make a safety net if the last step for regionalization fails.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Disaffiliation Resolution” via Holston Conference (UMC). “The Holston Conference Board of Trustees is honoring its commitment to seek a pathway to provide a fair and graceful means of disassociation for local churches within the parameters of what is permitted in the United Methodist Book of Discipline.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Overheard: The new Judicial Council Decision 1503 states that a local church Board of Trustees may approve policies “prohibiting the conduct of worship services that include same-sex marriage ceremonies.” The decision, however, is vague on the question of whether pastors are required to honor such policies. (Added 5-4-2024)

‘A step back in time’: America’s Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways” by Tim Sullivan via The Independent. “Across the U.S., the Catholic Church is undergoing an immense shift. Generations of Catholics who embraced the modernizing tide sparked in the 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives who believe the church has been twisted by change, with the promise of salvation replaced by casual indifference to doctrine.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Commentary: The Word is Love” by Cynthia Astle via UM Insight. Greg Neal, my former pastor who’d been run out of the North Texas Conference because he dared marry his husband, Kade, drew me into a giant bear hug. We wept almost uncontrollably on one another’s shoulders, scarcely daring to believe that the words “self-avowed practicing homosexual” were no longer a bar to ordination.  (Added 5-4-2024)

With a final flourish, United Methodist conference eliminates all anti-LGBTQ policies” by Yonat Shimron via RNS. “They also eliminated provisions that would have charged clergy with immorality if they were not “faithful in a heterosexual marriage” or “celibate in singleness.” Instead, delegates supported adding a requirement of integrity in all personal relationships.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Who Really Speaks for African United Methodists – ‘R’hetoric” by Stan Copeland via UM Insight. “I first question whether these men truly speak “for the majority of African delegates,” and I doubt that they speak for the majority of United Methodists even in their five annual conferences, especially when their sisters and brothers back home come to know the truth about what has actually happened at the General Conference for the greater good for all.” (Added 5-4-2024)

African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’” by Michael Gryboski via The Christian Post. “The United Methodist Church has changed the definition of marriage. It now defines marriage differently from what God created it to be in the beginning. It has changed the definition of marriage from how Jesus described it in Matthew 19 as one man and one woman.” (Added 5-4-2024)

African United Methodist Church disowns General Conference decision to recognise homosexuality” via The Zimbabwe Mail. “However, the Zimbabwean delegation, which was in the minority, said Western culture was eroding traditional church values and posed a risk to younger generations.” (Added 5-4-2024)

The feared split in the UMC did not occur. Instead, the delegates experienced a new willingness to unite in diversity.” by Klaus Ulrich Ruof via UMC in Germany. “The best General Conference ever.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Post via GMC Philippines. “To Our Remaining Traditionalist Friends in the UMC…” (Added 5-4-2024)

General Conference Legislative Recap” via Resource UMC. A five-page PDF-style document summarizing legislation passed at General Conference. (Added 5-4-2024)

Tweet by Ryan Burge: [chart showing 60% of UM’s voted republican in 2020] “I’ve only been watching clips here and there from the United Methodist meeting.I do watch the SBC’s annual a bit, as well. I’m always struck by how the people at those gatherings don’t reflect the laity that much…” (Added 5-4-2024)

Overheard: Bishop John Wesley Yohanna of Nigeria joined in a protest against the UMC’s change in the definition of marriage. UMNS: “He said after the protest that he is nearing the end of his episcopal term and wants to stay long enough to help bring reconciliation among United Methodist factions in Nigeria. He said he was still weighing whether he would eventually join another denomination. Yohanna predicted that the new language on marriage will come at a cost to United Methodism. “I’m very sure this will affect the membership of the church in Africa,” he said. (Added 5-4-2024)

Climate justice legislation fares well overall” by Sam Hodges and Neill Caldwell via UMNS. “General Conference delegates passed in bulk much of the legislation supported by United Methodist climate justice activists. An effort to require United Methodist institutions to divest of fossil fuel company stocks did not succeed.” (Added 5-4-2024)

GC delegates pass budget, reduce US bishops” by Heather Hahn via UMNS. “General Conference delegates passed a denominational budget that represents a 38% to 41% cut to the budget the 2016 General Conference passed. The ultimate bottom line is contingent on giving rates in 2025 and 2026.
Delegates also approved a plan for distributing 32 bishops across the U.S. — which represents a reduction from the 39 active bishops currently serving.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Is Separation Warranted? Wesley’s Catholic Spirit and the Question of Sexuality” by Matt O’Reilly via Theology Project. “I’m looking forward to participating in the Pro Ecclesia Conference coming up June 10-12 here in Birmingham.” (Added 5-4-2024)

The United Methodist Church is Destroying My Career – One Pastor’s Story” by Jason E.B. Smith via Substack. “Despite its insistence on progress, the denomination is mired in the binary thinking of the past and leaving destruction in its wake.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Tweet via @UMC_CommonSense: “As powerful as this week at #UMCGC has been, #Sunday is going to hurt for many #UMC congregations. Some will never come back to your #church. Some will be angry. You will lose members and support. Prepare yourself. Pray. Know that doing the right thing is never easy.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Wesley Biblical Seminary Statement on the UMC General Conference” via Facebook. “We are grieved, if not surprised, by the UMC General Conference’s decision to officially abandon the unchanging standards of the Bible for human sexuality. The denomination has turned its back on the historic teaching of Jesus and the Church, which is for the created goodness of male-female marriage and against all harmful practices of sexual immorality, including homosexuality.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Oklahomans waiting decades for change celebrate United Methodist vote on same-sex marriage” by Carla Hinton via The Oklahoman. “The United Methodist Church removed anti-LGBTQ+ language from the denomination’s Social Principles guide on Thursday and affirmed same-sex marriage with historic votes applauded by Oklahomans who have been waiting for such change for decades.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Panelists look beyond General Conference” by Kathy Gilbert via UMNS. “After historic decisions reversing The United Methodist Church’s longtime restrictions against LGBTQ members, church leaders see a denomination where everyone can belong, but they also acknowledge the hard work ahead.” (Added 5-4-2024)

Ep. 353: United Methodist Church Approves LGBTQ Clergy, Wayne Grudem Retires, Metaxas and Feucht Hit Manhattan” via Ministry Watch Podcast. See also “With Conservatives Gone, United Methodists Vote to Overturn Restrictions on LGBTQ Clergy” by Yonat Shimron (RNS). (Added 5-4-2024)

May 3 wrap-up: Historic conference comes to a close” by Joey Butler via UMNS. “It could be argued that this was the most consequential General Conference since the 1968 assembly that created The United Methodist Church.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Post by Stan Crosby via Facebook. “My church left me and the historic orthodoxy of John Wesley’s Methodism. They are the schismatics. They are the separatists, and I can no longer be a part of them and keep my vows before God. So today, I sadly begin the process of my official withdrawal from the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. To God be the glory. Fidelis ad Mortem.” (Added 5-4-2024)

United Methodist Church delegates make changes in favor of more LGBTQ acceptance” via WCNC News. Interview at Two Rivers UMC in Rock Island, Illinois. (Added 5-3-2024)

Bishops react to LGBTQ inclusion votes” by Sam Hodges via UMNS. “Some have celebrated the decisions. Others have stressed to their conferences the limits of the decisions, including that they don’t require clergy to officiate at same-sex weddings.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Conservative Methodists, Unite” by James Antle via Christianity Today. [PDF Here] “After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.” (Added 5-3-2024)

The United Methodist Church could emerge stronger after its vote to repeal a ban on LGBTQ+ clergy | PennLive Editorial” via Pennsylvania Patriot News. “But something even better could emerge from this turmoil. The new UMC could become a stronger body of believers united in their determination to reach more people with their message of Christianity’s universal love.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Judicial Council Decision 1503: “Nothing in ¶ 2533 of the 2016 Book of Discipline prevents the Board of Trustees of a local church from adopting policies prohibiting the conduct of worship services that include same-sex marriage ceremonies.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Delegates keep church court busy at assembly’s end” by Heather Hahn via UMNS. “In a General Conference that saw big changes regarding the church’s policies on LGBTQ people, the Judicial Council said church boards of trustees still could set policies prohibiting their church from hosting same-sex weddings.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Let’s Do More History” by Amy Lippoldt via Substack. “There was plenty of tension around the idea of allowing deacons to baptize and preside at communion. After a pretty short debate, the GC voted overwhelmingly in favor. The biggest argument I heard against it was a fear that young people who don’t want to itinerate (going where the bishop sends) will choose deacon over elder.” (Added 5-3-2024)

United Methodist General Conference Reflections with Rob Renfroe and Tom Lambrecht” by Andy Miller III via More to the Story Podcast (YouTube). “Here is my conversation with Rob Renfroe and Tom Lambrecht where we reflect on the 2024 UMC General Conference.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: “Okay, final petition clarified the readmission process for LGBTQ+ former clergy or clergy who officiated same-sex weddings and were exited. It passes 72%.” (Added 5-3-2024)

African Voices are Not Monolithic” by Ande Emmanuel via Mainstream UMC. “Within the context of Worldwide Regionalization as adopted by the General Conference, Africa will hold its definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is a great distortion of fact to give the impression that the United Methodist Church is enforcing every region of the church to accept same sex marriages. In fact, it was an African who suggested the language on marriage we adopted.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Callously Breaking Covenant: Reflections on UMC General Conference” by Sarah Stewart via Juicy Ecumenism. “It has been heartbreaking to be a United Methodist this week. Among the reasons for traditional Methodists to be angry at what has taken place at General Conference is the overturning of doctrine central to Methodist social witness.” (Added 5-3-2024)

The General Conference of the United Methodist Church – Mark Tooley, 5/2/24” via Issues Etc. Podcast. Interview about General Conference. (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: “Friends. Followers. The progressive and centrist coalition has achieved 100% of their Three R’s Goals: ☑️ Remove Harmful anti-LGBTQ+ language. ☑️ Regionalize our worldwide church ☑️ Revise the Social Principles. Congratulations to the groundwork of a new and vital #UMC.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Mark Tooley: [image] “United Methodism deletes clergy adultery as specific chargeable offense by 69% to 31%. #UMCGC” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by UMNS. “General Conference has approved a resolution asking that United Methodist institutions not buy government bonds from Israel and two other nations that have engaged in long-term military occupations. https://buff.ly/4blvAjY #UMCGC” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Liam Adams: “BREAKING: The UMC General Conference lifted a 28-year-old prohibition on United Methodist clergy and churches blessing same-sex unions, the last major decision by the assembly to remove longstanding anti-LGBTQ+ restrictions. #UMC #UMCGC” (Added 5-3-2024)

United Methodists Vote to Drop Gay Clergy Ban by Wide Margin: With exodus of conservatives from UMC, liberal agenda advances” via Decision Magazine. “Observers of a decades-long liberal drift in the UMC said they were not surprised by the overwhelming vote. Since 2019, there has been an exodus of nearly 8,000 congregations, most of which were theologically conservative and at odds with the denomination’s changing views on human sexuality.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Update #4 from the WCA from the General Conference – UMC General Conference: The African Message” via WCA. “Today (Friday, May 3) the UMC General Conference concludes. The dramatic shift signaled by decisions made here will take time to unpack. We’ll start some unpacking ourselves in next Tuesday’s WCA Outlook and in the upcoming WCA ALL CALL Zoom on May 23.  United Methodist News Service has a series of daily summaries for the past two weeks for those who are interested.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Reconciling Ministries Network. “Petition 20364 has passed! This strikes performing a same-sex wedding and being a “self-avowed and practicing homosexual” from the list of chargeable offenses. It goes into effect at the end of the conference this evening.” [image] (Added 5-3-2024)

A New UMC Has Begun” via UM Insight. “Grace upon grace, the like of which hasn’t been seen at a United Methodist General Conference since 1968, fell upon the Charlotte Convention Center as delegates created a new United Methodist Church during their April 23-May 3 assembly.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: Expressing frustration through sarcasm that the Western Jurisdiction will receive two existing bishops from other jurisdictions instead of being able to elect their own. (Added 5-3-2024)

Message by Bishop Frank Beard via Facebook (video). Appeal not to make any drastic decisions in light of General Conference actions. “The mission has not changed.” (Added 5-3-2024)

United Methodists end anti-LGBTQ policies” by Michelle Boorstein via Washington Post. “The United Methodist Church, one of the largest organized Christian groups in America, ended a slew of anti-LGBT policies this week, including a ban on gay clergy and on penalties for clergy who conduct same-sex marriages.” (Added 5-3-2024)

UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. “South Carolina Conference Bishop L. Jonathan Holston said that the vote will have a mixed reaction from the denomination, which has already experienced schism over the LGBT debate.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Marriage Decision Sparks Protest, Celebration” by Sam Hodges and Jim Patterson via UMNS. (Added 5-3-2024)

Overheard: Jeffrey Rickman’s livestream commentary videos have been removed from YouTube due to complaints filed. Through an attorney, the UMC has requested he not provide this live commentary. He will stream today on Facebook and Twitter. Here: “However, I woke up to see that the denomination has filed copyright claims against my content for the last week. I have written someone named Amy at Everhart Law Firm, who I guess the denomination used to file the claim.” See also: “Final Day of General Conference Proceedings
(Added 5-2-2024)

Day 10: Human Sexuality Still Front & Center” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC. “Regionalization hinges on agreeing not to agree. If this is the true ethos of the church, then regionalization has a real chance of being ratified. If this is not who we are, we are likely headed for a major divorce, like we recently witnessed in the United States. Those who call themselves “traditional” in the US needed to create distance to demonstrate their position. Africa may not feel the same.” (Added 5-3-2024)

General Conference 2024: Removal of Paragraph 304.3 from the Book of Discipline” by Bishop Ken Carter via Western NC Conference (YouTube). “It is important to note that this action does not compel any clergyperson or church to act against their conscience or understanding of their calling. United Methodist churches and clergy – progressive, moderate, and traditional – will have the freedom to respond to God’s call to ministry in the ways that are best for their contextual and missional communities.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Summary of UMCGC Plenary for May 2, 2024” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). (Added 5-3-2024)

Post via Good News Magazine (Facebook). Photo and text of African delegate statement on May 2, 2024). (Added 5-3-2024)

Agenda for Friday, May 3” via DCA (PDF). Agenda for the final day of GC. (Added 5-3-2024)

General Conference Daily Wrap-Up: May 2, 2024” via UM Videos (YouTube). A daily wrap-up video produced by the UMC. (Added 5-3-2024)

Late Morning Plenary: May 2 – General Conference 2020” via UM Videos (YouTube). See also Early Morning Plenary, Early Afternoon Plenary, and Late Afternoon Plenary. (Added 5-3-2024)


Local bishop says United Methodist vote to lift ban on LGBTQ clergy will help church heal” by Samantha Wildow via Dayton Daily News. “Many of the departing churches are joining the conservative Global Methodist Church, created last year. Other congregations have chosen to remain independent or join different denominations. Global Methodist Church doctrine states that human sexuality “is a gift of God” and should be exercised as “a loving and monogamous marriage between one man and one woman.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. Launched in 2022 as a conservative alternative to the UMC at a time when many churches were planning to leave the mainline Protestant denomination, the GMC issued a statement Wednesday stating that it “do[es] not have any affiliation with their decisions, nor do we wish to comment or provide commentary on the actions of other religious organizations.” (Added 5-3-2024)

Post by Andy Miller III via Facebook. Advertises a Facebook Live “Post General Conference Reflections” interview with Tom Lambrecht and Rob Renfroe on Friday, May 3 at 1:30 pm CT. (Added 5-3-2024)

Tweet via Shane Raynor: “Sad to see what laughingstock #UMCGC has turned into. They’ve rejected a traditional definition of marriage, endorsed gay & lesbian clergy, & declared that homosexuality is no longer incompatible with Christian teaching. Plus some anti-Semitism to boot.” [compilation video] (Added 5-2-2024)

Video by Tim Beardsley via Facebook. Video of Jerry Kulah reading a statement by African delegates. (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodist Church officially affirms gay marriage… what should we do?” via Redeemed Zoomer (YouTube). “The Traditionalists totally could have won.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Professor Calls Reconciling Ministries Network UMC’s Most Valuable Player” by Rebekah Miles via UM Insight. “Soon after I officiated at the wedding of our eldest, Anna, and our daughter-in-law, Abby in May 2022, I began what turned out to be a brutal just resolution and judicial process. When I realized that the process was not going well and was advised to get legal help, I called RMN. When my bishop kept changing the terms of the agreement, and, then, insisted he would sign our agreement only if I gave up my vote at Jurisdictional Conference, I texted my friends at RMN.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Get out of silos and break down walls, bishop says” by Gladys Mangiduyos via UMNS. “Quoting Luke 4:18-19, Estrella noted that the missionary movement continues in United Methodist churches around the world, amid controversies, conflicts, schisms and disaffiliations.” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodist Church Drops LGBTQ Clergy Ban” by James Lasher via Charisma News. “This was not the only measure passed that was accepting of non-biblical sexuality at the conference. On Tuesday, the delegates removed the ability of regional superintendents to punish officiation or hosting of same-sex weddings. Clergy cannot be punished for refusing to to perform or host such events either, but let’s just see how long that remains in the denomination.” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodists Vote to Allow Gay Clergy as Thousands of Congregations Leave Church” by Zach Kessel via National Review. “While the United Methodist Church had been the third-largest Christian denomination in the U.S., the consistent decline in its membership may accelerate after Wednesday’s votes.” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodists, winnowed by conservative exodus, embrace LGBTQ inclusivity” via Washington Times. “In a statement, the African leaders said, ‘We do not accept a change in the definition of marriage, and we will never accept marriage as anything other than one man and one woman. … We are devastated now to be part of a denomination that officially contradicts the Bible’s teaching on marriage and sexual morality.'” (Added 5-2-2024)

Korean United Methodists commit to support missionaries” by Thomas Kim via UMNS. “We don’t know what difficulties will come to Korean churches after this General Conference,” said the Rev. Chongho James Kim, pastor of Flushing First United Methodist Church in New York. (Added 5-2-2024)

New Sprout. New Life.” by Erik Alsgaard via UM Insight. “Bishop Karen Oliveto, episcopal leader of the Mountain Sky Conference, preached during a morning worship service, becoming the first openly gay bishop to preach at a worship service during General Conference. New sprout. New life.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by Liam Adams: “WOW — today’s business ends which means tomorrow is going to be WILD. In addition to all the budget-related decisions, there are 25 outstanding calendar items, 16 of which require action. That includes those two LGBTQ+ inclusion-related petitions. #UMC #UMCGC” (Added 5-2-2024)

Statement by African Delegations via Twitter. A statement from a majority of African delegates states they will not accept the new definition of marriage. “We return to African with important decisions to make.” See on Facebook here. (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by UMNS. “Odell Horne, @ConnectNGUMC, requests a declaratory decision from the Judicial Council to determine constitutionality of Paragraph 543.7 as amended by Petition #21040. Chair calls for adoption of motion (1/5 required to affirm). Vote result: 238 (39.73%) YES | 361 NO – motion passes #UMCGC” (Added 5-2-2024)

Letter by Bishop Graves Regarding the Removal of Restrictive Language via Alabama-West Florida Conference (UMC). I am aware that a monumental decision such as today’s will bring much discussion. Because of this we moved previously scheduled meetings over the course of May to a Zoom on May 7th. More information may be found here. Please make plans to attend where we can discuss this and other General Conference matters in further detail. (Added 5-2-2024)

Thursday, May 2 UMC General Conference Afternoon Plenary (Commentary)” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). live watch of GC2020 of the UMC with traditionalist commentary. (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet Thread by Liam Adams: “Following major legislative defeats this week, I sat down with leaders of traditionalist groups — Rob Renfroe, Tom Lambrecht and Scott Field — for breakfast to ask about their view on the shift in #UMC politics that we’re seeing. #UMCGC” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by UMNS: Nimia Peralta, Northwest Philippines Conference, says that the Bible cannot be regionalized. (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet via UMNS: [Video] Jerry Kulah’s floor speech against an amendment that would provide two alternative definitions of marriage. (Added 5-2-2024)

Overheard: The Revised Social Principles have been adopted by GC2020(UMC) removing the language that that practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. (Added 5-2-2024)

WCA Outlook General Conference Update # 3: MainstreamUMC signals imminent shutdown.” by Scott Field via WCA. “It is widely reported that the UMC General Conference is removing all restrictions related to homosexuality, approving a broad LGBTQIA+ agenda, and moving far beyond the provisions in the original One Church Plan that attempted to make room for progressives and traditionalists coexisting in one denomination. The legislation being approved during the current General Conference makes it abundantly clear that, as Bishop Bickerton said in his opening address, traditionalists that can’t get with the NewUMC agenda should leave.” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodist Church delegates vote to end anti-LGBTQ policies after decades” by Jeff Chamer via Charlotte Observer. (Added 5-2-2024)

Day 9: Mainstream UMC Agenda (almost) Complete” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC. “It is difficult to describe the spirit here. It is a remarkable mix of joy, exhaustion, and disbelief. “Can you believe it?” has been uttered during every tearful hug. It reminds me of when the Berlin Wall fell when I was in college. There was not a big war, or a final attack, the whole premise of separation just collapsed on top of itself.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Well, that didn’t take long: The United Methodists quickly abandon Biblical Christianity” by Albert Mohler via World. “By a vote of 692 to 51, and without a word of formal debate, the United Methodist General Conference voted to overturn the church’s historic discipline and doctrine on homosexuality. Yesterday’s vote took place in Charlotte, N.C., but the impact will be felt worldwide.” (Added 5-2-2024)

GCORR Equity Monitoring Report No. 9” via DCA: “This is one of the ideas in cognitive dissonance. The other is our desire is to maintain a vibrant and genuine relationship among regions worldwide. The 93% affirmation is clear and required votes from all across the worldwide conferences present. Yet, we do not know yet how the decision to remove the language will be received in some Central Conferences and Annual Conferences when delegates and bishops return home.” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodists Strike Ban on LGBTQ Clergy” by Yonat Shimron via Christianity Today. A RNS repost by CT. (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodist Church votes to divest bonds of Israel and other occupier governments” via Kairos Response. In the first such divestment action by a major Christian denomination, the church has called on all its investment managers to avoid “the governmental debt of each such country until the time when each government ends their military occupation.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: “The General Commission on Archives and History (@UMCHistory) just announced they are seeking to create a Center for LGBTQ+ United Methodist Heritage to collect Queer Methodist history and stories. This is made possible thanks to the lifting of the funding ban. (Added 5-2-2024)

Daily Briefing: Thursday, May 2, 2024” by Albert Mohler. Southern Baptist Leader: “A Denominational Surrender: United Methodist Church Reverses LGBTQ Doctrine and Policy” Women pastors are a slippery slope. (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet via UMNS. Liberian delegate: “A question has been raised from the floor regarding the purpose of using pronouns [and other identifiers] when people introduce themselves. Dawn Wiggins-Hare responds. #UMCGC” (Added 5-2-2024)

Overheard: Following a decision Tuesday to remove the so-called funding ban, the UMC General Commission on Archives and History will open a new center for LGBTQ+ United Methodist history and heritage. Source (Added 6-2-2024)

UMC live updates: United Methodists face votes on social principles, same-sex unions” by Liam Adams via The Tennessean. “If the two key petitions before the delegates on Thursday succeed, it solidifies a shift from traditionalist-dominated legislative action at the UMC General Conference to a more influential progressive-and-centrist coalition.” (Added 5-2-2024)

May 1 wrap-up: Gay clergy ban lifted, new retirement plan approved” by Joey Butler via UMNS. “Additional petitions were passed that overturned other longstanding rules prohibiting clergy from officiating same-sex weddings or churches from hosting them. Another vote ended the policy thousands of churches had used to leave the denomination, but created a pathway for churches wishing to return.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Delegates applaud language change, regionalization” by David Burke via Great Plains Conference. “It’s really exciting that we’ve got the pieces in place for a more inclusive church, and we can recognize the gifts of all of our clergy,” said Hodgkinson, associate conference lay leader. “I hope we can finish the work and get to an inclusive church.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet via @RedeemedZoomer: Project Reconquista Head: “Welp the United Methodists officially sealed their liberal fate. This only happened because the COWARDLY GLOBAL METHODIST CONSERVATIVES RAN AWAY!!! THIS COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!” (Added 5-2-2024)

United Methodists overwhelmingly vote to repeal longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy” via CBS News. “Past General Conferences of the United Methodist Church had steadily reinforced the ban and related penalties amid debate and protests, but many of the conservatives who had previously upheld the ban have left the denomination in recent years, and this General Conference has moved in a solidly progressive direction.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Daily Christian Advocate – May 2, 2024” via Resource UMC. Daily publication for delegates with legislation, etc. (Added 5-2-2024)

LIVE: Thursday, May 2 UM General Conference Morning Plenary (Coverage & Commentary)” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Live watch of General Conference with a traditionalist commentary. (Added 5-2-2024)

Disaffiliation ends, regionalization moves forward” by Heather Hahn via UMNS. “General Conference delegates voted to delete the church disaffiliation policy from the Book of Discipline. They required annual conferences to set a reaffiliation policy for churches that want to return. They also passed the last of the regionalization petitions.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by Sojourners: “BREAKING NEWS: The United Methodist Church has adopted new language to its social principles, affirming the “right to legal abortion” and denouncing state bans.” [Article] (Added 5-2-2024)

Removal of LGBTQ ban comes too late for some” by Jim Patterson via UMNS. “I’m deeply troubled, because the church has deviated from the faith,” said the Rev. Jerry Kulah, a Liberia Conference delegate and coordinator of the traditionalist Africa Initiative, in an interview away from the courtyard celebration. “I’m going to deeply reflect and determine how long I can bear with this.” (Added 5-2-2024)

Tweet by Taylor Burton Edwards. “I do not deny this puts many US UMC pastors in difficult places. But how should #UMCGC represent UM congregations vs. UM people given the distribution discrepancy (90% of US UMs do not attend small churches!) #AskTheUMC” (Added 5-2-2024)

North Texans react to United Methodist Church vote lifting ban on LGBTQ clergy” via Dallas Morning News. ““Several of the queer clergy were sitting together, and when we saw the [vote] got passed, most of us just burst out crying,” she said. “We’ve been waiting our entire careers for this to happen.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Formula for calculating number of bishops eliminated” by Jessica Brodie via UMNS. “Established that if a jurisdiction wants more than five bishops, the jurisdiction, not the denomination, will pay for those additional bishop costs…” (Added 5-1-2024)

Post by Adam Hamilton via Facebook. Video update celebrating the removal of prohibitions on LGBTQIA+ clergy. (Added 5-1-2024)

UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate” by Michael Gryboski via Christian Post. “Although efforts to change the rules at the General Conference have failed in past years, many theological liberal leaders within the UMC have ignored the rules and allowed individuals who were in same-sex relationships to be ordained or even promoted to bishop.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Message from Bishop Wallace-Padgett: General Conference (Day 9)” via North Alabama Conference. “Pastors will have the right to choose what weddings to perform. Local church Boards of Trustees will have the right to determine which weddings to host. Persons are not prohibited from ordination due to being in a same-gender relationship. The Conference Board of Ordained Ministries and District Committees on Ministry will continue to have authority to recruit, examine, confirm the calling of and discern the qualifications of those to be credentialed into licensed and ordained ministry. The Bishop and Cabinet will continue to use careful and prayerful consultation in the appointment process, with the goal of clergy/church matches that result in effective ministry.” (Added 5-1-2024)

United Methodist General Conference repeals bans on same-sex marriage, ordaining openly LGBTQ clergy” by Greg Garrison via AL.com. “In previous General Conferences since 1972, African United Methodist churches had repeatedly joined U.S. conservatives to keep the bans on same-sex marriage and gay clergy ordinations, but liberal U.S. conferences have largely ignored those rules since the 2016 election of Bishop Karen Oliveto as the first openly lesbian bishop in the denomination.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Letter by Bishop David Wilson via Great Plains Conference. “These votes offer us a tremendous opportunity as the church to live up to our standards for social justice. I, for one, am excited about the possibilities for ministry that we can do together as we focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Post via Global Methodist Church (Facebook). Clarifying the GMC is not affiliated with the UMC and committing to be in ministry in the name of Jesus Christ. (Added 5-1-2024)

Updated: “Not a One Church Plan” by Chris Ritter via Team Caffeine (People Need Jesus). The emerging legislation from General Conference is absent the protections offered to traditionalists under the most famous unity proposal. [Correction: One modest protection did pass today: “Add to ¶340.2(a)(3)(a) No clergy at any time may be required to provide for or compelled to perform, or prohibited from performing any marriage, union or blessing . All clergy have the right to exercise and preserve their conscience when requested to perform any marriage, union, or blessing.” (Added 5-1-2024)

New clergy retirement plan approved” by Sam Hodges via UMNS. “Leaders of Wespath, the denomination’s pension and benefits agency, said a change was necessary due to financial challenges facing a denomination that has steadily shrunk for decades.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Update: “Critique of Week One of the Postponed 2020 General Conference of the UMC” via PDF. Updated and expanded from an earlier version: An anonymous critique of the actions of the legislative committees at General Conference, from a traditionalist perspective. (Added 5-1-2024)

United Methodist conference begins to drop contentious rules restricting LGBTQ clergy” via Yonat Shimron via RNS. “Among the items that fell away Tuesday were a ban on bishops ordaining LGBTQ candidates for ministry, and a series of mandatory minimum penalties for clergy who officiate same-sex weddings. Both items were adopted by the General Conference in 2019 under the so-called Traditional Plan that solidified restrictive policies on homosexuality. Another ban, on funding for LGBTQ affinity groups or ministries, is much older. It too was eliminated.” (Added 5-1-2024)

United Methodist Church Reverses Ban on Gay Clergy” via New York Times. (Added 5-1-2024)

A Pastor’s Letter to a Church Member Who is Tempted by Abortion” by Paul Stallsworth via Human Life Review. “Rev. Stallsworth is an elder in the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. Retired from pastoral ministry, he leads the Taskforce of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality and edits its newsletter Lifewatch (which concerns Christ and His Church, life and abortion, and marriage and sexuality).” (Added 5-1-2024)

Why United Methodists’ historic vote means so much to gay Christians like me” Commentary by Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons via MSNBC. “This monumental embrace of the dignity of LGBTQ people will be the most impactful move by any Christian denomination to change its policies in recent years. The United Methodist Church is the largest mainline Protestant denomination in the country, with 5,424,043 members and 29,746 active churches as of 2022.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Money Talks” by Amy Lippoldt via SubStack. “I’ve been collecting General-Conference-isms, things I’ve overheard that could only be said here and in some way encapsulate the weirdness of this meeting.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Tweet by Jeremy Smith: “Celebration of the removal of harmful language from our book of polity in The United Methodist Church. Hymns, Prayers, Testimonies in small groups, benediction. “We have more work to do. Legislation doesn’t equal change in behavior.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Tweet by Bishop Karen Oliveto: “We who were nurtured in United Methodism’s theology of God’s generous grace can now bring our full selves as we respond to the Holy Spirit’s call into ordained ministry. May we be judged on the fruits of our ministry, not on our sexual orientation or gender identity. #UMCGC” (Added 5-1-2024)

United Methodists repeal longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy” by Perter Smith via Associated Press. “Delegates voted 692-51 at their General Conference — the first such legislative gathering in five years. That overwhelming margin contrasts sharply with the decades of controversy around the issue. Past General Conferences of the United Methodist Church had steadily reinforced the ban and related penalties amid debate and protests, but many of the conservatives who had previously upheld the ban have left the denomination in recent years, and this General Conference has moved in a solidly progressive direction.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Tweet by Liam Adams: “Right now in the convention hall, an emotional celebration for the LGBTQ+ inclusion-related petitions approved this morning. Delegates and observers tearing up as the group sings, drawing a growing crowd to watch and join in. #UMC #UMCGC” (Added 5-1-2024)

40-year ban on gay clergy struck down” by Heather Hahn via UMNS. “In an emotional morning, General Conference eliminated the ban on “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy. Following the vote at break, delegates and observers sang hymns in joy. General Conferences continues to quietly reverse some of The United Methodist Church’s longtime restrictions against LGBTQ members. More potential changes are to come.” (Added 5-1-2024)

UPDATED: The Fifty-Year Fight over Scripture & Sexuality in the #UMC (1972-2022)” by Chris Ritter via PeopleNeedJesus.net. Repost of a primer on the long fight over human sexuality that is currently flipping in the UMC. (Added 5-1-2024)

Day 8: The Elephant in the Room” by Mark Holland via Mainstream UMC. “Today we ended the LGBTQ funding ban! Finally. It was on the consent calendar and passed without a peep… At General Conference 2016 in Portland, there was a petition encouraging the UMC to take steps to stop suicide among LGBTQ youth. These youth have a suicide rate as much as 5 times higher than other youth. The petition failed in committee because we could not fund the mythical “gay agenda.” That defeat rocked that conference. Honestly, if our church is not preventing teen suicide, what the hell are we here for?” (Added 5-1-2024)

LIVE: Wednesday, May 1 UM General Conference Morning Plenary (Coverage & Commentary)” by Jeffrey Rickman via Plainspoken (YouTube). Traditionalist live watch of the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-1-2024)

Methodists move to undo LGBTQ restrictions, embrace liberalized views on sexual practices” by Mark Kellner via Washington Times. “The financial, clerical, and marriage restrictions were enhanced at a special legislative meeting held in 2019. The vote on how funds are used relative to LGBTQ issues is a first step toward overturning those policies.” (Added 5-1-2024)

Overheard: The key legislation for LGBTQIA+ acceptance will come before the plenary in Consent Calendar A05. This piece of the Simple Plan omits the following long-contended language: ¶ 304.3. While persons set apart by the Church for ordained ministry are subject to all the frailties of the human condition and the pressures of society, they are required to maintain the highest standards of holy living in the world. The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church. It also Amends the footnote 1 to ¶ 304.3 as follows:1.“Self-avowed practicing homosexual” is understood to mean that a person openly acknowledges to a bishop, district superintendent, district committee of ordained ministry, Board of Ordained Ministry, or clergy session that the person is a practicing homosexual; or is living in a same-sex marriage, domestic partnership or civil union, or is a person who publicly states she or he is a practicing homosexual. See Judicial Council Decisions 702, 708, 722, 725, 764, 844, 984, 1020, 1341. This change goes into effect immediately at the close of General Conference 2020. (Added 5-1-2024)

Agenda for May 1, 2024” via DCA, Resource UMC (PDF). (Added 5-1-2024)

A new day arrives: Witnessing the work of the Holy Spirit at General Conference” by Woojae Im via Minnesota Conference. “The postponed 2020 General Conference in 2024 finally paves a way forward towards contextualized ministry, unity in diversity, removal of harmful language towards the LGBTQI community, and the revision of our Social Principles.” (Added 5-1-2024)

UMC General Conference removes much of LGBTQ restrictions in consensus vote” by Cynthia Astle via Baptist News Global. Meredith said the removal of LGBTQ restrictions works in tandem with the approval of worldwide regionalization to become “a generous acceptance.” (Added 5-1-2024)

UMC live updates: United Methodists face contentious LGBTQ+ rights, disaffiliation debates” by Liam Adams via The Tennessean. “The most high-profile of those proposals facing the UMC General Conference in Charlotte deal with LGBTQ+ rights and likely an expired policy allowing United Methodist churches to leave the denomination, also known as disaffiliation.” (Added 5-1-2024)

May 1 Daily Christian Advocate (English)” via PDF. Daily publication for delegates of the UMC General Conference with legislation, reports, etc. (Added 5-1-2024)

Repost: Livestream Link for the UMC General Conference. (Added 5-1-2024)

Video by Adam Hamilton via Facebook. A Tuesday Vespers update from General Conference in Charlotte. (Added 5-1-2024)

See Also: January-April 2024, September-December 2023, June-August 2023, March-May 2023, Nov 2022-Feb 2023, Aug-Oct 2022, May-July 2022, Jan-April 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, or earlier.